Craven hid in the higher shadows of the building, his dark gaseous form rendering him almost invisible if not for his glowing eyes. Though most never bother to look higher than eye level. Even so, he was listening in to the small speech, Gray had begun giving the others of the alley. He couldn't quite take his eyes off of the strange cloth covered object he had brought with him, at least until he removed the covering. [color=skyblue]" stole their stuff!"[/color] He exclaimed, unable to not voice his shock. It was insane, one does not just steal from Sylph, let alone Team Rocket. So it wasn't strange that the cowardly ghastly immediately thought to be rid of the thing and asked if they were going to sell it. His form flickered slightly at the excited response from Gray, even more so by the confirmations from Faye and Star. Though it was Vixen who really swayed his decision. [color=skyblue]"D-don't leave without m-me!"[/color] He said nervously, scared at the notion of being separated from the ones who accepted him despite his atypical nature. [color=skyblue]"S-someone's gotta watch you guys' back. though I'm not sure how useful I'll be."[/color] He added, muttering the last part with lowered eyes.