Triarian Update The EA and Equestrian rapid expansion has not gone unnoticed. The Triarii themselves don't have the man power to expand at such a rate... but they have their minds. A plan is quickly drawn up. Small groups of Corruptelae Insectum are to be dropped onto the planets, and allowed to reproduce at their exponential rate, allowing the Collective to infest the worlds and have secured them for future exploitation. This is quickly put into action. A single Triarian vessel would appear in system with a world, and a single dropship would be launched down to the planet. They would contain around 20 Corruptelae Insectum and an Argutus who would be using his Psionic powers to control them. The Corruptelae Insectum would then begin breeding using any surviving wild life, allowing them to lay claim to the planet. The Triarian in control prevents the metamorphis of a Corruptelae Insectum into a Queen by using his Psionic powers to impersonate a Queen. The Triarian can then perform research into the Draconian tech through using the Corruptelae Insectum, and some of it is secured for off world transport, after which an ONUS class transport would come and be loaded up before withdrawing it to a secure research facility Using these methods, the Triarian Collective is able to quickly claim world after world The result? Infestation. Entire worlds stripped barren as the Corruptelae Insectum use it to create more and more of themselves, leaving the technology untouched and available for Argutus exploitation.