[center] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTM9OtqVe_Rc56IpAWrtZo_k-KejGSn2vMsWg&usqp=CAU[/img] [Color=red]Sarah Sinclair[/color] [/center] It felt strange, being back in the innards of a vertibird in flight and not being it's pilot; which was made even worse without the comfort and stability that power armour used to provide in such situations. Humans were never meant to fly, and the harsh airspace of the Mojave reminded Sarah of that fact as vicious turbulence and savage winds buckled and bent the craft's flight path as it traversed the Nevada airspace. The Alaskan native gave a silent sigh as she flicked and scrolled through digital pages on the PIP-pad, which had been given to her by Elder Maxson during their earlier meeting. Glyphs and symbols of both a foreign language and of the English lexicon appeared and disappeared rapidly whilst she skimmed through their contents; dossiers on two men named Raven Rivers and Albert Brosnovic. Of the former, very little was known to the Brotherhood or NCR forces, or at least very little had been disclosed in the file. Of Albert, however. There was much to be said amongst the files. If anyone were to be instrumental in the operation she'd been tasked with completing, it would be him. She doubted there was another in the entirety of the wasteland who'd know the ins and outs of the strip as well as him. Virgil hovered closely, almost seeming to be reading over the woman's shoulder as the hovertech built into the EyeBot shifted and weaved to keep itself eerily steady in the hold as everything around it. Their first target? [i]The Ghoul.[/i] As part of the Treaty of the Iron Bear, the diplomatic answer to the previous hostilities between the NCR and the Brotherhoood of Steel, the Brotherhood had agreed to find a solution to the gargantuan horde of ferals that had roamed it's way into the Mojave; although given the minimal resources that had been provided to her it was clear that the horde was incredibly low on their list of priorities. [color=red][i]Arthur knows of my past, of Anchorage and of Little America. Is it possible that this is the only reason he has chosen me for this mission? Standard procedure for such circumstances as this, the vertibird would have been given to a knight squadron and the horde would be gone in an hour at most. After all, ghouls can't fly. And they certainly are not immune to massed missile fire.[/i][/color] Sinclair began pondering to herself, something wasn't adding up. Least of all how the Brotherhood had even managed to find her in the first place. She'd been navigating the western coastline, through NCR territory on her way back to Anchorage when they'd picked her up and taken her to the Prydwen. But none of that mattered now, as she and her ever faithful robotic companion made their descent. [B]"Five minutes out Sarah. You know what to do...wait...what the hell is that on the ridgeline?!"[/B] [center][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EeNUBPsX0AIOJNo.jpg[/img] [Color=violet]Albert Brosnovic[/color][/center] [color=violet]"Yeah I know kiddo, we really gotta get to work on them comedic timin' skills o' yers-"[/color] Albert had begun in jest as the two exited the , chuckling lightly before a 7.62 round careened straight through his left shoulder. Growling in agony, the grizzled wasteland veteran was knocked to the ground from the sheer velocity of the round. [color=violet][i] Legion...Dangit, if I'dve stayed out there a little longer I'd have spotted them bastards.[/i][/color] He thought to himself as he pulled a fresh cigar from his case, clenching it between his teeth. A grunt and a moan signalled Brosnovic's return to his feet, slamming a freshmicrofusion cell into the breech of his trusty tri-beam rifle. With a flourishing spin of the weapon he cocked it's lever, locking the cell into place and initialising the weapon's charging sequence. Almost on queue, the gates from which he'd previously entered through blasted open with the furious detonation of a man portable missile. Shortly afterwards, came the first of the attackers. [i][color=violet]The first of the dead.[/color][/i] He thought to himself as he unleashed a salvo of laser rounds into the chest of the first through the breach. Six more beams made impact whilst the foe fell from the initial grouping, as the honorary ranger let two more trigger pulls be the legionary's end before he'd even finished hitting the floor. Age had truly caught up to him, in his hayday he'd have emptied the whole cell into both of the attackers before they'd even crossed the line into Foxtrot. But that had been forty something years ago, and old dogs can't learn new tricks. Before he had a chance to make a witty remark, the second man was upon him, swinging his machete wildly overhead. With a dishonorable, yet swift kick to the groin, Albert felled the man to his knees before unleashing a trio of lasers into the legionary's face at point blank range. Killing him instantly as his skull exploded into a sea of gore. He'd lost track of Raven at this point, and as concern seeped into his mind. Four more legionaries came rushing through the gate, however with the crack of rifle fire in the distance, two of them slumped to the ground holding their throats. [center][Color=red]Sarah Sinclair[/color][/center] Sarah gently exhaled through her nose as she let the two rounds fly at lightning speeds. Her hands almost untraceable by the human eye as she reracked the bolt on her chinese-made rifle twice in rapid succession. The side doors of the vertibird now open despite still being airborne. With a menacing smirk, the woman lowered her rifle and made a series of gestures with her off hand. [color=red]"Miss Sinclair requests that you move us closer, Lancer Adams."[/color] Virgil translated, and without a word in response and the bay doors still open, the pilot shifted the bird back into motion and darted towards the ongoing battle. Readying her signature handgun with a spin on her middle finger as she pushed her rifle onto her back, Sarah pulled her length of rope from her satchel. [Color=red]"Oh no, do we have to do this one again? It's been so long.[/color] Virgil had begun to chime in, when a missile sailed through the air and in a freakish stroke of luck, passed straight through the open hold and out the other side. [color=red]"Yes, I guess we do."[/color]