With the creature thus restrained, and Aleksiya able to get a better look at it, she came to realize it was no oversized chicken at all. Even in a state of such decay, it was quite obvious she was looking at a rather more familiar animal then she had expected. A tropical and exotic bird that had no right to be here, except for the fact that the one at the source of all this was fond of them. Aleksiya sighed heavily. "Wonderful, I can't even make fun of you, now," she lamented as she raised her hand, slowly tracing her finger through the air. Along the same course her hand too, a crystalline line began to form, developing a sharpened edge, widening into a wedge shape as vapors poured off of its form, "I hope you're happy." All it did now was seem sad and pathetic, more than anything else. And what it foretold was nothing particularly good. Still, it was an obstacle. It had to be removed. The blade of ice was sent hurtling through the air, a whistling sound accompanying it as Aleksiya targeted the point where the straining, bound wing met the body. It would tear free soon, so grounding it and then finishing it off was their best option. [@Rune_Alchemist][@Rune_Alchemist][@Asuras]