[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/rtwLejQ.png[/img] [color=f26522]Time[/color]: 1510hrs [color=f26522]Location[/color]: the arena [color=f26522]Interactions[/color]: Wasun Sjan-dehk [@Apex Sunburn] [color=f26522]Mentions in order[/color]: [/center] [hr][hr] Roman listened and watched the man speak as they slowly moved closer to the arena. A civil war that didn’t seem like he was too happy about, fair it’s always heart breaking to fight others that could have been your brother in a different time. By the emphasis in his words and the way he walked Roman could tell this man either spent a great deal of his life working on a ship or being the captain of one. His sister was that way as well, never truly enjoying walking on the soil and earth always said that it didn’t feel like the ocean and hated that it didn’t roll like the waves. He never was all that great at seamanship below deck but he could manage just fine above. Still, roman didn’t mind sailing but much preferred scaling mountains to riding storms. The information that he was indeed here for trade and being commanded by a high queen was good information. Roman spoke up again as they were almost outside the stadium, the sounds of the crowd and the clashing of weapons already could be heard. “[color=f26522]Perhaps you would like to set up trade agreements with my people as well? Could be interesting.[/color]” Roman continued walking through the entrance of the arena making little deviation on his way towards the registration table. [color=f26522]“Yes duels, I believe to submission I could be wrong. Anyone can sign up to participate so you will see several people from the common folk to nobles and sometimes royalty from any nation. You could sign up too if you like.”[/color] motioning to the sign up table. [color=f26522]“Hello, good sir I am Roman Ravenwood I am here to deliver the third, second, and first prizes for the tournament.”[/color] Smiling at the receptionist and some of the other event organizers who were clearly surprised to see him for one reason or another. [color=f26522]“I have a domed brass round shield for third place.”[/color] The shield was reinforced with the designs and patterns common in the northern territories, for a normal person it would cover them from their shoulder to their hip. Handing the shield off to them and retrieving the claymore, [color=f26522]“this two handed claymore for second place.”[/color] Pulling the 55 inch claymore free from its sheath to show off the blade for a moment. [color=f26522]“And for first place a custom commission made by myself for one shield or bladed weapon.”[/color] Pulling out a small parchment from his shirt wrapped in a red band with the Ravenwood house seal on it. “[b]T-Thank you for your contribution lord Ravenwood, will you be participating as well?[/b]” the receptionist asked excitedly. “[color=f26522]No I’m just here to watch. Wasun would you like to sign up? If not the viewing seats are this way.[/color]” Motioning down a side entrance with a few others coming and going. Roman hoped he got the pronunciation on his name right.