ATTN: [@AzureKnight] & [@The Irish Tree][hr]Tiziana wasn't hard to sense; a Mana like her was loud, performative - demanding attention, and ready to put on a show - and desperate, and John loved the smell of desperation. "[i]Desperate girls are easy prey for easy play,[/i]" so one of her brothers had told her, years on years ago - they hadn't spoken since, after she slept with his girlfriend that same time, and tossed the advice in his face. It wasn't that she did it out of malice or anything - she loved her brothers, especially Bazz; it was just their faults for raising her as "one of the boys," and not expecting this outcome. As she followed her guide, she would play back the fight, critiquing her movements, and her mercy. However, John didn't have long to dwell, as Tiziana's Mana was on fast approach, and planned to land beside her without regard to personal space or caution. Ironic. [quote][color=0072bc]"I imagine you make a hobby of getting into fights wherever you go?"[/color][/quote] "[color=848884]Fights find me,[/color]" John says. "[color=848884]I can't help it, if a bunch of little boys get angry that their friend ignorantly slipped on a banana peel I dropped.[/color]" John's guide snickered, "That's quite the classic deflection." [quote][color=0072bc]"You probably noticed me following you. I came here to return this back to you, you left it. Perhaps, too busy inflicting violence on a poor innocent soul?"[/color][/quote] John quirked an eyebrow, as Tiziana barreled through the back-and-forth, as if neither of the other women had spoken. "[color=848884]I invite you to recall the aforementioned reason,[/color]" she says. "Oh, she heard you, darlin', but these artist types ain't kind to unfinished sentences," the woman says, "Something of an artist yourself, Johanna Alighieri?" John's blood ran cold, as the woman chuckled, "My mistake. You go by Wattsun, don't you? The Fiery Detective, John Wattsun." "[color=848884]You -- [/color]" John cut the sentence short with a sharp punch of her shotgun barrel against the woman's back, "[color=848884]That's -- [/color]" Anger was cutting her thoughts, as she tried to formulate words. "Now, now, cher," the woman says, looking back; her eyes were changed, empty, black hollows with a meager, red light glimmering from the back like a light at the end of a long, treacherous tunnel into hell. "[color=34A56F]Juniper Mofferan, charmed,[/color]" she says, her voice becoming more pleasant and her accent shining through even better, "[color=34A56F]It's not every day I come across celebrities,[/color]" Juniper looked ahead, "[color=34A56F]Tiziana Maggiore, in my little neck of the desert. Oh, joyous days~![/color]" John tightened her expression, and grimaced, before she relaxed. "[color=848884]Seems my reputation precedes me,[/color]" she says, smugly. If a Witch was good at anything, more than potions and being discriminated against, it was saving face and putting on airs. However, she noticed the woman's twin bangs were, suddenly, standing oddly - almost like... antenna? "[color=34A56F]That they do,[/color]" Juniper says, her hair drooping back down, as she squeezed her eyes close with the excited an exclaim of: "[color=34A56F]I even saw another up-and-coming artists. Little Lady Alina d'Aureville! The Stonemistress of Lascuta![/color]" John tilted her head, "[color=848884]Stonemistress, huh? Sounds like an edgy, little shit.[/color]" Juniper giggled, now a noticeably buzzy sound. "[color=34A56F]We're almost there...[/color]" "[color=848884]There, being,[/color]" John asks. "[color=34A56F]Now, now, cher, that's not a question you ask,[/color]" Juniper grinned, "[color=34A56F]It's a surprise, after all.[/color]"