Drake continued with his daily tasks, dealing with the hundreds of annoying, whiny and overall weak citizens of Talgot, cursing the nobles with each clink and pencil mark. He noticed the Harold run out of an alleyway in a hurry, later followed by the lady from earlier. He watched her from the corner of his eye, and noticed her going back towards the alley behind his stand. [i]So that’s who she was[/i] he thought, a smirk spreading over his visor-covered face, [i]maybe next time it’ll be me doing the interrogation.[/i] --- Immediately before sunrise, Flake arrived at the Sweeper’s hall. The place was filled with statues, suits of armor, town banners, and plenty of other superfluous decorations. Torches lit every square foot of the huge room, and tables were set at both walls, excluding the entrance and the far end. It was more-or-less empty, with the exception of a few bounty hunters and desk workers, but the noise was still exceptionally loud due to the acoustics of the place. At the far end was a long table where the Sweeper sat during his shift. Of course, at this point in the day, the Sweeper was still sleeping. Flake grinned in excitement and quickly sprinted over to the bulletin board near the first table. On the board were a few assassination requests from townsfolk, missing persons, pets and possessions, and other such random requests which, of course, only the strongest of all the men in the world could possibly handle. Flake eyed the papers, then quickly ran over to one of the staff members. He chatted for a few mintues, gathering details about the continuation of town politics, then sprinted out of the hall with a blank expression. Immediately after slamming through the doorway of the Sweeper’s hall, Flake long-jumped over the railing of the long stairway leading up to the hall’s entrance and landed in a roll on top of a building’s roof. From there, he began to run, jump, grapple and climb like a madman, catching the gaze of a few city-goers who weren’t yet used to his activity. An hour or so later, Flake hopped off a clothes line, smiling innocently back at an angry lady as she threw random objects at him. “What part of privacy don’t you understand!” she screamed, invoking an innocent chuckle from him. “My pardon, I was merely transversing the city and your clothes happened to be in the way,” he replied, bowing low as he dropped from the balcony which the clothes line was attached to. The lady screamed once again, this time in terror, as she watched the gentleman fall, however, he disappeared as the wind blew a shirt into her line of sight. As the sun rose, the trouble-making bounty hunter finally arrived at his destination. Peeking out from behind a chimney, Flake stared down at the west central shopping district, eyeing each face, on the search for his target. He was panting from exhaustion, having ran, jumped, climbed, and hit the ground an immeasurable amount over the past few hours. Once he finally spotted her, the new lady in town, he darted out from behind the chimney and leaped down to a balcony, beginning his descent towards the alley. It took a minute, but he managed to safely return to ground level, and hid behind a trash can. He adjusted his ears to see if anyone had seen him, and, to his shock, people were talking and looking in his general direction. He frowned, annoyed at his misfortunate discovery, but was reassured as the people started to renounce their beliefs in his presence. After another few minutes, Flake had finally caught his breath, so he looked back out to see his target, flushed bright red, talking to Drake with a single coin in her hand. Flake felt sorry for Drake, because he himself could only barely hold back laughter at the sight. Of course, he eventually heard Drake’s roaring laughter, but Flake was honestly surprised at how much he fought to keep from laughing. As Flake adjusted to watch where his target was leaving, he noticed something a few feet away. There was a chestplate, some leggings, and other armor and clothes pieces. The bounty hunter recognized a few, so he closed in on the objects in a single, low-profile sprint, and slid casually next to the objects. He could tell, just by seeing them up close, that they belonged to Raine, so he decided to wait there instead of pursuing her. After trying to fit on few pieces of armor, he decided that she was quite a few sizes too small and gave up his silly sub-quest. It didn’t take long before he noticed Drake’s head turn slightly and footsteps approach his position. Flake quickly darted up into the balcony above the trash can, then watched eagerly as Raine walked through the alley. [i]I haven’t practiced ventriloquism yet this month, maybe now’s my chance[/i] Flake thought, watching her slowly draw her dagger. Drake turned his attention forward, but he started standing up at his tax stand, clearly suspicious. Flake adjusted into a prone position on the balcony, watching Raine with a heavily squinted eye from between the posts in the railing, and listened as she spoke. “I don’t know who you are but you better make yourself visible in the next ten seconds or we’re going to have a problem here,” Raine said, her voice laced with guile and venom. Flake tossed a tiny pebble towards a far trash can, then adjusted his voice forwards and towards the wall(to make it sound like it was coming from the shopping district) as he said, “I thought I gave you a warning, miss,” matching Drake’s voice as best he could. He couldn’t get the same muffled sound the visor made, but the walls echoed the sound enough to disguise this fact. Drake heard his voice and, in confusion, quickly turned around. He then saw the lady with her dagger out and quickly began to march towards her. The clanking of heavy metal on the cobbled ground was loud enough to disguise the remaining echo from Flake’s ventriloquism. [i]Whoever’s doing that is getting a massive beating,[/i] Drake thought. He slowly walked towards the lady, searching for the ventriloquist as he moved. Flake then moved towards the other side of the balcony and cupped his hand over his mouth, adjusting his voice away from the wall and downwards slightly(so it would appear to come from the back wall) and, in a crackly and menacing voice, he declared, “Ya’ should’ve listened, cuz’ now yer’ ours, missy.” He then voiced a cruel laugh in the same direction, and went silent, turning back to his first position to watch Raine. [i]Needs some work, but this area is perfect,[/i] he thought, watching the people react. A loose rock from Flake’s descent from the roof found its way loose from a higher balcony above, and then began to fall. It reached the ground rather quickly, slamming into a piece of metal, resulting in a footstep-like sound. Flake couldn’t have planned it better. He watched with anticipation as his drunk guard friend and his renegade assassin friend scanned the place, a wide smile covering his face.