[color=lightgray][center][h2][color=slateblue] Ariella[/color], [color=E77298]Anastasia[/color] & [color=D2691E] Farim[/color][/h2][/center] [center][h3][color=D2691E]Part 1[/color][/h3][/center] [color=slateblue]Location:[/color] Prince Callum’s Tavern [color=E77298]Time:[/color] 3pm [hr] Farim initially started his journey to the arena before coming to the sobering realization that he had no idea where it might be. He stopped for a short moment to speak to a random citizen, asking if he knew where he could find the arena. [color=D2691E]“Oh! It’s just passed the library and take a….oh what was it? A right? Ya I believe it’s a right! You can’t miss it! Just passed the tavern!”[/color] Farim nodded and thanked the kind soul for the directions. Unbeknownst to either of them it was actually a [i]left[/i] he was supposed to take at the library to head to the arena. Going right brought him back towards the magnificent castle housed by the Royal Family themselves. [i][color=D2691E]I did not think the King and Queen would want such strong displays so close to home. Maybe our nations aren’t so different![/color][/i] It was at this moment that he spotted a very familiar face standing outside a tavern, one he assumed was where he was meant to go. [color=D2691E] “Oh! Is that the Princess I see? Hello, my friend! What a funny coincidence, eh?”[/color] He spoke slightly loudly, waving and approaching Anastasia after quickly stowing making sure the gift he bought earlier was well hidden. Anastasia spun around on her heels, startled by the sudden appearance of Farim. The colors around her had seemed brighter as he had approached her. Despite her surprise, she couldn't help feeling thrilled to see him. With a wide smile, she approached him and gave him a warm hug without hesitation. [color=E77298] "My wonderful Farim-shaped friend! I'm so glad to see you!"[/color] As she pulled away, her hands lingered on his forearms. [color=E77298] "Are you heading into the tavern as well? You should join me!"[/color] He chuckled at the idea of people being shaped as themselves, but thought it was still endearing to be addressed in such a way. [color=D2691E] “Well if it isn’t my Anastasia-shaped friend! I am happy to be seeing you! … Eh, funny you mention it. I was attempting to find this arena in your city where I hear a big competition is, but that was merely out of boredom. If you bring as much fun as our little adventure in the park, I can hardly say no!”[/color] He smiled his telltale smile sliding across his face as he kept himself within arms length of her. Just as soon as they had seen each other, he had turned with her in tow to walk into the tavern. He turned to her entourage and smirked. [color=D2691E] “Do no worry gentlemen. With me she is safe. I bet my pride on it!”[/color] The guards had stared at him with suspicion. The female raised a brow. As soon as they went in, they planned to tow them. He knew the foreigners wouldn’t quite get it, but pride was a big deal to his family, so he very much meant it when he said she would be safe. As he looked around the busy tavern, he noticed several people ranging from mundane to interesting. There were people playing cards, telling stories over a pint, and a woman in an extravagant outfit reading peacefully in the corner. [color=D2691E] “This place is very interesting! Would you happen to know anybody here, or…?”[/color] He trailed off, letting Anastasia pick a spot/person to approach. The sound of clinking glasses and laughter filled the air. The tavern was higher end than the usual bar with wood to be seen at every angle. The walls were adorned with a richly textured and intricately patterned wallpaper, featuring a deep navy emerald background with a swirling gold pattern on the top half of the wall. There was a brown wood panel installed on the bottom half of the walls as the wainscotting style. The floors looked to be about the same color as that wood, with sleek wood floors. There were tables strewn all across the room with velvet, cushioned chairs. Each table had a small lantern on it that kept the atmosphere dimly lit. The centerpiece of the room was the grand mahogany bar with well-crafted carved details. Wooden stools surrounded the bar with patrons sitting on many of them. A stage could also be noticed to the left of the room that was hosting the musical performance of a young man with a guitar. [color=E77298] "Right! It's absolutely delightful to have a place named after my little brother. I just adore this place!" [/color] Anastasia exclaimed with a beaming smile as she and her companion strolled side by side. [color=E77298] “Oh sure.”[/color] She gestured towards the crowd and continued, [color=E77298] "Let me introduce you to some of the regulars. There's Timmy over there, the local drunkard who gets absolutely [i]trashed[/i] here every night. People have a lot to say about him, but I think he just loves a good time."[/color] She pointed towards Timmy, who was slumped over at the bar, a half-empty glass of ale in his hand. Anastasia's eyes scanned the room once more before landing on a young woman in a ballgown towards the back. [color=E77298] "Oh, and there's Ariella!" [/color] she exclaimed excitedly, pointing in the woman's direction. [color=E77298]"She's one of my dearest friends. Let's go say hello!"[/color] Without another word, Anastasia made a beeline for Ariella, leaving the man to follow in her wake. Though Ariella had been in the back, she had been impossible to miss in that gown of hers. She made her way over and threw her arms around the girl in a side hug. [color=E77298] “My darling girl! I am [i]sooo[/i] excited to see you!”[/color] Ariellas eyes peeked over the top of her book to see a flash of blonde hair whipping around and before she knew it two arms were around her pulling her into a rather tight hug for a princess. The excited squeals in her ear gave her away rather quickly.[color=slateblue] “Ana!”[/color] Ariella smiled brightly as she hadn’t seen her friend in sometime. She quickly put her book down to give her friend a proper hug before settling back against the cushioned back of the booth. [color=slateblue] “ Would you like to join me for drinks?”[/color] Ari asked, unaware of the friend with her. Farim was rather impressed with the ease that she could list off some of the regulars. To most royalty these people would be nothing more than masses of drunks, vagabonds, and misfits. But to her it was a crowd of living people, and she knew them personally. Whether it was because she was a regular here herself or because she wanted to know her people Farim didn’t know, however he still found charm in it. He put away his errant thoughts as he realized he had been left in the wake of an excited Anastasia greeting her “darling Ariella” he believed he had heard her say. He walked over to the pair, gently weaving and ducking out of folks' way to avoid an untimely collision. He stood before the women and gave a slight bow to them both. [color=D2691E]”Hello my beautiful companions. It seems I am being blessed with the best company in Caesonia this fine day. Miss…Ariella? It is nice to meet you! I am Farim..Kadir Hafiz of Alidasht.”[/color] There had been a slight hesitation on the last part of his name, as if he had to force it out. He leaned onto the table and began to pull out a chair, gesturing to it as he spoke again. [color=D2691E] “I too believe we are having drinks, yes? I am always happy to meet a new face and share a drink. Especially with some radiant women such as yourselves.”[/color] [color=E77298] “I’d love to! “[/color] She glanced over her shoulder, ready to introduce Farim, but he was behind her, introducing himself. [color=E77298] “Yes, this is sweet Ariella! She lives right here in Sorian and I’ve known her since forever. “[/color] Anastasia then glanced over toward the bar as her thoughts strayed there. [color=E77298] “Drinks on me, lovelies! Are you two in the mood for something strong or weak?”[/color] Ariella was caught breathless for a moment as a tall handsome man approached their table. Without much hesitation, she stood to her feet and gave him a courteous curtsy and a warm smile as he introduced himself. Leave it to Ana to have such attractive men around her. [color=slateblue]“Lady Ariella Edwards,”[/color] She corrected him but her voice was soft and non-confrontational,[color=slateblue]“It’s a pleasure Hafiz Farim, I have heard much about the Alidasht people but have yet the pleasure to meet one.”[/color] Ariella sat back down, her eyes lingering on Farim a little longer than they should. She heard many of the Alidasht people were blessed with their beauty but seeing them in person did not hold anything to the tales. Ariella broke her gaze as she realized she had been staring and looked over to her friend. [color=slateblue]“Yes, please, both of you join me. It’s been a long time since I’ve had some good company.”[/color] [color=slateblue]“Surprise me.”[/color] She said to Ana, knowing those two words would be trouble in themselves but it really was a rare occurrence for Ari to enjoy the company of a friend. [/color]