[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/MouTqPS.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent]Ashür flicks the dark crimson off his blade and moves away hence, with a hawk-eye toward the gate, his allies had broken in and put down the bulk of the rebel forces, [i]'No doubt that idiot Siris is going to charge ahead. . .'[/i] He mired, gazing on to the [i]majestic[/i] Salador's master. The bandit moves forth beside them, gripping hold of the hem of the camel's saddle. "Quartermaster, I need not fall behind, those young fools are lost without me." He calls over the lull in battle.[/indent][/indent] [center][sup]ASHUR moves to 28-15[/sup][/center]