[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/TMocGqd.png[/img][/center] Iddin smirks a bit as he sees Lyun fighting in the distance. Well, the plan didn't exactly go as intended... but it didn't exactly [i]not[/i] go as intended. The priest manages to neutralize his expression by the time he finishes reaching the middle of the band. His glass whistles, screaming with the priests' dash, announce his presence next to Lyun. Iddin gets to work immediately, guiding his staff over Lyun's wounds as dust fills in to the cacophony of wind. He is cautious during the procedure, making it less painful than usual. Well, the burning glass turned to flesh is still painful. Just less. [b]Iddin: [/b][i]Zuzu grants his blessing to the righteous who ask! Let his power be seen, for no living man is too damaged to be made whole by grace. The dust will be taken in by wounds and not mouths. In the glass god's presence, death is but whispers on the wind! Blood, bend to his vision![/i] The priest finishes his ritual and makes one comment before catching his breath. [b]Iddin: [/b][i]I am glad to see you alongside and not against.[/i] [center][sub][i]Iddin moves 6 tiles to 18-21 and casts Heal on Lyun. Lyun gains 16 VIT (22/22). Iddin gains 29 EXP and 1 Theurgy, losing 1 Heal durability.[/i][/sub][/center]