NPCS Will go here [hider=Joseph Alistar] Age: 20 He/Him Joseph is a mildly-cheerful soul with brown hair and amber eyes. Catching him as a human would reveal a man that dresses rather plainly, with simple t-shirts and shorts or jeans as a staple and dull colors. He stands at 5'10, and outside of a bright smile he doesn't stand out too much. His sorcerer form isn't overly complicated either, loose robe-like black pants and orange tunic, with a dramatic black long black over the shoulders that appear to be linked in the front by golden circular chains. His eyes and Hair seem to glow more too. Though antisocial; he is generally a friendly and helpful individual; Especially in the world of sorcerer he is a bit more extroverted while 'on duty'. He spends most of his time within the library, upkeeping it, acting as secretary, and keeping company of any sorcerers that linger in the open hub. He seems to aspire to help other sorcerers and is more then enthusiastic to share most forms of coveted knowledge with them. His general goal seems to be to keep others save, especially sorcerers. Though he plays a supportive role by maintaining the library instead of actively engaging in firewall events most of the time. Joseph was originally a sorcerer in another city, one that had far more experienced Sorcerers and members of the SNPG. There he found assistance from his peers, and was inspired to turn his passion into helping others by joining the group and setting out for a less sorcerer-populated city to help out. He hasn't revealed his powers or his contracts to others despite his otherwise open information, but he supposedly has a fusion-type contract; his key appearing to be a pocket watch. His mana color is teal. [hider=Normal Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Sorcerer Form] [img][/img] [/hider] [/hider]