[color=darkgray] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3EdPgr4.png[/img] [url=https://i.imgur.io/58dCqOr_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium]Derby-King Outfit[/url][/center] [Color=salmon][b]Time:[/b][/color] 3 p.m. [Color=salmon][b]Location:[/b][/color] Edin Theater [Color=salmon][b]Interaction:[/b][/color] @SausagePat Ruby [Color=salmon][b]Mention:[/b][/color][hr] With the first act of the humorous play concluded, Lorenzo took some time to think about today’s events and how they had transpired while he pet Kier lying comfortably on his lap. [color=salmon][i]Woke up in a bed of my favorite tulips… Then the altercation at the park… I didn’t even get to have a single waffle… The horse race went well, I think… Then there was the-[/i][/color] Lorenzo’s reminiscing was cut off by the approach of a face that was starting to become far too familiar. He was beginning to look up at her when he noticed a glob of drool fall and land on his left shoe. [color=salmon][i]My shoe… Charlotte gifted these to me last spring and now…[/i][/color] Lorenzo frowned as he simply stared at the bubbled clear and slightly viscous liquid just sitting on the toe of one of his favorite shoes. However, that did not keep him from listening to the young woman rant about her not winning the hat contest. He thought of letting this all pass, maybe saying some kind words to set the woman at ease. There was plenty he could do to de-escalate the situation. [color=C17ECE]“...That horse hat? A complete cliche!”[/color] But that was the last straw. Kier’s petting had ceased almost immediately. [color=salmon]“Complete cliche?”[/color] His eyes finally met hers, fiercer than mostly anyone’s ever seen. [color=salmon]“Complete cliche?! What’s a complete cliche is thinking you can make a hat from scratch look like the rest except bigger! Sure, your hat may have gotten close to securing second place, but let me tell you, dear girl. [b]Let me tell you[/b]! That ‘horse hat’ was many many [i]many[/i] leagues above the rest! You… You don’t even know how difficult of a decision that was for me. I had Lyra Carris, a woman that not many others can compare to! I denied her and her hat that I can only describe as passion incarnate! Not only that but poor Crystal. A young woman that I consider my own daughter at times. A delicate orchid that managed to attend after her home was desecrated just this morning! But my appreciation for art would not allow me to be biased and sadly so…”[/color] Lorenzo’s eyes winced as he felt a minor twinge of heartache. [color=salmon]“I’m sorry that you did not win, but if you cannot see why that young woman won the contest, then I’m afraid you’ll never know what it means for a perfectly bloomed flower to stand out amongst the others in its bed.”[/color] Lorenzo’s tone had softened some but he remained stern. [/COLOR]