[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230204/4845b153b0aa5194f883010594dee61c.png[/img][/center] [center][color=659EC7][b]MENTIONS:[/b][/color] [color=DCDCDC]Everyone[/color][/center] [color=DCDCDC]Neve truly believed that the Blightbeast that had snapped its teeth around her right calf was going to break something. Agony, a sensation that she wasn’t quite used to, burned white hot as it streaked up to the inside of her thigh. Spurred by her cry of distress and the stench of her blood, the other creatures lurched forward. Neve flinched, expecting to be overtaken by their number, yet the next thing she knew she was soaring through the air. A strangled squeak of terror ripped from her throat as she clung to Galahad, the one who had brought her so far above the fields of grass. The world whorled beneath her feet and she scrunched her eyes closed as her stomach lurched. However, their flight lasted for a sheer moment before her trembling feet touched down upon the tarp that sheltered their supplies. She brought her head up to see Galahad dashing away, once again taking to the skies to mark the area with bolts of lighting. The others sprang into action as well, dashing towards the beasts with all of the vigor of seasoned warriors. She flinched when Izayoi cut the grass with her wind materia, Eliane right at her feet. Her chest churned when the Blightbeasts slowly surrounded Arton, their maws glistening as they exposed their teeth to the half-lit sky. Aelphis was nowhere to be seen and Goug trembled ferociously with both of his paws wrapped around the reins of the wagon’s chocobos. Neve bristled as she tenderly set her foot down upon solid ground. She was tempted to heal herself, but there were more important matters to attend to. Gritting her teeth through the pain, Neve grabbed the tarp and threw it over Goug’s head. The moogle hardly let out a complaint as he remained frozen in place and for a moment she felt bad for him. [color=659EC7][i]Sorry, friend. But I need to help them.[/i][/color] When that was done and over with, Neve dropped down from the side of the wagon and rushed after the two other women. It was for the best that she stuck with them since Galahad and Arton were so far ahead of them. Since the thick of the Blightbeasts had set their sights on them, her trio had come across stragglers that lagged behind the pack. Neve set her sights on the largest of the abominations, shakily raised her staff, and conjured a fierce Aero spell. The lashing winds sent the monster flying a few feet through the air before it crashed to the ground in a muddled heap. It only took a split moment for it to leap back up onto its feet, screech a blood-curdling cry to rally the singled out pack members, and streak towards them with a frothing jaw. To her surprise, it seemed like the spell hadn’t done much to it.[/color]