[img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/455526325495529474/1083186874815877210/6D43F2B0-22B1-4CA2-8834-84033C0CC4D7.png[/img] [center][color=F9F903]Location:[/color] Angel Grove Community Event -> Angel Grove Foothills [color=F9F903]Interacting w/:[/color] [@Crimson Flame][/center] [hr][hr] Just when things were looking worse for Nick, another new development showed itself in what seemed to be theses [i]goons'[/i] leader telling them to book it after someone. Nick couldn't really see the situation unfolding from his spot on the ground but once he managed to pop to his feet he got a better idea of what was going on. Someone nabbed something from the GENESIS career table and these things wanted to get their hands on it. He was ready to make like lightning and bolt, short of being run over with a motorcycle these things didn't seem like they were mortal. His contemplation on fleeing was interrupted by a peck on the cheek; [i]how European[/i]. Further bringing himself back to the present was a call to arms coming from someone hoofing it after the would be thief. [color=F9F903]"I'm gonna run ahead, gimme a scream if you need a hand."[/color] Nick replied as he put his athletics to the test. He wasn't as fit as he used to be but he was still fast, making long quick strides towards the crowd. As he caught up to the swarm, Nick made sure to keep an arm's length away from the monster goons, knowing his charge would come to an end if one decided to jump him.