[color=lightgray][h3][center][color=BBC7E1]Charlotte[/color] & [color=9AF781]Leo[/color][/center][/h3] [center][color=BBC7E1]Part[/color] [color=9AF781]1[/color] [color=BBC7E1]3pm[/color][/center] [center][hider=The Dining Room][img]https://i.imgur.com/2q6jkOM.png[/img][/hider] [/center] [hr] [center][color=BBC7E1] “Gilbert, you’ve outdone yourself!”[/color][/center] The dark-haired young woman stood at the threshold of the dining room, taking in the scene before her with an awestruck expression. The air was thick with the aroma of mouth-watering delicacies, causing her stomach to growl loudly with anticipation. Gilbert stood beside the table, a look of satisfaction etched onto his features as he surveyed his handiwork. The table was a feast for the senses, with various vibrant colors and textures that begged to be explored. A dazzling array of vegetables, fruits, and meats had been carefully arranged in a symphony of hues, with the deep red of cherry tomatoes, the crisp green celery, and the bright orange of carrot sticks all vying for attention. Then there were the cheeses, which were set on a board of varying flavors and textures, from the sharp tang of aged cheddar to the creamy richness of brie. Each variety was expertly paired with its own accompaniment, such as the sweet tang of apricot jam or the bite of pickled peppers. A basket of artisanal crackers sat nearby, their crisp texture and subtle flavors providing the perfect counterpoint to the rich cheeses and meats. And then, there was the most important piece: a giant loaf of garlic bread that oozed with the irresistible scent of fresh herbs and warm, toasty bread. Charlotte whirled on Gilbert and approached him with a huge smile, [color=BBC7E1]“Oh my gosh. Thank you!”[/color] She threw her arms around her chef in a hug. The chef remained stiff and did not return the hug. Though, he did blush a little out of view. [color=BBC7E1]“ How will I ever repay you for this? I hope you had some for yourself.”[/color] [color=7bcdc8]“You pay me for my service, remember?”[/color] The blonde chef gruffly replied. Awkwardly, he patted her head. [color=7bcdc8] “Please enjoy, Lady Charlotte… and please try to remember to nourish yourself with healthy food instead of eating the entire loaf of bread.”[/color] It wasn’t long before he took his departure and Charlotte was left to await Lord Leo Smithwood’s arrival. She took in a deep breath and picked up her notebook that she had set down moments before. Charlotte had hoped to have had more time to prepare more for today, but she supposed she at least had no shortage of new information to share. Leo arrived at the Vikena estate at precisely three in the afternoon. Tardiness was the hallmark of the lazy and disorganized, but worst of all it was a sign of disrespect. Likewise, it would be rude to show up to another’s home empty-handed. So after collecting his winnings from the horse race, a brief walk through the shopping areas of town had solved the latter concern. A leather-bound book, filled with blank pages lined for music rather than prose, had been nicely gift-wrapped by the shopkeeper and tied with a soft blue ribbon bow. Elaborate and expensive suited most nobles, but Lottie had never seemed as materialistic as most, so a quiet and thoughtful gift seemed better suited than an excuse to show off wealth. But Lottie had always had a sense of whimsy, which was exactly why there was a very fake, large and ridiculous mustache stuck upon his upper lip held on by only cheap, irritating, adhesive and a prayer. The hairs of the fake mustache tickled at his nose as he caught the scent of fresh bread and garlic already wafting out from inside the house. There was not a single restaurant in all of Caesonia that rivaled the food the Vikena’s offered their guests. There was comfort in knowing that some things had not changed. He gave a quick couple of knocks at the door and waited. [color=9AF781]“Detective Smithwood reporting for a meeting with a Detective Vikena.”[/color] Leo addressed whomever opened the door in his most official voice. The door creaked open to the view of Charlotte in a lacey dress she had on since the morning and her hair still tied back. Initially, she had seemed rather low-energy at first glance. As she took in the view of Leo, a big smile slowly crossed her face. She decided to echo his official voice. [color=BBC7E1] "Ah Detective Smithwood. At last! …Are you here to solve the case of the missing garlic bread, or perhaps you seek my expertise in uncovering the truth behind a scandalous cheese theft?" [/color] She quipped, raising an eyebrow in amusement. [color=BBC7E1] "Either way, I'm ready to assist you in your pursuit of justice... and carbs."[/color] She gestured for him to come in, ready to lead the way into the dining room. Leo welcomed a weary-looking Charlotte with a bright smile, briefly wondering if her night had been as strange and exhausting as his own. But it would only be impolite to point out to a woman that she looked tired so he did not ask. [color=9AF781]“Missing garlic bread, cheese theft? You speak of very serious crimes detective. We’d better solve the case quickly before we’re all left with nothing but cold porridge to eat.”[/color] He walked through the doorway before offering the wrapped gift he carried. [color=9AF781]“Didn’t see you at the horse race but I caught a good bit of Lorenzo. Your father had the crowd hanging on his every word, an incredible performance. And after seeing one Vikena so positively inspired I had to pick something up in the hope that it might inspire you as well.“[/color] Leo’s free hand became more animated as he spoke carefully chosen words. After Lorenzo’s folly last night at the ball, and the rumors that infested the local papers, kind words about Lottie’s father seemed the right thing. [color=BBC7E1] “ Oh wow ! For little old me? You shouldn’t have. “[/color] Charlotte accepted the gift into her hands with a smile. Then she began to lead Leo to the dining room as she listened to him speak. Charlotte was glad the horse race had gone smoothly. She hoped that would redeem some favor in the public view for Lorenzo. [color=BBC7E1] “ He really likes that sort of thing so I’m not too surprised. He’s quite beloved back in Veirmont. I wish I could have gone. Perhaps I would have considered entering if I had the energy. My horse Tempestes and I have always been a good team.” [/color] Once in the dining room, she gestured toward the table with one hand with a friendly smile, [color=BBC7E1] “ The thief was me all along. ”[/color] A chair had already been pulled out for his convenience. She subsequently seated herself and went to work opening his present. Leo followed Charlottle toward the source of the delightful smells that filled her home. As she revealed that she had been the dastardly garlic bread bandit all along, Leo dramatically acted out the part of a shocked detective. [color=9AF781]“Internal corruption of the highest order!”[/color] He ripped the, already close to falling off, fake moustache from his face and shook his head. [color=9AF781]“We cannot allow this crime to find its way into the papers. I fear we must consume the evidence in order to keep the good standing of this agency’s name.”[/color] He added solemnly as he placed the moustache into a pocket and took a seat. For a moment Leo wasn’t sure what else to say; because he didn’t want to discuss his missing, probably dead, father. He didn’t want to unspool that string of unanswered questions and feel himself unraveling with it. There was no positive spin to find in there, only a void. Nor did he want to bring up her loss, because he knew how it felt to be reminded of all those unanswered questions. So he looked at the feast, every detail of it, breathed in the collage of aromas, and found the wonder in it. A small feast with a very good friend was more than enough to make this day a good one. [color=9AF781]“A feast fit for a king, though I sincerely hope one does not show up, there are strange and unsettling things going on in Sorian. I wouldn’t want this conversation to find its way to the wrong ears.”[/color] Leo said, briefly scanning the room to be sure there were no prying ears of servants. He’d decided the mystery around last night’s party was far more appropriate and involved enough unsettling details to add to the urgency of figuring it out. Charlotte's reaction to the sight of Detective Smithwood removing his great and powerful moustache was nothing short of dramatic. She gasped in horror, her hands flying up to cover her mouth in shock. The suddenness of the revelation seemed to hit her like a ton of bricks, and she urgently pleaded with Varian detective. [color=BBC7E1] “Put it back! Put it back! Quickly, before someone sees you, Detective Smithwood!" [/color] she exclaimed urgently, her voice tinged with panic. Charlotte's initial serious demeanor had been impressive, but as the moment subsided, she found it increasingly difficult to keep a giggle restrained. She sucked her lips inward, determined not to give in to the impulse. [color=9AF781]“I cannot. This moustache will have not to aid in the concealment of a crime.”[/color] He kept his tone and expression as serious, filled with conviction, as best he could while slapping the fake moustache onto the table. [color=9AF781]“These are noble hairs of the law and we have evidence to destroy.”[/color] He added before grabbing a slice of cheddar to eat. Next, she turned her attention to the gift box that had been sitting beside her. Reaching inside, she pulled out a small book and flipped through the pages with a genuine smile on her face. She ran her fingers over a page with intrigue. [color=BBC7E1] "Leo, this is lovely!"[/color] she exclaimed in delight. [color=BBC7E1] "I absolutely adore this. Thank you so much. I can't wait to write some songs in this little darling." [/color] Charlotte's enthusiasm was palpable, and she couldn't resist adding playfully, [color=BBC7E1] "Perhaps the great Detective Smithwood and Detective Vikena need a theme song."[/color] [color=9AF781]“A theme song? I’d be delighted to hear that. It’d be a great way to celebrate once we solve at least one case. Speaking of, I’ve got new one to add, a strange underground party that left several, including myself, with unexplainable memory loss.”[/color] Leo said before biting into a cracker. [/color]