[h3]Secondary Character[/h3][colour=40E0D0][center][h2][colour=FF3131]Ashon'amar'loiyang[/colour][/h2][img]https://i.imgur.com/6tR6Ggd.png[/img] “the Seventh Immortal Son of the Thundering Universe, or Jamboi for short.” [b][colour=FF3131]19[/colour] | [colour=FF3131]Male[/colour] | [colour=FF3131]Yasoi[/colour] | [colour=FF3131]Hypari[/colour] | [colour=FF3131]Mundane[/colour] | [colour=FF3131]RAS: 8.53 (196 manas)[/colour] | [colour=FF3131]Timewalker[/colour][/b] | [url=https://youtu.be/vGJabkY6U2U]♫[/url][/center][/colour] [hider=Ashon (Basic)][colour=40E0D0][h3][u][colour=white]P E R S O N A L[/colour] [/u][/h3][indent]❖ [ [colour=white][b]Pronouns[/b][/colour] ] - [colour=FF3131]He / Him.[/colour] ❖ [ [colour=white][b]Honorifics:[/b][/colour] ] - [colour=FF3131]Biro[/colour] ❖ [ [colour=white][b]Nicknames:[/b][/colour] ] - [colour=FF3131]“Jamboi”, "The Monkey King", “The Emperor of Jade”.[/colour] ❖ [ [colour=white][b]Titles:[/b][/colour] ] - [colour=FF3131]none[/colour] ❖ [ [colour=white][b]Relationship Status:[/b][/colour] ] - [colour=FF3131]Dating: Penny Pellegrin[/colour] ❖ [ [colour=white][b]Character Alignment[/b][/colour] ] - [colour=FF3131]Chaotic Good[/colour] ❖ [ [colour=white][b]Brief Introduction:[/b][/colour] ] [/indent][colour=FF3131]Ashon was a born adventurer, with a natural talent for movement and agility. From a young age, he would leap from balconies and swing through the city, relishing the feeling of the wind in his hair and the thrill of defying death. As the seventh son of his lineage in a family steeped in Yasoi superstition, he was labeled as troublemaking and destined for little success in life. But Ashon embraced this role with a devil-may-care attitude, earning himself the nickname "Jamboi" amongst his peers. With a wanderlust that couldn't be tamed, Ashon traveled from place to place, indulging in his passions for poetry, mischief, sparring, and women. He saw himself as an irresistible ladies' man, a gift from Sipenta to the world. Authority figures held little appeal for him, and he viewed them with suspicion, considering them greedy tyrants with selfish ambitions. Though he usually stood back from trouble not of his own making, he could be merciless towards those who wronged him. Ashon was quick to become infatuated with people and things, relishing the chase and the challenge of pursuing and conquering the improbable. He reveled in the illusion of mystery and suspense, enjoying the game of "Catch-me-if-you-can" with those who tried to get to know him. His sharp eyes and lips were always pulled up in a smile, though his expression changed quickly based on his emotions. His red hair appeared unnaturally bright, thanks to chemical magic, but the turquoise pools of his eyes were all-natural. He used make-up to enhance his features, often wearing eyeliner and lip-gloss. His clothing was loud and vibrant, and he displayed an ever-changing array of tattoos on his body. [/colour] [h3][u][colour=white]C H A R A C T E R A P P E A R A N C E[/colour] [/u][/h3][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/omLlASL.png[/img][/center] [indent]❖ [ [colour=white][b]Eyes:[/b][/colour] ] - [colour=FF3131]Jade Green.[/colour] ❖ [ [colour=white][b]Hair:[/b][/colour] ] - [colour=FF3131]Bright Red.[/colour] ❖ [ [colour=white][b]Skin Tone:[/b][/colour] ] - [colour=FF3131]Fitzpatrick type II.[/colour] ❖ [ [colour=white][b]Height:[/b][/colour] ] - [colour=FF3131]7ft / 213cm.[/colour] ❖ [ [colour=white][b]Weight:[/b][/colour] ] - [colour=FF3131]249lb / 113kg.[/colour] ❖ [ [colour=white][b]Physique:[/b][/colour] ] - [colour=FF3131]Athletic. Toned.[/colour] ❖ [ [colour=white][b]Facial Features:[/b][/colour] ] - [colour=FF3131]Eyeliner, Make-up[/colour] ❖ [ [colour=white][b]Physical Quirks:[/b][/colour] ] - [colour=FF3131]Yasoi.[/colour] ❖ [ [colour=white][b]Distinctive Features:[/b][/colour] ] - [colour=FF3131]Coated in Jade coloured Henna.[/colour] ❖ [ [colour=white][b]Apparel & Accessories:[/b][/colour] ] -[/indent] [colour=FF3131]Often wearing clothing from his native Hypari. He has on occasion worn human clothing, but this doesn’t tend to fit him due to size differences.[/colour] [h3][colour=white][b]O T H E R[/b][/colour][/h3] [colour=white][b]Languages:[/b][/colour][hider=Languages]❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Yasoi (Hyparian)[/b][/colour] ] – Mother tongue. ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Avincian[/b][/colour] ] – Lingua franca, fluent & literate. ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Zaqhory Languages[/b][/colour] ] [indent]❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]General[/b][/colour] ] – Exposed. ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Paggonese[/b][/colour] - Conversational.[/indent] ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Severan Languages[/b][/colour] ] [indent]❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]General[/b][/colour] ] – Exposed.[/indent] ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Constantian Languages[/b][/colour] ] [indent]❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]General[/b][/colour] ] – Conversational. ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Perrench[/b][/colour] ] – Literate (Trained) ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Kerreman[/b][/colour] ] – Literate. (Raised) ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Revidian[/b][/colour] ] – Conversational.[/indent] ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Rettanese Languages[/b][/colour] ] ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Callanasti Languages[/b][/colour] ] ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Yasoi Languages[/b][/colour] ] [indent]❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]General[/b][/colour] ] – Fluent. ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Hyparian[/b][/colour] ] – Native. ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Mycormish[/b][/colour] ] – Literate. ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Tarlonese[/b][/colour] ] – Literate.[/indent] ❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Non-Human Languages[/b][/colour] ] [indent]❖ [ [colour=FFFFFF][b]Hegelan[/b][/colour] ] – Exposed. (Trade)[/indent][/hider] [colour=white][b]Classes:[/b][/colour][hider=Classes][u]First Year - First Semester[/u] AR102: Dramatic Performance in Tragedy, Satire, Epic & Comedy. SK102: Making Camp, Foraging, Hunting & Travel in Remote Areas. SK104: Athletics, Agility, Physical Fitness & Sporying Activities. AC105: Fundaments of Astrology & Divination in Magical Practice. [u]First Year - Second Semester[/u] SK101: Etiquette, Decorum & Forms of Address in Polite Society. AC102: Fundaments of the Natural Sciences and their Uses in Magical Acts. AC103: Fundametals of Geography & Cartography in Magical Practice. LN102: Introduction to Literature, Rhetoric & the Written Word in Perrench. [u][b]Second Year[/b][/u] [u]First Semester[/u] MF205A-D: Kinetic Magic MF207B: Temporal Magic AR202A: The Thespian's Craft in Tragedy and Epic Performance SK202B: Big Game Hunting AC203A: Cartography AR204B-C: Sketching & Drafting AC205A: Augury & Divination SK205B: Metalworking SI05: The Chosen Creed SI09: Courting & Romance [u]Second Semester[/u] MF204I-L: Chemical Magic MF207D: Temporal Magic AR208A: The Thespian's Craft in Comedy and Satirical Performance AC208D: An Introduction to Physics. SK210A-C: Finance & Accounts AC201C-D: Perrench History SK211A: Survival in Extreme Conditions / AC211A: Astronomy and Understanding the Heavens SK212D-E: An Introduction to Martial Arts & Combat Sports. SI04: Hiking & Wellness SI06: Living with a Disability [/hider] [colour=white][b]Societies:[/b][/colour] [hider=Societies][b]Guild:[/b] Enchanters' Union [b]Clubs:[/b] Bards' Society, Cloudchasers, Egalite Fraternite, House of Japes, Speed Demons, Yasoi'riimei, Astronomers[/hider][/colour][/hider] [hider=Ashon (Gift)][h3][colour=white][b]T H E G I F T[/b][/colour][/h3] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/98XRO28.png[/img][/center] [colour=white][table=bordered][row][cell][colour=40E0D0]RAS[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=40E0D0]Augmented RAS[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=40E0D0]HP[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=40E0D0]Blood Types[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=40E0D0]Items[/colour][/cell][/row][row][cell]8.54 (196 manas)[/cell][cell]8.97 (252 manas)[/cell][cell]24 (40)[/cell][cell][color=FFFFF0]Timewalker[/color][/cell][cell]White Scar, Die Mauer (The Wall), Master McGillicuddy's Malicious Mage Hat, The Twig of Relentless Woe[/cell][/row][/table][table=bordered][row][cell][colour=40E0D0]School[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=40E0D0]Speciality[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=40E0D0]Tier[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=40E0D0]Base[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=40E0D0]Offensive[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=40E0D0]Defensive[/colour][/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=FF8C00]Arcane[/colour][/cell][cell]n/a[/cell][cell]0. Neophyte[/cell][cell]d2[/cell][cell]n/a[/cell][cell]n/a[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=00FF00]Atomic[/colour][/cell][cell]n/a[/cell][cell]0. Neophyte[/cell][cell]d2[/cell][cell]n/a[/cell][cell]n/a[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=FF0000]Binding[/colour][/cell][cell]n/a[/cell][cell]0. Neophyte[/cell][cell]d2[/cell][cell]n/a[/cell][cell]n/a[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=FF0000]Blood[/colour][/cell][cell]n/a[/cell][cell]0. Neophyte[/cell][cell]d2[/cell][cell]n/a[/cell][cell]n/a[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=BA55D3]Chemical[/colour][/cell][cell][i]Internal: Deceptive[/i][/cell][cell]II. Apprentice[/cell][cell]d5[/cell][cell]1d2 3/4d5[/cell][cell]1d2 3/4d5 +4[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=1E90FF]Kinetic[/colour][/cell][cell][i]Gravitational, Enhancement[/i][/cell][cell]IV.5 Journeyman[/cell][cell]d10[/cell][cell]1d2 3/4d10[/cell][cell]1d2 3/4d10 +4[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=FFD700]Magnetic[/colour][/cell][cell][i]Ionic[/i][/cell][cell]IV. Journeyman[/cell][cell]d5[/cell][cell]1d2 3/4d5[/cell][cell]1d2 3/4d5 +4[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=FFFFF0]Temporal[/colour][/cell][cell][i]Spatial: Worldwarping[/i][/cell][cell]III. Novice[/cell][cell]d8[/cell][cell]4d8[/cell][cell]4d8 +4[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=808080]Command[/colour][/cell][cell]nil[/cell][cell]nil[/cell][cell]n/a[/cell][cell]n/a[/cell][cell]n/a[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=000000]Dark[/colour][/cell][cell]nil[/cell][cell]nil[/cell][cell]n/a[/cell][cell]n/a[/cell][cell]n/a[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=964B00]Primordial[/colour][/cell][cell]nil[/cell][cell]nil[/cell][cell]n/a[/cell][cell]n/a[/cell][cell]n/a[/cell][/row][/table][table=bordered][row][cell][colour=40E0D0]Fruit:[/colour][/cell][cell]Pomegranate: all passed thresholds and successful rolls add a stacking +2 bonus, up to +6. Failures will dispel it.[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=40E0D0]Other:[/colour][/cell][cell][b]Ability:[/b] Asserted dominance over the Alpha Cannoneer Gorilla and established himself as the near leader of the pack: Can command that specific legion + Double advantage to all Monkey-related interactions. This includes great apes. [b]White Scar:[/b] Anything struck by the blade will be warped and incinerated. Making any wounds done by the blade unable to be healed or regenerated without massive additional damage being done to the target. (To heal damage the target done by this blade, the target will take 1/2 the damage again before they can be healed) [b]Die Mauer:[/b] Once per scenario, the user can sacrifice all actions in a turn to be completely invincible. (Not always applicable, GM discretion)[/cell][/row][/table][/colour] [/hider] [hider=Ashon (Personal Inventory)][colour=white][b]Inventory:[/b][/colour] [hider=Inventory][colour=FF3131][u][b]Currency:[/b][/u][/colour] 54 Magi Bag of 1500 bennies (1 Magi) A hoard of rare Avincian-era coins buried beneath the roots of a very old and recently upturned tree, including some of Zandonius, the emperor who wasn't. [colour=FF3131][u][b]Named Items:[/b][/u][/colour] [b]”The Days Before”[/b] A book of sketches of soldiers preparing for a battle, titled "The Days Before'. Appears very old: collectors' item. [colour=FF3131][u][b]Magical Items:[/b][/u][/colour] Master McGillicuddy's Malicious Mage Hat For every point of damage the wearer of this battered old brown wizard hat takes, they may deal half that number right back out to any target (ally or enemy) or their choosing. Once twenty points of damage have been dealt out within a cycle, all successfully landed attacks will deal +1 damage tier. Provides 18 manas. [b]The Twig of Relentless Woe[/b] [i]Whosoever lays claim to this unassuming stick shall know nothing but pain, woe, and misfortune for the rest of his days so long as it remains in his possession. As a side note, it is also indestructible.[/i] [b]A sack of Malabashi Tobacco[/b] [i]Imported Tobacco that originally came from Callanast but developed a unique flavour in Malabashi micro-climates. They have a slight hallucinogenic effect, great for relaxing and getting over very bad soreness. Share with your friends! - Used in a barter. Still has a leaf for giving to Casii.[/i] Primary Interest: Baronetcy in Hyparii A baronetcy of 80 square miles in Hyparii. Comes with title, noble rights, a decrepit grand manor house in the Old Euthic style of the high medieval period, and three thousand [s]aberration addicts peasant levies[/s] people! This land borders two navigable rivers and is home to a grove of rare and sacred Mycormish Cherry trees. Chains of the Yasoi Cyclone This set of four chain-blades are incorporated into boots and gauntlets and must be wielded with immense skill (At least 4 kinetic and 2 temporal) and significant power (at least 8.00 RAS). They will deal (4d2) damage, automatically, to any enemies within twenty yards and will provide advantage to kinetic rolls on a successful (d2) roll. Also provide 6 manas each. Cannoneer Gorilla (Alpha, normal) a baby monkey. This will grow up into the famous gorilla species that is known for its hurling of projectiles and its unique hair colouration, looking like an executioner’s hood. While territorial, they can be friendly, social, and docile. 3 Gypsy Marmosets (1 Alpha, normal) baby monkeys. Roll a d3 for how many. These sneaky little buggers love shiny things and, with a strong grasp of instinctual illusion magic, will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. Very gregarious and energetic, they are common animal companions of yasoi in some regions. Titan Sloth (male normal) This colossal sloth can navigate any terrain possible. It is completely resistant to internal magic. [hider=Die Mauer (The Wall)] A large set of light whiteish grey Full plate armor with no luster or shine, much like stone. Each piece of this armor is incredibly heavy, making even the gauntlets of this armor weigh in upwards of nearly 20 pounds. However once one dawns the nearly 400 pounds of armor the manas within will begin to attune to the user, filling the user with untold amounts of power and lightness. Yet any one piece being missing will take away all benefits (to an extent.) Graf Hübert was an exceptionally talented Duelist, and nearly unbeatable when becoming one with Die Mauer. Some say, had he not fallen to the beast many years ago, he had the potential to even surpass Sleeping Carp, and maybe even the Progenitor himself. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/h2zqfbY.png[/img][/center] [b]Requirements:[/b] ‘Agile’ fighting styles are not viable, but there are no innate requirements. The armour adapts to the size of the wielder. Yes, even in sudden shifts. The size and weight of the armor provides the user with greater defenses, providing them these benefits: [indent]❖ Reduces damage received by 1 tier. ❖ +12 additional hp ❖ Minimum defense modifier is 3d.[/indent] The armor is made of the ever powerful and dense metal known as Tungsten, providing the user these benefits: [indent]❖ +4 to hp ❖ +4 to defense[/indent] The manas within this hulking armor are numerous, providing the one they attune to an additional 56 manas and numerous additional features. Such as, when attuned the armor will reshape and size itself to fit the wearer, no matter the size or shape of the wearer. If a single piece is missing/severely damaged, all effects (including Tungsten bonus) are negated and the armour will only provide 28 Manas. This kinetic energy can then be channeled throughout the armor, as when an attack hits the user, the energy can instead be directed to the attacker. [indent]❖ When the user successfully defends by themselves, the armor will shoot the kinetic energy at the attacker and give them the 'Shaken' effect. The next action taken by the attacker will be done at a disadvantage.[/indent] Finally, when the user focuses all their energy into the armor, the armor will draw in all energies around it and reflect it back out to make the user nearly impervious. [indent]❖ Once per scenario, the user can sacrifice all actions in a turn to be completely invincible. (Not always applicable, GM discretion)[/indent][/hider] [/hider] [hider=Materials][colour=FF3131][u][b]Materials:[/b][/u][/colour] [b]A sample of Manaslime[/b] It's nearly dead. Not very useful for anything except eating it. High chance of illness. Temporary power boost akin to a mana brew.[/hider] [hider=Animals / Companions / Vehicles] [colour=FF3131][u][b]Animals / Companions / Vehicles:[/b][/u][/colour] Name: Nekh-butt Sex: Female Description: Similar to her brother Thoth-ful, she is a big bundle of energy. The most ‘normal’ of the bunch. Has an obsession for a dirty, small towel she drags around. Also distinctly good at gliding - the neighbours hate her. [/hider] [hider=Story Arcs] [b]Asheermo - Meerami Child[/b] Jamboi mended a Meerami child who he rescued upon the beach. She swam off afterwards. Is this the last he has heard from her? [b]Penny - Romance Arc[/b] Very Important Person. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=OOC: Quick Reference] [b]Ashon'amar'loiyang (Jamboi)[/b] [colour=FF3131]colour=FF3131[/colour] [colour=40E0D0]colour=40E0D0[/colour] [hider=Square Headers] [img]https://i.imgur.com/JfZ3LOa.png[/img][/hider] [/hider]