There was a small silence when Lyra locked eyes with the woman. It reminded her of a time she saw a doe when she was a youngling. There was a calm sea in the eyes that reflected a world from another perspective. Her hooves planted themselves while her thoughts were full of wonder. No shout, no run, or throwing of anything nearby. That was a good sign. Seeing the fluffy hare hop forward Lyra watched curiously. He was not a runner either, moving forward even. She was glad the woman and hare did not run away. Though if the interaction was different Lyra was likely to head in the opposite direction and keep watch till they disappeared from view before figuring out what to do. Lyra while unsure of the gesture placed a front hoof forward and bowed in greeting. It was the best assumption she could make. She was not used to greetings with others, especially those that were not her species, and though the woman was kind and in respect, the centaur was going to show the same. “I wasn’t bothered, not at all. I love tunes. The rhythm and untold verbals, they are very nice.” Lyra gave a soft nod of her head. An equal smile was shared. Surayyah looked like art, unique and colorful. Sir Schwoopy looked cute and interesting also, she could not help but chuckle. She knew better at least that no one would enjoy being picked up at random, the hare was safe. At the mention of others, Lyra looked over in the direction of the little creek. Hearing the pardon the mare shook her head gently, the glint of the metallic hues shimmering slightly from the movement. She could not take a visual guess how many souls were traveling also although she was sure it was nothing to worry about. The calm seemed to bring some ease to all in this place. “You’re fine, my herd is a far way off.” She chuckled softly. “Really far. You and the others are safe, no quarrels here.” Trying to look as reassuring as she sounded, her russet-colored shoulders dropped slightly, relaxing in posture. “I’m Lyra, the mare, a fellow traveler. Pleased to meet you Surayyah and Sir Schwoopy.” She placed a hand under her collarbone and reminded herself not to prance in a little circle, to avoid stepping on too many flowers or bumping into a tree. It would not be the first time she did such a thing, though the bark of a tree was worse than a bite sometimes. Lowering herself to the comfort of the grass she lay on her side. Front legs out, and back legs resting to the side. “I don’t think I’ve come across that name before, and I usually always have an ear out, or two. I wish you pleasant times ahead.” She tapped her chin in thought. “Oh, but you are so fluffy, I’m sure there is some fun with your current state.” Lyra shrugged her shoulders slightly. She hoped that her words were not offensive. There was hope though that wandering as a friend of the forest, or so she would call hares and rabbits, brought some joy. He was not alone at least, he had great company from the look of things. “Do you and Sir Schwoopy travel often?” Tilting her head to the side she gave a curious look at the two with her inquiry. She quickly added on in reference to her travels. “Each traveler has their own stories, though I will not pry.” The mare had crossed many kinds of people. She liked to guess what their lives were like. Did they travel often? Teach an art of some kind? Or were they looking for themselves in some way? The last part remained true to her at least. She grew up wandering and wondering. Her time was spent among others and learning when not gaining independent experience when away. Surayyah was different from most and in a good way from what Lyra can say. There was some magic and mystery, all in one, even without the mention of the poor hare being transformed. The duo was definitely very interesting and felt full of life from energy alone.