[center][h1][b][color=E6E6FA]Eliana, The Cosmic Gypsy[/color] [i]And[/i] [color=00A36C]Kiyome, The Draconic Protector[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [center][hider=The Cosmic Gypsy Stats] [h3][center][color=E6E6FA][b]Eliana[/b][/color][/center][/h3] [center]Age: 16 | Gender: Female | Cosmic Average | Third Eye | Horror (Thos) Disguise Artifact, Enhanced Weapon, Interdimensional Tourist, Absolute Direction, Ally, Awareness, Watcher Reasonable, Minions, Mana Font, Retrieval, Transportation | Insomnia, Quick Tempered, Health Sapping, Fearsome Reputation STR: 03 | AGI: 03 | VIT: 04 | MAG: 04 | LCK: 03 STR: 3 | AGI: 3 | VIT: 6 | MAG: 20 | LCK: 9 Coins: None[/center] [/hider] [hider=Draconic Protector Stats] [h3][center][color=00A36C][b]Kiyome[/b][/color][/center][/h3] [center]Age: 16 | Gender: Female | Time, Space Underdeveloped | Focused Assault, Regeneration | Horror (Thos) Precognition, Monstrous Metamorphosis, Big Damn Hero, Enhanced Weapon, Immortality Reasonable, Marked, Mana Font, Minions, Retrieval, Magical Overload | Insomnia, Quick Tempered, Health Sapping, Fearsome Reputation, Monstrous Form Thick Skin, Second Specialization (Oddball: Space)| Hoarder, Broken Reincarnation STR: 3 | AGI: 2 | VIT: 3 | MAG: 4 | LCK: 3 STR: 6 | AGI: 2 | VIT: 16 | MAG: 12 | LCK: 6 Coins: None[/center] [/hider][/center] [hr] The injured swordswoman would look over as even more new arrivals rushed in, a car of sorts seemingly swinging in out of the blue and stopping before its passengers would likewise disembark from it. The mark of her patron would seemingly grumble inside of her in their presence, indicating something about them that wasn't rather compatible with herself or her Patron. But having felt this sort of thing before, she could tell it was likely forces of The Beacon and their 'Spark'. Spark. Just a marked magical girl of a different sort, bound to an organization. However, this feeling seemed a bit more than the rest. Hmm. It didn't matter for the time being, really, since they seemed here to help in some capacity. Hopefully at least help in regards to her mistress' goal of trying to help innocent civilians out of this place. Once those were gone they could escape, or at least try to with some of these others to increase their chances potentially. Whatever worked in the end that was best for herself and her mistress really. In turn she could see some of what they were made of, even without the greater senses of her mistress. One of their number clearly had the Duplication power, another was some blue-haired girl, a busty maid in some ridiculous outfit, and then some black-haired girl in a fancy dress who seemed to address her and the others there. [quote=???][color=olive]"We're here to help get the civilians out of here."[/color][/quote] Help get the civilians out? Perfect. The civilians would no longer be their problem if these people got their butts in gear, and that would make the situation of escape that much easier to manage. Not to mention- [quote=??? (Designation: "That Horrible Noise, Please Make It Stop")][color=deeppink]“Like, thankie wankies for the helpy welpy, mister wister Aurelio Welio~! (giggle!)”[/color][/quote] ...oh no. They had an idiot with them. No, that was no person. That was a magical noise maker made for torture purposes. A living torture device, which was cruel even by Beacon standards, from the dragon woman's point of view. But even so this one seemed to be an at least 'useful' living audio torture device for keeping the civilians better contained by putting them to sleep. Didn't make her feel better, though, as she reflexively winced at the grating of MDP's voice in her ears. But no, it was no time for complaints. This one was an ally. It was time to get out of there once the civilians were gone, lest she'd have to drag her mistress out kicking and-...yeah. No that wasn't going to happen for a number of reasons. Further, professionality was something she would maintain in this case, but if she got trapped on a car ride with this particular magical torture device-person she would not be happy. She knew that much instinctively. Even so she would very quietly mumble under her breath. [color=00A36C][i]"Your timing is impeccably classic, the 'good old last second', yet is so horribly overdone it is incomprehensibly mediocre. I'd rate your civilian evacuation service about one or two stars on Glimmr if it were not for the horrendous ear-scratching noise made by that little-."[/i][/color] A prompt 'bap' would land on her head as her mistress next to her gently chopped her head with one hand. The sour yet somewhat understanding look on Eliana's face told all, and the swordswoman would let out a small sigh before looking again to the newcomers and keeping her mouth shut. Even professionals had a time wherein they could get annoyed a bit too much. And between her frustrations at the situation, the magical noise machine of torture's voice, injuries keeping her from doing more (to her own increased frustration), and wanting to ensure the minimum of her mistress' safe escape in a rapidly-deteriorating situation it did not all put her in the best of moods. A slightly sour mood, really, but not enough to break her professional and disciplined appearance/expression. This time she spoke properly aloud to Eliana. [color=00A36C]"Apologies Mistress. Yet once the civilians have been evacuated we must look to our own exit from this situation. The robot monster girl out there fighting still invited us to join the general escape effort, but in the case things deteriorate too quickly I would advise letting me displace us out of town as an emergency measure."[/color] One thing would potentially be made clear to the Beacon arrivals, however, and that was the fact Kiyome was 'Marked'. The taint of a horror lingering upon her, the touch of it that was palpable to others and both sent lesser monsters into flight. Like a signal flare of the magical sort, it marked her as someone who had contracted with a Horror of some sort. Not that she seemed to pay any mind to it all herself. [hr] [color=E6E6FA]"We will join the others as they escape as well then, and help get the other defenders out of here as well. This will help both of us to best leave here as well, I believe. I likewise do not wish to push you too far with your magic either, not when you are as injured as you are right now..."[/color] Eliana pursued her lips as she spoke to her sometimes worryingly-loyal companion, before looking up at the new arrivals herself. It was certainty a small weight off of her shoulders to not have to deal with the civilians anymore, them falling back asleep this time, and she would get rid of the smaller barrier she'd made that had been being used to help contain them inside the shelter. Likewise as the vehicle the newcomers had arrived in approached, she'd let them pass through to the inside of her grand protective barrier as well. Albeit she was still putting her efforts into the barrier as she had been already, forming more layers inside of it and augmenting its strength consistently and at a steady rate. Eliana then looked over to Alicia and spoke, a slight tiredness in her voice as she addressed the Seraph with a genuinely happy (if not somewhat relieved) smile. [color=E6E6FA]"Thank you for coming! I will maintain my barrier until the civilians are gone at least, but I pray the enemy's main force does not get here soon."[/color] Then another voice would pop up soon afterward, this time addressing the Paladin Seraph and general Beacon people in turn. [color=00A36C]"I will assist how little I can to move them, mostly relying on these two minions with me for it as I keep watch over my mistress here."[/color] Out of the corner of Eliana's eyes, she could see Kiyome let herself sit on the ground as the two horror minions with her dropped their taken items (more of the dragon's 'trophies' of a sort the magical gypsy wagered) before bent sent off to help carefully and swiftly move civilians to the transporter alongside the new arrivals. She didn't argue against it, but she did hope the new arrivals would not be adverse to it either. Maybe. On sight alone she could tell they were members of The Beacon with her magical senses, due to the Spark within them, not to mention the Beacon emblem on their vehicle and clothing that was more than indicative of their allegiance. But it did confirm they were probably here to help as the black-haired girl in a dress had told them, rather than imposters seeking to grab up innocent people in the heat of all this. Even so, the spark in these ones seemed stranger than usual. Brighter. Hotter. Yet even so it felt peculiar to look at even on a glance...but she'd save thoughts on it all for later. Truth be told she was just glad to see more help arrive. [@Ariamis][@Majoras End][@Card Captor][@Flamelord][@Ponn] [hr] [hr] [center][h1][color=6A5ACD]Serenity Gates[/color][/h1] [hider=Serenity Header] [h3][center][color=6A5ACD][b]Serenity[/b][/color][/center][/h3] [center]Age: 16 | Gender: Female | Time Overdeveloped | Tentacles | Beacon (The Beacon) Dual Weapon, Sorcery, Environmental Sealing, Patron Interference, Oujou-sama Perfect Life, Shinespark, Mystic Might | Vow of Humanity, Excommunication STR: 3 | AGI: 3 | VIT: 4 | MAG: 4 | LCK: 3 STR: 5 | AGI: 10 | VIT: 9 | MAG: 23 | LCK: 7 Coins: 2 silver[/center] [/hider][/center] [hr] As soon as the vehicle stopped, Serenity jumped out as quickly as she could and would begin to cast a basic speed-augmenting time magic buff on each of her allies and also on herself. Albeit she would not apply one to each of Aurelio's clones, but he had numbers to work with at least. She would then walk over to Hyun and put a hand on her shoulder, looking into her eyes and giving an understanding nod. [color=6A5ACD]"We've got this."[/color] It was more a response to the reaction she'd seen out of Hyun back in the vehicle, but all the same it was an attempt to reassure her ally as the mobile teleporters was set up. Because all of this? To her this was nothing compared to what she'd seen, done, and saw before to be honest. A tiny fragment of nothing in comparison to far greater horrors she could recollect with a terrible ease. And yet at the same time as a human being it was a horrible and terrible thing indeed, as well as humbling, and was an injustice that ate away at her heart and fueled the anger simply to look upon. In that sense perspective was truly something...even more special since her rebirth and reincarnation. It was also something she was working on, and hoped to work on, as she lived her new life. One day, one trial, one thing at a time. Meanwhile, she had a job to do for the time being. Once Oliver and Aurelio would get the teleporter up and running, she would start going out to move civilians alongside Alicia to try to get them to the teleporter as best as she could. Anything to as safely and swiftly get the civilians to safety as she could alongside the others. Yet as she dropped off a civilian, and turned to bring back another sleeping one from the shelter, she would briefly stop in her tracks. Or rather, she would stop on a dime and visibly freeze. [quote=???][color=00A36C]"I will assist how little I can to move them, mostly relying on these two minions with me for it as I keep watch over my mistress here."[/color][/quote] ...The voice explained it, at least, but seeing horror minions trying to safely pull unconscious civilians over to the teleporter was not what had caused her to freeze up on the spot for a moment. Rather, it was something else entirely that caused her to act as she did. A familiar thrum of energy, or rather a presence, lingered in the area of the shelter. Its source? The one who had sent the two minions, a swordswoman who seemed unable to stand on her own next to the other somewhat gypsy-like girl who seemed to be maintaining the very barrier protecting the shelter. And sure they were protecting civilians, but at the same time the presence Serenity felt was nothing alien to her. Not alien to her at all, in fact being incredibly familiar to her past self's memories to the point she could tell who it was without thinking about it. ...And that was the problem. She forced her body to move, even as the feeling of being a deer in the headlights screamed inside of her brain, before finally getting back into the groove of working to move the civilian bodies. Yet now? Now a cold sweat was covering her skin, running down the back of her outfit even. Likewise a chill felt like it lingered right above the back of her neck, tickling the hairs on her skin and only a moment away from sending mighty shivers down her spine. To those who knew her, such as Alicia and Aurelio, it would potentially be easier to notice. Even so- -[b][color=crimson]IT[/color][/b] was here, or rather its agents were. [b][color=crimson][i]That THING[/i][/color][/b] that she'd hoped to never encounter ever again for the rest of her eternity even more than she dreaded ever running into the rest of her former self again. A being that even the Inquisition, or Soth peeking into the mortal plane again, could not strike more fear into her in comparison to. [center][h3][b][color=crimson][i]Thos! THOS! [u]THOS!!![/u][/i][/color][/b][/h3][/center] The being that existed in eternal and most bitter enmity with that which spewed it forth from its own nothingness, even by the standards of Greater Horrors. That which sought to consume all things and bring all into one. The being which sought for all existence to grow, bloat, sag, rot, and decay so long as it grew and grew and grew forever. That which would devour and consume any traces of its hated foe, or destroy them, on sight without so much as a singular pause or moment of consideration to regard the situation or consequences of it. Thos. A being whom, for lack of a better word in the mortal tongue, one of the two 'children' of Soth. And they were the only ones, as well as being very well-known at the very least, [b][i]for very good reasons[/i][/b]. She was going to die. He was going to find her and kill her. Wonderland? Who needed to worry about their tanks and guns and weapons and mindless soldiers when...when... [center][color=crimson]...[b]HE WAS HERE AND HE WAS GOING TO FIND HER AND KILL HER[/b][/color][/center] The Beacon maid paused for just a brief moment again as the panic tried to peak. Breathe. In and out. In and out. Good. No, she had to focus on the work. Control herself. Just for this mission, and she'd be away from it. Just focus on the work in front of her. Yes. Carefully but speedily carry the civilian over. Put them down on the teleporter or next to it as her comrades wished for her to. Rinse. Repeat. Rinse. Repeat. Do this until all the civilians had been sent over. She was controlling herself. One step, one thing at a time. Focus. Help her friends, the only ones she had in this world. Yes. She could do this. She had to. [@Ariamis][@Shifter_Master][@Flamelord]