You've dragged me out of retirement. Congratulations. Now that SXSW is over and i'm marginally less busy here's my CS done [center][hider=Character Sheet][hr] [img][/img] [color=Silver][i]This is what I could finish before PDN crashed and my stupid ass forgot to save the file.[/i][/color][hr] [color=Gold][b]Name[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Kai Falkner[/color] [color=Gold][b]Gender[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Male[/color] [color=Gold][b]Age[/b][/color] [color=Silver]19 (Currently)[/color] [color=Gold][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Sexy[/color] [color=Gold][b]Ethnicity[/b][/color] [img][/img] [hr] [color=Gold][b]Height[/b][/color] [color=Silver]5'9" / 175 cm[/color] [color=Gold][b]Personality[/b][/color] [color=Silver]The forte he's most proud of, Kai is always an advocate for being a hard worker - when he's not the one doing the work. Since he was a child, Kai has tried to weasel his way out of anything that needs doing, either putting it off for later or getting someone else to do the job for him, and after years of practice, Kai is very deft at charming or excusing his way out of things. If you believe that this in any way deters him from bragging about his accomplishments, you'd be wrong; Kai will be the first to remind you about, "how he was the one who did it last time". Kai began smoking at the age of seven and drinking at the age of thirteen. Those who know him well enough (for better or for worse) likewise know that you can typically goad him into doing something in exchange for a smoke. To his credit, Kai isn't without altruism or value for labour. When a task is pressing or a friend is in need, Kai is willing (but not eager) to lend a helping hand. He does, however, live by the mantra that, "He helps those who help themselves", and tends to prioritize that his own needs are met before others. If one so desires, Kai will also be sure to bequeath some of his wisdom" on others, offering advice on getting "in the know".[/color] [hr] [color=Gold][b]Branch[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Trainee Corps[/color] [hr] [color=Gold][b]Biography[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Born the middle child of poor farmers on the outskirts of the walls, not much was expected to come from Kai in earnest. From the moment he was born, it was assumed that he would take up the generational life of agrarianism, working, living, and ultimately dying before passing on the torch to his children - potatoes, beats, cabbage, rye, and the real money-maker, tobacco. He'd do it all on the same plot of land that his family had for generations. The youngest of the lot was an infirm little girl, a tad too small and a touch to frail to walk for long. Kai and his older brother would be relegated to doing most of the farmhand's labour. Kai learned early to always take shortcuts with work. If there was a means to get something and get it quicker, he'd learn it inside, outside, upside, downside. Kai got out of tilling, turning, harvesting, pulping, rolling, planting, you name it, he got his older brother or one of the other farmhands to do it. The only thing he would always do without any ifs or buts was go out to the market. He'd always sell whole bushels and come back with beer casks full of salt and spice and the coffers still most of the way full. His mother never knew how he did it. His dad would always say he'd find out and that he knew Kai was always up to no good, and on the day he found out he'd tan Kai's hide so bad the markets would use his ass for sheepskin parchment. He could never prove it. Life was good. It was, until the breach. The day the walls came down was the day that the Falkners may as well have taken a torch to their furnace and burned the whole fields themselves: Because before they could take the initiative, a good neighbour to their south in between fits of screaming panic lit their good iron sconces and tossed them into the Falkner Fields. It was for their own good, of course. The titans never made it to the house, but just beyond the charcoal clouds and a sea of fire, Kai and his siblings watched from their porch: A hundred giant, deformed giants, picking up people like they were bushels of grain and eating them whole. His mother didn't come out; She just sat near their fireplace and cried the whole time, praying frantically it'd all go away, a bad dream she needed to wake up from. Dad sat in his rocking chair the whole time, plugging away jar after jar of rye whiskey as he waited for the end to come when it did. He wasn't in any rush. And by the time of the end, the Falkners walked out onto their decrepit farm, their neighbours huddled still in the basement, and - exhausted - took inventory... No more grain, no more tobacco, no more maize or turnips or chickens or rye. Gone, all gone. Just char-black charcoal fields and the rest of the grain trampled and uprooted by giant footsteps. Even the recovery would be brutal for the family. What was left of the good soil was maybe a third of what they'd usually have had, and the rest of it would take too long to recover from the burns. A year, two years maybe, they'd guessed. They went all in on the tobacco crop, and they paid for it. Bad harvest that year. Spring was drier than usual and the summer was too cloudy. It was then that Kai - and everyone else of the Falkners - knew there wasn't any more future here in agriculture. Mum and dad would try to His older brother would go on working for some factory job doing furniture and woodwork, and Kai would go onto the army. His youngest sister, God would look out for for. Always did. When Kai was enlisting, he neither knew the divisions of any of the armed branches nor paid any mind - to him, soldiering was soldiering and looking good with swords and a gear was probably better money than he'd get in a lifetime of cutting up tobacco and grain in the hot sun for a loaf of bread a day. And when the bureau-men would beat around the bush and ask all sorts of questions about how well he could read and if he'd ever broken bones or whatnot, Kai would dismiss all that drivel and tell them to "just sign him up for the damn infantry". Of course, had no clue what he was in for. [/color] [color=Gold][b]Affiliations / Relationships[/b][/color] [color=Silver] [list] [*]Aran Falkner - Father [*]Priscilla Falkner - Mother [*]Kirk Falkner - Older Brother [*]Karina Falkner - Younger Sister[/list][/color] [/hider] [/center]