[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/rtwLejQ.png[/img] [color=f26522]Time[/color]: 1530hrs [color=f26522]Location[/color]: the arena watching the fighters [color=f26522]Interactions[/color]: Wasun Sjan-dehk [@Apex Sunburn] [color=f26522]Mentions in order[/color]:[@Silverpaw] Wulfric [@Rodiak] Matthias, [@13org] Mayet [@JJ Doe] Riona [/center] [hr][hr] Roman made his way through the crowd, with his height and bulk it was easy enough for him to traverse the crowd and create a small break for his new friend to follow. He was heading to one of the smaller platforms near the arena’s edge, small refuges for the nobility to get a better view. The one he was heading to wasn’t too crowded compared to the others. Barley picking up what the man said as they finally broke from the crowd to find a few seats unoccupied in the private section. “[color=f26522]Apologies Sjan-dehk Cultural differences, I did not mean it as a slight.[/color]” Roman shrugged and glanced out at the arena. Sir Mathias and Prince Wulfric were clearly going at it. “[color=f26522]You do look like a capable fighter personally I prefer private sparing or a small audience. This is to much of a show.[/color]” Looking back out to the field he could see Mathias striking fast, quick, and hard. The subtle and precise strategies both men were thinking with each parry and swing. It was a brilliant dance of blades between two well-trained individuals. Mathias was starting to push Wulfric, but the prince got the upper hand and exploited an opening with a precise strike that ended the match. A good show for both. “[color=f26522]So, this Lady Adiyan is the one negotiating trade? Hmm well I know that manpower and resources can be hard to come by after any war especially a civil war, what is it that your people are looking to trade?[/color]” Returning his gaze to the crowd that was chanting Wulfric’s name, he could see the king in his sheltered spot trying to get the people excited. Narrowing his eyes at the king for a moment he continued to speak with Sjan-dehk, “[color=f26522]like I said my people are craftsmen, but we also assist the Varian kingdom with all sorts of trade to all sorts of people and places. Food, wine, metal kitchen ware, perfumes, medicine, spices, armor, weapons, statues, furniture. The list goes on just depends on what you want and where it’s going.[/color]” The announcer began again as the next fighters stepped up onto the arena, Mayet and someone named Reogh. “[color=f26522]This one should be good; Mayet is an excellent fighter.[/color]” The smile returned to his face as he watched the princess, remembering for a moment the comment she made while they fought the bear. Her opponent had a strange attire, not one he recognized but clearly meant to keep themselves anonymous. With what he could see being a formal greeting he had seen and done only a few times himself on his travels to the southern continent the two separated and took their stances. Mayet’s style preceded her, aggressive fast strikes that aimed to test and find an opponent’s weak spot. Much like what he would think would be akin to that of the powerful tiger. Reogh blocked and countered the others blows with a shower of sparks that the crowd cheered for. Clearly trying to use the momentum of the tigers strikes against her. A brief pause and change of stance and they were back at it again. The princess is almost always on the offensive with quick ferocious strikes with her opponent doing a fine job of keeping up with her. Roman could only think that even he would have a hard time keeping up with Mayet’s strikes in a fight. Speed and size were always going to be a good counter to him, but this was something else. To see a trained and talented member of the Alidasht royalty go full force like this was definitely something to study, maybe asking her for a sparring session would be fun. Hell, a sparring session with either of them would be a good work out and learning experience, imagine both of them. Roman had to remind himself to keep his bloodlust down in public. Glancing to the man next to him for a moment as the duo continued to fight, “[color=f26522]these two don’t disappoint.[/color]”