[hider=Shh, hush…][center][h1][b][abbr=1.) a state of disorder or disrepair; broken 2.) peaceful ruler] ◆◆◆[color=9354FF]◆◆[/color][/abbr][color=9354FF] "△△△"[/color] [abbr=1.) son of Hendrick 2.) ruler of the home; estate ruler 3.) lord’s manor][color=9354FF]◆[/color]◆◆◆◆◆◆[/abbr][/b][/h1][color=9354FF]Time:[/color] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5431725]13:00[/url]~15:00 [color=9354FF]Location:[/color] Vikena Estate[/center] [quote]△△△ faced his audience watching from the other side of the glass. A deluge of birds amassed every window ledge and perched on the nearby tree branches, their beady eyes fixated on him with a detached curiosity. △△△ expelled a long sigh as he walked to the nearest window and opened it.[/quote] In a flurry of feathers, the birds took to the sky, their wings sliced through the warm rays of the sun with a rhythmic beat that echoed through the air. With each movement, some soared higher and higher into the endless expanse of the sky, leaving behind a trail of chirps and whistles. Four ravens, three adorned with ribbon-wrapped legs, flew back to the window and settled themselves on the sill. They stared at △△△—the fourth bird’s piercing gaze, in particular, belied an uncommon depth of knowledge for a bird, even a raven, but had been present in the rooster a while ago. Once it became evident that they had said their peace, △△△ broke the silence. [color=9354FF]“I don’t know where you birdnapped him from, but promise me you’ll take the rooster back home?”[/color] The fourth raven meticulously arranged each feather with their beak, treating the task as paramount. △△△ folded his arms. [color=9354FF]“I’m serious. The poor creature’s had a rough time. And I’m starting to think he has a family who’s worried sick about him right about now.”[/color] As the raven groomed their feathers, they intermittently glanced over to gauge whether the count would drop the subject before finally acquiescing with a non-committal, single [i]kraa[/i]. [color=9354FF]“I’ll hold you to that.” [i]Now then…[/i][/color] As he crouched before the murder of ravens, △△△ retrieved two scarlet fabrics: the handkerchief that veiled “Mary’s” face and the washcloth he used to clean “Vincent.” One at a time, he presented each cloth to the birds, murmuring a name into it. The ravens with ribbons snatched each name and blood-soaked cloth and flew away. The ribbonless raven hopped closer. They emitted a series of croaks to capture △△△’s attention, then pointed their beak at his pocket, prompting him to pull out the white feather that the rooster plucked from Duke Vikena—the once [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5407856]pinkish-orange feather[/url] that guided him from Sorian Castle to the Vikena Estate. △△△ shook his head. [color=9354FF]“Just store them for now.”[/color] He habitually [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5346302]collected samples[/url], unsure when they might be useful. He examined the feather, now indistinguishable from any other ordinary feather, one last time before discarding it. With their transaction complete, △△△ expected the last raven to depart like the rest of the flock. However, the bird remained where they stood. He blinked and signed. [i]Yes?[/i] The raven faced the door Lady Vikena exited from. They could have been referring to anything, but he imagined them asking only one question. He sighed. [i]I don’t know. They might not be able to. She has a lot on her plate and Lorenzo…[/i] △△△ eyed the pistol on the wall. [i]Duke Vikena might be in deep trouble.[/i] He held his hand up, preventing the raven from responding. [i]I know, but I can try, can’t I? Even if they decide not to get involved, I can’t just leave it like this.[/i] The raven bristled. Because of the matter with Udo or Peter’s grievances towards the duke, △△△ had no way of knowing. [i]It’s hard enough as it is being an outcast.[/i] The raven deflated, their feathers smoothed out, and their body became less tense. [i]Let me work on this a little bit longer. No matter what happens, tomorrow, I’ll change avenues. We can decide afterward if we should continue....[/i] He gestured at the surrounding space. [i]This.[/i] The raven appraised △△△ before they poised themselves for flight. [color=9354FF]“Wait.”[/color] The raven halted, swiveling their head around. [i]Keep an eye out for Duke Vikena when you’re at the circus, Wayra.[/i] [/hider][hr][hr] [center][h1][b][abbr=1.) a state of disorder or disrepair; broken 2.) peaceful ruler] ◆◆◆[color=9354FF]◆◆[/color][/abbr] & [color=7bcdc8]Gilbert[/color] & [color=7ea7d8]Delilah[/color][/b][/h1] Time: 15:00 Interactions: Chef Gilbert & Miss Delilah [@princess][/center] The tantalizing aroma of various delicacies hit △△△ before he set foot in the kitchen. The sounds of bubbling, roasting, and cutting were gentle and calming as a lullaby. Chef Gilbert moved deftly around the kitchen, effortlessly taking on the tasks of multiple cooks, a true one-man kitchen brigade. Yet, even from the eyes of an amateur, △△△ could tell there was still quite an amount of work left with how much it seemed the chef wanted to impress the soon-to-arrive guest. The incredulity etched itself into Chef Gilbert’s face when △△△ volunteered to help. After all, what use could this pampered man possibly be in the kitchen? Chef Gilbert spent years honing his skills, and he was not about to entertain the notion of a greenhorn intruding upon his domain, especially when Lord Smithwood was due to arrive soon. With a curt answer, Chef Gilbert initially dismissed △△△’s offer. However, after some back and forth, Chef Gilbert relented, albeit with caution, and assigned △△△ to simple tasks. △△△ proved to be more than adequate for the job and the chef promoted him from kitchen hand to apprentice chef. By the time the dishes were ready to be carried into the dining room, △△△ had climbed the proverbial ladder to Chef Gilbert’s sous chef. When asked where the count learned how to cook, △△△ spoke of a small town his Caesonian relatives lived in. There, everyone pitched in on the daily chores, including cooking. He remembered the fun he had in the kitchen as he worked together with others. He also mentioned how his distant cousin had a natural talent to turn every dish into a visually and olfactorily unpleasant mess, no matter what. The food was, fortunately, still edible, incredibly bland, but edible. Everyone reassured his cousin that he’d get better one day. He never did. [color=7bcdc8]“Where’s this place?”[/color] The chef asked. [color=9354FF]“It’s gone now. Bandits raided the area and torched it.”[/color] According to the papers, that is. Before Chef Gilbert formulated a followup question, △△△ continued. [color=9354FF]“We still keep the tradition alive back in Varian, though. I think cooking is a useful skill to have regardless, but even more so if you travel. One time we got shipwrecked in…” [/color] He regaled the chef of his food-related adventures abroad. The cooking-centric conversation seemed to warm Chef Gilbert up to △△△, just enough for him to share a little about himself and the Vikenas. He had been under the Vikenas’ employment for several years. Despite their dwindling reputation, Gilbert remained loyal as they had treated him with a kindness that he had never experienced from his own family. With the Vikenas, he was a part of the family, not just another staff, and they were Chef Gilbert’s most avid supporters. It was why he followed them wherever they required a chef, even if the place was the dreaded city of Sorian, where so many belittled and ridiculed the Vikenas; a place that was even more difficult to stay after the Duchess's death. The death of Dutchess Vikena struck a devastating blow to her family, leaving their hearts shattered. Lady Vikena withdrew further into seclusion, and Duke Vikena was pushed into a dark place that seemed impenetrable to anyone’s reach. The chef described the duke as “a poor soul who can’t run away from the destiny of failure.” [color=9354FF]“They must’ve loved each other deeply,”[/color] △△△ commented. [color=7bcdc8]“He does.”[/color] Chef Gilbert answered. This time, △△△ refrained from commenting. The chef seemed to respect the late Duchess, but there was a certain undertone he had when talking specifically about her and not the Vikenas as a whole. As it turned out, this was not mutually exclusive to the chef. Miss Delilah appeared in the kitchen to offer her assistance and was surprised to see that everything was moving along smoothly. Chef Gilbert told her how △△△ helped him expedite the process, and △△△ mentioned how he enjoyed the time spent talking and cooking with Chef Gilbert. Miss Delilah showed a sudden interest in the details of the conversation that took place between Chef Gilbert and △△△. [color=9354FF]“He was giving me tips on how to leave a good impression on a particular maid,” [/color] △△△ said, full of cheer. [color=9354FF]“On a completely, absolutely, unrelated note, I’d like to know more about you, Miss Delilah.”[/color] For a moment, he saw the beginnings of a warm smile bloom on the woman’s features when a flash of suspicion cut it short. She quickly hid that expression with the kind of “friendly” smile △△△ knew all too well. Which was why Miss Delilah’s confession that she was the secret love child of a maid and a baron caught him off guard. As soon as the baron discovered his fling was with child, he left the picture, leaving Miss Delilah’s mother to raise her alone. Together, Miss Delilah and her mother worked at Sorian Castle until her mother passed away when she turned sixteen. Despite her efforts to handle the workload of two people on her own, it became overwhelming because of the heavy demands and horrid work environment. This was the point when △△△ interrupted her. Although he did not intend to, he found himself taking her hands into his and closing his eyes tight. He felt her muscles tense from the sudden contact and slowly relaxed as he just stood there. [color=9354FF]“I’m sorry,”[/color] was all he said before releasing her. [color=9354FF]“Now you have sauce all over your hands,”[/color] he added in a more jovial tone. [color=7bcdc8]“You’re not touching anything in this kitchen until you wash your hands,”[/color] came the stern voice of Gilbert. △△△ saluted the chef. [color=9354FF]“Yes, chef.”[/color] As they washed their hands, Miss Delilah reassured him it was not all bad. When it became increasingly obvious that she could not live up to King Edin’s standards, he got rid of her by sending her away to Duke Vikena—Duke Walter Vikena—as a present for his newly born daughter. Miss Delilah talked about the late Duke Vikena with pure admiration, praising him for his kindness and compassion. He had enough love to shower Lady Vikena with adoration and act as a father figure to Miss Delilah. While she did not speak overtly ill of Duchess Vikena, the undertone in the chef’s recounting of the duchess was present in the maid’s voice as well. No, it was something more... △△△ sensed an accusation. Both Chef Gilbert and Miss Delilah seemed to agree on one thing: Duchess Emina Vikena was a proud and ambitious woman whose love for her daughter rivaled her obsession to restore the Vikena reputation, and leave behind a great legacy of her own. However, this obsession, combined with the pressures of the royal court, weighed heavily on the late duke. The fissure that formed between the Vikenas grew into a chasm as more issues piled up. When the title of Duke Vikena passed to Lorenzo, echoes of that chasm remained. No matter how hard he tried to fill his predecessor’s shoes, he only brought further embarrassment to the duchess, driving her to fight even harder to restore her family’s reputation. That was why Duchess Vikena’s supposed suicide came as a shock. It was inconceivable that a woman so scrupulous about her image would end her legacy in such a way. Perhaps they did not know their duchess as much as they thought they knew. Lady Vikena, in particular, became obsessed with uncovering the truth behind her mother’s death. [color=9354FF]“I’m sorry I made you feel uncomfortable, Miss Delilah.”[/color] △△△ said once he and Miss Delilah returned from the dining room back to the kitchen. [color=7ea7d8]“No, no. I’m fine.”[/color] Delilah had told him with a smile. [color=7ea7d8]“I know… the story seems rather bleak but I have hope perhaps both the Duke and Lady can find a sense of stability.” [/color] Delilah's smile faltered slightly as she then carefully chose her next words. [color=7ea7d8]"I do hope Lady Vikena can find happiness in more ordinary pursuits,"[/color] She said softly, her gaze fixed on him. [color=7ea7d8]"The season for courting is a time for simple joys, and I wish for her to experience them fully."[/color] Delilah's tone carried a hint of concern, and her eyes held a flicker of worry. [color=9354FF]“One not involving magic.”[/color] △△△ said as he collected the scraps of food into a bowl. His dark eyes softened at her reaction, [color=9354FF]“I’m a big boy. You can speak your mind… I can’t promise that I won’t be crying in the corner later, though.”[/color] Delilah held his gaze and gave a curt nod after some thought. [color=7ea7d8]“ I wish the same stability for you as well… Please be careful.”[/color] [color=9354FF]“...You’re very kind.”[/color] With the food in hand, △△△ exited the kitchen and requested Miss Delilah’s assistance in setting up a basic trap for the rooster. He was lining the floor with a trail of food when he returned to the subject. [color=9354FF]“Truth is, Miss Delilah, I worry if it’s even possible for my clan to obtain stability. We tried, of course. We lived as peacefully as possible, avoided conflict when we could, and looked after our friends. But sometimes… existing is enough of a threat to some, regardless of what we did or didn’t do.”[/color] The jolly conversation between Lady Vikena and Lord Smithwood echoed through the foyer. [color=9354FF]“And when those people happen to be someone of great influence and they’d do anything to eliminate us… it feels as though the world itself wants us gone.”[/color] He looked up at Miss Delilah, [color=9354FF]“How do you protect yourself from something so… absolute?”[/color] Delilah’s eyes downcast thoughtfully. [color=7ea7d8]“I have days where I’m afraid the baron will come to either claim me, or maybe he’ll decide I’m too much of a loose end. My mother had warned me he could decide to come for me any day… He’s a dreadful person.”[/color] She looked up, her eyes straying toward the direction of Lady Vikena and Lord Smithwood’s voices. [color=7ea7d8] “But I don’t let that fear control me. I have my family here with me now and I want to cherish that… Lady Charlotte, Duke Vikena, Nathaniel… I’m happy to be here.”[/color] She smiled to herself before meeting eyes once more. [color=7ea7d8]“We’re not the only ones at fate’s mercy… Terrible things happen to good people all too often. You deserve to be in this world just as much as anyone else. Cherish your time and don’t let the fear of threat take it away from you, Count Fritz.”[/color] She paused then gave him a friendly grin. [color=7ea7d8]“A handsome man like you should be out enjoying the courting season. Anyone who’s threatened by your existence can kindly deal with it.”[/color] △△△ barked a laugh. This was not how he envisioned the conversation going, but he appreciated her words. [color=9354FF]“Well, if this baron drops by and you need a little extra help dealing with him. You know you can count on me. Strength in numbers, yes?”[/color] After ensuring that the sizable wicker basket was secured, he offered his arm to Miss Delilah, [color=9354FF]“Now then, lovely madam. May I have the honor of escorting you back to the kitchen, where piles of dirty pots and pans await us?”[/color] [color=7ea7d8]“Thank you.”[/color] Delilah smiled and looped her arm through his, [color=7ea7d8]“Of course, you may.”[/color]