[color=lightgray][center][h1][color=ab274f]Wulfric[/color] & [color=BBC7E1]Charlotte[/color][/h1][h3]4 pm[/h3][/center][hr][hr] [url=imgur.com/J3cLJlh]The Oasis Tea Café[/url] was a charming locale, located on the southern end of Priscilla Street. It had a nice view of the sea, but was still far enough from the hubbub of activity at the ports. It was a fairly popular, well-visited location. While not so prohibitively expensive that only nobles would visit it, it was still a high-class locale. Besides members of the peerage, merchants, businessmen, traders, tourists, and other relatively well-off patrons favored it. It was seaside themed, and only very loosely reminiscent of an oasis. The façade was beige, and there was both local and imported foliage grown inside and outside of the building. The furniture and décor were tasteful yet with a feel of casual relaxation about it. Wulfric was found on the upper level, on the terrace. He sat in a section which had been cleared of everyone else. He’d stationed a few guards on the imaginary borders. They were there to ensure that no curious onlookers from the other parts of the terrace strayed into his space. He could afford the privacy. Of course, he’d notified his guards and the host of the café that if Lady Charlotte sought him out, she should be permitted into his presence. He sat on a couch by a long table adjacent to the railing, overlooking the street below. The table he had chosen could sit four comfortably, six for those who enjoyed crowding. There was one drink on his table. It was a so-called iced tea; a specialty of this café, with an assortment of tastes available. Here and there, he sipped at the glass through the black straw provided. In one hand, he held a book that he leafed through casually. Occasionally, he set it on the knee he had crossed over the other. Seemingly in thought, he would then gaze over the railing, observing the environments and the populace below. Despite being at ease, he radiated elegance as if it were in his very nature. His attire was also more relaxed than usual, consisting merely of [url=https://i.imgur.com/BIuTUfZ.jpg]white trousers and a light, blue shirt.[/url] He did not know if Lady Charlotte would be able to arrive or not. Thus, he was taking the opportunity to read, think, and not do much else of import. After a few minutes, the brief sound of a metal chair screeching against the floor for a moment disturbed Wulfric’s peace. Charlotte promptly withdrew her foot from the chair's leg, hoping to obscure the fact that her heart had momentarily skipped a beat at her error. As their eyes met, she offered a gracious smile to the heir. Her hair was neatly arranged in a bun, with softly undulating locks that framed her countenance. She wore a [url=i.imgur.com/vmMCtOe.png]yellow dress[/url] with a diaphanous shawl. A heart-locket necklace adorned her neck. [color=BBC7E1]“Your Highness.”[/color] She gave him a respectful curtsy with poise. Internally, she was cursing herself for the clumsy entrance. Despite her vexation, Charlotte remained as outwardly composed as she could. Truthfully, Charlotte was rather nervous. It had been easy to forget herself as she had weaved between the tables. Her attention had easily slipped away from where she was stepping. It hadn’t been the guards that had eyed her down as she had approached, it had been the sight of Prince Wulfric on a couch amongst a sea of empty tables. The air was still and the faint sound of the waves crashing had been filling the air. As her eyes had laid on him, she had found herself admiring him. When she had found herself face to face with the heir in the past, he had normally been intimidating. Seeing Wulfric relaxed, casually reading a book was a different experience, however. He had always been admired by many for his looks, but in this vulnerable state, his beauty was even more apparent. The prince was actually rather ethereal looking with his ashen hair and youthful face. His lashes cast shadows on his cheeks, and his downcast eyes gave him a pensive expression that seemed to add to his allure. [color=BBC7E1][i]It’s just the two of us here.[/i][/color] She supposed she should have assumed he wouldn’t have wanted other people interrupting, but it hadn’t quite dawned on her what she would be walking into. Charlotte could not remember the last time she had spoken to Wulfric so intimately. In fact, she hadn’t really spent much time with anyone the last year before the ball. She approached closer with folded hands but did not immediately seat herself. She couldn't afford to let her nerves get the best of her after everything Lorenzo and her had been through. Wulfric had become aware of the company as soon as she’d passed his guards, but had elected to let her arrive without staring her down. That was, until an abrupt metallic screech resounded. He raised his head then, and met her gaze, eyebrow quirking up questioningly. The clattering noise reminded him of the incident with that heterochromatic peasant, who had stumbled over a chair when nerves had gotten a hold of her and she’d fled Callum’s presence. Granted, this was far less offensive, though still somewhat surprising. He hadn’t taken Charlotte Vikena for being clumsy. He supposed she had grown distracted watching him - he [i]had[/i] noticed that - which was an effect he had on many. But she had remained acceptably collected throughout the embarrassing ordeal. And, at the very least, there were no onions involved. Nor did he expect there’d be any nonsense of the kind her father was a veritable harbinger of. When she greeted him calmly, he gave an approving smile. [color=ab274f]“Welcome, Lady Vikena.”[/color] He worked in some warmth into his otherwise neutral tone. He closed the book he had been reading, and deposited it to the side of the table. Charlotte would see from its title that although he’d been perusing it so leisurely, it was in fact a volume on economics. Elegantly, he uncrossed his legs, and with remarkable fluidity stood up to return her curtsy with a proper bow. [color=ab274f]“Please, do take a seat.”[/color] He gestured to the seating opposite, which was also a couch. Thus, there was no need for him to pull out a chair for her, but he did wait for the lady to settle in. Only then did he retake his seat as well. This time, his position and posture were more proper. Yet, the usual oppressive formality was absent. [color=ab274f]“I am glad you had the opportunity to accept my invitation on such a short notice,”[/color] he commented, smiling charmingly. [color=BBC7E1]“I’m very grateful for the invitation.”[/color] Charlotte replied with a smile in return, then seated herself on the couch. She sat up straight, holding her chin high and her shoulders back, just as her mother had instilled in her. [color=ab274f]“How have you been faring?”[/color] He started their line of conversation with a polite inquiry. Charlotte stifled a dry laugh that had risen in her throat. He certainly did not want to know about the day she had. It was best she redirected the target of conversation as to prevent the need to lie incessantly. [color=BBC7E1]“I’m doing well, thank you. And how about yourself? …What was your day like? ”[/color] Charlotte replied, her voice calm and composed. Her gaze set on him with genuine curiosity. It was hard to imagine a man like him having any flaws within his life, but she did suppose he had to deal with having King Edin for a father. With that in mind, she wondered if his life was truly the painting of sophistication he seemed to present to the rest of them. There was no change to Wulfric’s expression but it absolutely did not escape his notice that Charlotte had avoided answering. Or rather, her reply had been the courteous non-answer of those who did not wish to speak about their day. He could only assume she’d dealt with something unpleasant. The exhaustion from the events at the ball? Perhaps the attack on Damien - her neighbor - had affected her? Though, that was the kind of thing people were usually ever so fond of retelling. [color=ab274f]“Quite well,”[/color] he responded. [color=ab274f]“I attended some events, such as the archery and dueling competitions. The court as well, of course. I also managed to catch the tail end of the race,”[/color] he summarized. [color=ab274f]“Did you attend any?”[/color] he asked, curious about her activities now. Charlotte's eyes sparkled with interest as she allowed herself to lower her guard slightly. [color=BBC7E1]“I wish I would have had the time to attend those competitions… Did you participate in either of them? Regrettably, in my youth, I was never permitted to touch weapons…”[/color] Her words trailed off for a moment then she thoughtfully added with a smile, [color=BBC7E1]“However, I suppose there is nothing to stop me now. Sword-fighting seems to be quite… Invigorating!"[/color] She concluded wistfully. [color=BBC7E1]"...Anyway, to answer your question, I did sample the pancakes at the park this morning. For the remainder of the day, I was occupied with entertaining guests at my home."[/color] [color=ab274f]“I did participate in the swordsmanship tournament. It is, in fact, invigorating,”[/color] he confessed, leaning in a tad closer. Briefly, a tiny grin flashed across his face. Inevitably, as it usually did when it came to dueling and the like, a sharp glint appeared in his gaze. This time, there was a greater degree of vicious excitement to it, as the memory of his match against Mathias was still fresh in his mind. [color=ab274f]“If you are interested in learning…”[/color] he tilted his head at her, [color=ab274f]“I could introduce you to some people.”[/color] His first thought was Zarai. Based on Charlotte’s words, he’d surmised her mother (and possibly also her biological father) had been against her learning the blade, which was a situation rather similar to Zarai’s. [color=BBC7E1]“That would be amazing!”[/color] Charlotte beamed. At the mention of the park, Wulfric nodded. Rather than sighing, he picked up his drink and took a sip from it. She and Lorenzo must have attended together, and her father had mentioned violence. He’d not pursued the matter with the duke, but supposed he could with her. [color=ab274f]“Ah, the park,”[/color] he stated once he deposited the glass back onto the table. His countenance had smoothed out; his demeanour neutral to serious. [color=ab274f]“I heard there was some altercation there involving your father?”[/color] he questioned. [color=ab274f]“If you are willing, I should like to know what happened.”[/color] He affected a mildly concerned frown, because the details of that situation were something he’d prefer to know. Charlotte's smile faded slightly as he fixated on the topic of the park dilemma. [color=BBC7E1]"I believe there was a misunderstanding, but I had missed the initial part of the argument."[/color] She began, her tone growing more serious. [color=BBC7E1]"I had rejoined my stepfather when I heard shouting. At that moment, a person began to verbally insult both of us… He even attempted to push Duke Lorenzo, which led to the nearby waffle table to topple over. The situation devolved into chaos from there… Ultimately, we decided to leave the park.”[/color] [color=ab274f]“An unfortunate beginning to your day,”[/color] Wulfric noted regretfully. [color=ab274f]“And the kind of situation which would have benefitted from the presence of a guard, I imagine.”[/color] One situation in a long line of many. His gaze was drawn to the left, towards the city. It swept across various locations, not fixing on any one in particular. [color=ab274f][i]Better strategic placement?[/i][/color] Perhaps, each event and gathering should have some enforcers in place as a precaution. But then, there was also the matter of their usual patrols. [color=ab274f][i]And to increase their response times…?[/i][/color] His fingers tapped at his leg. But, before he could get too absorbed in his own thoughts, he mentally shook himself out of it. [color=ab274f]“Oh, but please excuse me,”[/color] he turned back towards his company, offering her a slight smile. [color=ab274f]“We were in the middle of discussing our days,”[/color] he redirected his attention back to the conversation at hand. [color=ab274f]“Would you like to hear more about any of the events I attended? Or did you wish to say more on those guests of yours?”[/color] Wulfric purposefully gave her the choice here. [color=BBC7E1]“Yes. I suppose I should have foreseen that the gossip from the newspaper and last night’s events would have traveled fast, and brought along a guard.”[/color] Charlotte agreed. However, the last thing she needed was a guard. They would just get in the way. Her thoughts had also ventured until Wulfric’s voice had pulled her back to the conversation. [color=BBC7E1] “Hmm, well, there isn’t much to say about my guests. I had Dr. John Williamson, Lord Smithwood and Count Fritz from Varian visit as well as Lady Thea. They were all wonderful company and I have no complaints.”[/color] [color=ab274f]“I had meant the city’s guards should have been available…”[/color] Wulfric waved a hand, dismissing both the notion that he’d accused her of not ensuring her own protection, and the topic in general. She then tilted her head and mused, [color=BBC7E1] “I would love to hear more about your experience in the sword competition… Though first… I am curious. You said you attended the horse race? Did you…”[/color] Her brows furrowed and worry crossed her expression, [color=BBC7E1]“Did you happen to run into my stepfather? “[/color] She softened slightly, [color=BBC7E1] “… Lord Smithwood did inform me that he did well.”[/color] At the mention of the duke, Wulfric’s expression acquired a further degree of severity. [color=ab274f]“Your father…yes,”[/color] he confirmed. [color=ab274f]“He did well - on the surface of it. However, when I chose to speak to him…”[/color] He gave Charlotte an intent look, and quite suddenly, there was the pervasive awareness that she was speaking to the crown prince. It had been a subtle shift, but now, his presence was heavy with the full weight of the authority befitting his status. [color=ab274f]“Several issues were revealed to me,”[/color] he finished his sentence. [color=ab274f]“I assume you wish to learn of them, despite the fact that this will undoubtedly add to your already taxing day.”[/color] Though it had been a statement, the prince waited for the lady’s affirmation. Only after she gave it, did he continue. [color=ab274f]“Duke Lorenzo Vikena is suicidal, has a penchant for abusing drugs recreationally, and seems rather…emotionally unstable.”[/color] Wulfric’s crystalline gaze settled on her as he gave her however long she needed to process this. Charlotte’s countenance crumbled and it felt as if her heart had as well. The word "suicidal" reverberated in her mind, sending shockwaves through her entire being. For a brief moment, the horrific image of her mother's lifeless body sprawled out on the grass flashed before her eyes, etching itself into her memory with painful clarity. Her heart started to race in her ears, a deafening drumbeat of fear. Charlotte only realized she had been staring down at her lap the entire time when she noticed a tear stain on her dress through her blurred vision. After a hard swallow, she blinked away tears in an attempt to compose herself. Then, she raised her head to speak, but it was difficult. Her words felt heavy, like trying to sift through a fog of emotions. [color=BBC7E1]"What?"[/color] Her voice was barely a whisper, so she took a deep breath and tried again, putting more effort into her words. [color=BBC7E1]"Are you... are you certain? I've never seen Lorenzo suicidal nor using drugs.... I know he drinks occasionally, maybe a little too much at times, but..."[/color] Her voice cracked, betraying her own inner turmoil. Wulfric wasn’t high on the list of kindest men in Caesonia, but she was sure he wouldn’t fabricate something so serious. The prince reached into his inner shirt pocket, and took out a very neat handkerchief. Carefully, he reached over to the other side of the table, and deposited it in front of Charlotte. Then, he leaned back and took care to gentle his tone for his next words. [color=ab274f]“He was intoxicated when we spoke. That it was more than alcohol is a suspicion on my part. A fairly strong suspicion based on his behavior and words, but I am not a medical professional. You may want to confirm this for yourself, however,”[/color] he said. She had graciously taken it with a nod and patted at her cheeks.[color=BBC7E1] [i]I need to get it together.[/i][/color] [color=ab274f]“As for the other matter…”[/color] his demeanour was calm, though reminiscent of one trying not to spook a wild animal. [color=ab274f]“It was but a fragment of our conversation…Yet, I deemed it concerning. Apparently, he believes that he was at fault for your mother’s death; that he might cause you to follow in her footsteps; or that perhaps you might be better off without him,”[/color] he summarized. [color=ab274f]“I do not know how seriously he meant that, or if it is a general disposition of his…his mood changed rather quickly,”[/color] he explained. A longer exhale followed. [color=ab274f]“I wish I had something more comforting to relay to you.”[/color] Wulfric seemed to think on it for a moment. [color=ab274f]“If nothing else…he was in good spirits when we were concluding.”[/color] [color=BBC7E1]"I… I see..”[/color] Charlotte lowered her gaze. [color=BBC7E1]“... Thank you for telling me.”[/color] If Lorenzo was truly suffering this much, she had been a fool to miss the severity. After a pause, she looked up at him once more. [color=BBC7E1]“If there’s nothing more, I think maybe I should depart… I do have the dinner with the Sultan to prepare for after all. Though, I am grateful for your time here, Prince Wulfric.”[/color] Wulfric inclined his head in understanding. [color=ab274f]“May the Gods’ blessings be upon you,”[/color] he wished her as a farewell. She’d need quite some fortitude to deal with all that had occurred (and all that still would). It was unfortunate their conversation couldn’t have been pleasanter, but what he’d told her was something she needed to know.[/color]