[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/clIHoiY.png[/img][/center] [color=lightgray] [color=DDB775]Time:[/color] 3pm [color=DDB775]Location:[/color] Athletic Arena [color=DDB775]Mentions:[/color] [@Silverpaw] Wulfric [@Inertia] Auguste [@Rodiak] Matthias [@Blizz] Lyra [@Potter] Layla [hr] King Edin entered the Athletic Arena, trumpets blared in a grand fanfare. However, instead of being pleased by the music, he halted his entry with a scoff and threw his hands in the air. [color=DDB775]"BAAH! Stop! I hate trumpets!"[/color] he cried in disdain, his voice echoing through the arena. He grumbled to himself as he made his way up to a sectioned-off area of the seating, which not only had a roof but also protective glass around it. This was King Edin's own little safety square, where he could watch the proceedings without any disturbances. As he settled into his comfortable lounge chair, a beautiful woman appeared before him, presenting a cocktail to his mouth. With a satisfied smile, he took a sip and leaned back to enjoy the spectacle unfolding before him. Meanwhile, the king's attention turned to the competitors. The first pair were women, so naturally, he lost a bit of interest in the actual sword fighting itself. The Alidasht princess was beautiful and quite interesting to watch. Meanwhile, the brunette against her was also intriguing the King with her amazing assets. He nodded in approval, chuckling in delight. [color=DDB775]"I love women."[/color] He informed his drink-holder. The next battle was one of the two reasons he had come to this blasted event: to make sure his offspring didn't lose or present themselves as anything less than competent men. If a King couldn't win a sword fight against some no-name, then was he really worth his salt? [color=DDB775][i]Oh that's one of our knights. Well-skilled and maybe not the most embarrassing foe to lose to, but if you do, I still won't hesitate, Auguste. I won't have you embarrass me again.[/i][/color] He had visibly cringed when Auguste had greeted the Lieutenant so kindly. [color=DDB775][i] No Auguste. Tell him to prepare for defeat![/i][/color] The fight, surprisingly did not disappoint. Auguste performed rather remarkably and did not go easy at all on the man. A wicked smile stretched across the face when it became noticeable that the knight was perhaps even in fear of Auguste. [color=DDB775]"That's my boy."[/color] He got up and gave his son a standing ovation as the crowd erupted in cheers. Some started to chant Auguste's name. [color=DDB775] "YES! That's my boooooy!!"[/color] He exclaimed, causing the crowd to become even louder. It wasn't long before the next match began and this time, it was his successor, Wulfric. This battle would mean everything. He wondered if Wulfric quite understood the importance of displaying his dominance as King to his people, and possibly due to the visitors, to the Varian and Alidasht Kingdoms. [color=DDB775][i]Damn. Captain of the royal guard!? I should have paid them to give my sons easier opponents. This Matty Lardson could do some damage. [/i][/color] King Edin moved to the edge of his seat as he watched the battle begin. It seemed for most of the match that the two had seemed almost neck and neck. A sweat bead had dripped down Edin's forehead as he pondered if he should go find someone to pay off here and now. But in the end, Wulfric pulled it off. He let out a long sigh of relief and stood up once again, raising his fists in the air to cheer on his son with the crowd. [color=DDB775] "CHANT FOR HIM! That's your next King right there!!!"[/color] Perhaps it had been good that his sons had been given worthy opponents. They had proved themselves as undefeatable victors that would soon rule all of Caesonia. Not even a pretty-faced knight from the Varian Kingdom could best the future King![/color]