[b]Sarkazjhit Diplomacy[/b] "Very fine, thank you. After the war we bassically cut off contact with the humans and triarians when they went off to fight the Draconians. We still kept in touch with the Equestrians, however. We've also colonized a lot of worlds, and have thousands more in our territory left to colonize. Military's also good. Currently we are trying to colonize other galaxies, though we don't know how. So why did you come to us once more? Trade? Alliance? Technology agreements?" said Admiral Dunom [b]Congressional Meeting Update[/b] Vote have been tallied, current proposals ennacted: [i]Colonization of worlds for automated drone farming and mining[/i] (supplies will be acquired through foreign trade) [i]Approval of extended Military[/i]0 [i]Ration boosts to Colonies[/i] [i]Creation of ANMs[/i] [b]Report to: Trinity/Department of Intelligence/ Department of Research From: Research Team 20-Nutrition Project[/b] "Sirs, tests have shown promising signs, we believe we have accomplished beyond our set goals. Current nutrition rates of artificial foods have been around 34% of natural grown food. With this new strand of machines, we have boosted this to over 95%. The original machines, AFM (Artificial Food Machines) can now be replaced by a new strand: ANMs (Artificial Nutrient Machines). Flavors can be set from any known meat and vegetable. Mass Production can be made immediately; this will know doubt solve the food shortages we are experiencing in the colonies." [b]Message to: Equestrians, EA, The Collective[/b] [i]We are in the interests of technologies, trade pacts, and other sorts. If you would like, go to these coordinates (The planetery state, Allimone) in no less than 576 hours, or one week or/and reply to this message[/i]