[center][h2][color=slateblue] Ariella[/color]& [color=00F8FE]Callum[/color][/h2][/center] [center][h3][color=D2691E]Part 1[/color][/h3][/center] [color=slateblue]Location:[/color] Secret Location [color=E77298]Time:[/color] 4pm [color=gray]Farims escape plan seemed to work without a hitch. Ariella and Callum had exited the tavern with no issue. Jumping into the carriage and heading off toward the gardens. She was grateful for Farim, he didn’t even seem to hesitate when she asked for his help, They likely wouldn’t have been able to sneak out if it wasn’t for him. Some time had passed since they left the Tavern and after a good trek, the pair arrived at a wooded area behind the youth education buildings. The woods were lush and thick, appearing to be untouched by any human hands for a very long time. Large bushes of various berries and smaller plants littered the forest floor alongside multiple logs and branches that had fallen off the surrounding trees. Ari and Ana had come here during their younger years, Ana would sneak boys back here while Ari tended to just hide with her books and drawings. Some of her best memories were shared in this forest. It took them almost a year before they even found their little spot but when they did it was the most magical place Ariella had ever seen. Still to this day, she felt like she was stepping into another world when she walked through the gate. Ana and Ari made a pact that they would only bring people who would appreciate this place, respecting it for what it was and hopefully, they could keep it as their special oasis forever. Picking up the hem of her dress she trekked over and around the large logs and sticks, moving in and out of them like an expert. After another short walk, the two ended up at a gate. The [url=i.imgur.com/V0YdreY.png]gate[/url] was made of overgrown vines and flowers that had taken over an old wooden structure. The woods had grown over any existing man-made object covering everything but the door. Normally this would be where Ana and her would remove the top layers of their dresses, hanging them off some branches that grew from the sides of the fence. However, with the prince being here she would just need to be extra cautious with her dress. Callum followed quietly but couldn’t help but wonder why there was a fence and a gate in the middle of nowhere. Had someone lived out here before? The denseness of the forest and the amount of overgrowth made it clear that this area had not been maintained in a while. The air was less irritating than he’d initially thought, though he could still feel the tingle of pollen aggravating his nose and eyes, it was not nearly as overwhelming as the botanical gardens near the palace. Ariella turned back to look at Callum with a pure and genuine expression on her face. [color=slateblue] " You are one of few now who know of this place, it's top secret. I ..."[/color] she paused for a moment holding back a giddy smile[color=slateblue] " I just hope you like it as much as I do. "[/color] Ariella turned back around and pushed open the gate, the wood scraping against some old concrete stone that seemed to create a path inwards. [color=00F8FE]“Sometimes the place matters less than the company, but this place is beautiful. And not like anything I've seen before. More like, something from a fairytale.”[/color] Callum offered a nod, he understood; places and things that were kept secret deserved reverence when shared. He understood from the way Ari talked about this place that it meant as much to her as magic did to him. He already planned to be properly respectful and to try very hard to only see the positive side here. And it was much easier than he truly expected. Walking through the gate she let him take the lead, She after all had seen everything before. Falling back slightly she held her hands up around her face, the expression of an overly excited child on her face. Walking further into the woods the path would lead them to a ravine filled with crystal-clear water. Inside the ravine, small fish can be seen swimming up and down hiding under small lily pads that sat on top of the calm water. The water cut across the stone path wrapping up around a very large [url=i.imgur.com/Ahz8aW7.png]gazebo[/url]made of beautiful marble that also was covered in vines, ivy, and flowers. Off to the right of the gazebo was a [url=i.imgur.com/Ps5nfO2.png]Swing[/url] that Ari and Ana had put up years and years ago. Just behind the swing in the far-off distance was also a [url=i.imgur.com/P6yMNzJ.png]fountain[/url] that too had been grown over by the various foliage. The air here held more than pollen and tiny creatures that buzzed about. Something almost sacred, almost exactly the same feeling the air within the god's temples held. It was entirely serene, with none of that frantic energy that encapsulated the rest of the city. Here everything was calm and at peace, that feeling was so easily taken in with the air here. As he walked, and breathed, in the silence he better understood the magic of this place. He continued to follow the stone path, which flowed as smoothly as water, as it twisted its way around the ravine. She gave him a moment to soak it all in but while he did so Ari had already started pulling off the murderous [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e4/53/ff/e453ff7047d1b03d07aab6293c1ebb4e.jpg] shoes[/url] she had just trekked in to get here. Letting out a soft moan as her bare feet touched the cool ground she let out a long sigh of relief. Standing back up she smiled at him, [color=slateblue] " Shoes off, it's the rules. " [/color] [color=00F8FE]“I am a known rule-breaker so if I abide by this one you’ll have to keep this secret as well or my reputation will be ruined.”[/color] He joked as he went ahead with the removal of shoes and socks. He didn’t entirely understand the need for this step, how the addition of feeling slimy rock with his feet added to the magic of this place but seeing as he’d made everyone uncomfortable at the tavern he could stand to be uncomfortable for a while. Ariella chuckled at his comment [color=slateblue] “ Your secret is safe with me. Plus, anything done or said here doesn’t leave beyond that gate.” [/color] She smiled at him. She put her hands on her hip as she looked around [color=slateblue] “Well..this is it. I know the shoe thing might be sort of weird but…” [/color] she paused looking down at her wiggling toes on the dirt [color=slateblue] “ Not only do women's heels create a lot of damage to the ground from walking around but so do men's shoes digging rivets into the path it just keeps the places more true to nature, we are the guests here.”[/color] She looked back up towards the Gazebo [color=slateblue] “ We tend to spend a lot of our time in the Gazebo, it's great for keeping any sun off of us or any stiff winds that may break through.” [/color] Callum only nodded to indicate his understanding, this was respect for the earth. Fair enough. [color=00F8FE]“Is there anything inside that gazebo?”[/color] He asked. She was a bit taken aback by his question. She should have figured he would have been curious, it's not unusual to ask such a question being in a new place but the gazebo certainly had a lot of things inside of it. If he hasn’t judged her yet, this may be the moment he does. [color=slateblue] “ There are..things,” [/color] she said softly her voice trailing off as she felt a bit shy omitting what was in there. [color=slateblue] “ Easier to show you I think…” [/color] Ariella started to walk towards the Gazebo. Stepping over the ravine to the other side where some marble steps lead up into the large structure. Standing near the door she grasped her hands nervously.[color=slateblue] “ Ana doesn’t really come here that often anymore so I’ve kind of taken over the space. I have never shown anyone this so I'm strangely nervous for some reason” [/color] She laughed nervously as her fingers played at the fabric of her dress. [color=00F8FE]“I think you’ve already seen me at my wo-,”[/color] No not his worst, not even close, he pivoted his words. [color=00F8FE]“Well not my best and you let it go so unless this gazebo is where you murder unsuspecting princes I think I can do the same.”[/color] Callum said, grinning. As the door to the gazebo opened he felt the familiar presence that was Starcatcher radiating from inside. He hesitated before he even set foot inside, he avoided even looking in the Book’s direction, and he said nothing, keeping his attention fixed on Ari. Ari felt his eyes fixated on her, she looked over at him feeling his reluctance to go inside.[color=slateblue] “ I promise no murdering of unsuspecting princes takes place here. “ [/color] She offered him a friendly smile.[color=slateblue] “At least not yet “[/color] she joked. Callum didn’t have to look at the crimson grimoire with its pages lines in golden text to know it was there. The Book held a force more powerful than anything else he’d ever experienced. More than drink, more than drugs, It called out to every part of Callum; body, mind, spirit, and blood. He would have expected the secret prince murdering room before ever guessing to find the presence of this very book. Inside the Gazebo were tons of books along the edges and floors, stacking so high in some areas they would be up to his knees. Many of the [url=https://www.kron4.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/11/2022/10/witches-book.jpg?w=2560&h=1440&crop=1]books[/url] were various romance novels, herbology books, greek tragedy stories, and mythology books. Alongside, the books were homemade wax candles, dried leaves and flowers, little trinkets, and rolls of twine. The center of the gazebo was clear except for a large plush fabric cushion where an opened book sat comfortably on it. He may notice a familiar book sitting amongst her pile with a red binding and gold lettering. The title read star catcher, with a tassel hanging out the side of it. Around the book were some recently burnt candles, twigs, and a lock of hair that matched similar to Ariellas. She had nearly forgotten it when her eyes noticed the book open from the other night. Her eyes widened slightly as she hoped he wouldn’t take notice, that he would just see it as another one of her books since there were so many. she looked around nervously as she started to ramble [color=slateblue] “I spend a lot of time here, I don't like being at home. A lot of my books I’ve collected over the years, read them all but couldn’t seem to get rid of them. Each and every one of them here is important in its own way. Lots of lessons to be had in this room” [/color] she joked laughing nervously again. [color=00F8FE]“I don’t really have a home, I have a palace I live in but don’t belong in and there is none of the warmth that makes a building into a home. Last night our Queen who calls herself my mother found her two youngest intoxicated enough to worry we might not wake. But what she really cared about was how it looked to the rest of the world. So today she thought executing Darryn, the man who drove our carriage, would be an appropriate punishment. She thought her embarrassment and our disobedience were worth innocent blood. That is the sort of family I come from, and that is why it is nearly impossible to put my faith in anyone who shares my blood.”[/color] For the second time today he offered up an explanation for why he acted in all ways he did. He began to walk the perimeter, taking in the titles of a variety of books that lined the room. Many he recognized, some he did not. But he was still thinking of only that Book. Ariella listened to her friend, and Callum certainly seemed to need one. She felt her back press up against the cold marble pillar as she looked over at him. Ana had told Ari about a lot of what happened in her family, all the things that her parents did..or didn’t do. As she got older the stories dwindled but so did Ana, drowning herself in whatever she could find to keep the smile on her face. She started to realize that while Ana drowned herself Callum wore a lot of guilt and anger on his shoulders. [color=slateblue] “ My mother, although she would never execute someone mainly because she really doesn’t have the power to I assure you that if it made her look better or put fear in her station she would. She forces me to treat people a certain way, put on beautiful lush gowns and expensive jewelry, and parade myself around like a circus animal. She belittles and treats people like they aren’t anything more than a cockroach under her shoe and how dare they mess up her pretty little shoe. If I don't comply, then I am locked in my chambers with guards posted at my door day and night. “[/color] Her eyes dropped to the ground, and she focused on her feet planted against the cold stone. [color=slateblue] “ You don’t need to explain yourself to me, Our situations are slightly different but our burdens are very similar. I will never judge you, you don’t need to explain.” [/color] She shrugged her shoulders softly [color=slateblue] “ In a lot of the books I’ve read it's common for the misfits, the forsaken, or the misunderstood to find their family with others who don’t share their blood. Finding people you trust and making your home with them instead. You have a home here..if you want it” [/color] she said softly looking up at Callum her face unable to provide anything more than a look of understanding. [/color]