[quote=@Goma] sorry late, here she is!! [hider=Hikari Miko] [center][i][sub][h1]稲川会 Inagawa-Kai[/h1][/sub] [sub][h3]Yokai Overwatch - Division Head[/h3][/sub] [Sub]Divine Communicator, Spiritual Purifier; Good Sister[/sub][/i][/center] [table][row][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/nL2Zycw.jpg[/img][/center][/cell][cell] [sub][b]NAME:[/b] HIKARI MIKO[/sub] [sup]______________[/sup] [sub][b]AGE:[/b] 28[/sub] [sup]______________[/sup] [sub][b]DATE OF BIRTH:[/b] APRIL - 25 - 1944[/sub] [sup]______________[/sup] [sub][b]FAITH:[/b] SHINTO[/sub] [sup]______________[/sup] [sub][b]NATIONALITY:[/b] JAPANESE[/sub] [sup]______________[/sup] [/cell][/row][/table][i] [b]PERSONALITY[/b][/i] [sup]______________[/sup] [indent]Hikari is an optimistic, trusting, and self-giving individual. As an unofficial adoptive child, all such qualities were naturally inherited from the priest of the Shinto temple where she spent her childhood. Growing up, giving service was nothing short of a normal day for her. This looked like keeping the temple up and running alongside her fellow shrine maidens, assisting the priests and priestesses during rituals and prayer ceremonies, and even providing solace to visitors of the shrine in the form of much-needed conversations and rant sessions. As a result, obedience and good listening skills were her forte for the longest time. However, above all things, the shrine maiden is optimistic. It is her main quality, and almost to a fault. Ever since the fall of her shrine, the absolute belief she had in the good in all things has enabled her to fall down an unsavory path with the Yakuza, thoroughly trusting that their power, capabilities, and promises would help her restore her dying shrine and put all its members to rest. Climbing the ranks and even having a division specially formed within a gang syndicate was inevitable for a person with her talents, but the things she witnessed on a daily basis were unsightly no matter what. Even still, she tolerates them with great conviction and has no trouble holding her tongue in exchange for a smile. Over time, it became natural for her to stay positive even during the greatest of misfortunes. After all, there was a great goal in her heart that she ought to achieve before her passing - even if it meant setting aside her feelings and looking past devious lies, clear exploitations, and greed that knew no bounds. [/indent] [i][b]EQUIPMENT[/b][/i] [sup]______________[/sup] As a shrine maiden first and an acting yakuza member second, Hikari dons the [b][i][url=https://imgur.com/a/uENSC72]miko shozoku[/url][/i][/b] even during her missions in great respect to the Shinto practice. It is coupled with a bulletproof vest above her white [I]kosode[/I], graciously provided by her organization for added protection. [indent] ❀ [b]Oyabushi, "Pacifier"[/b] - A blessed katana, her main weapon of choice. Has undergone rites of purification and is empowered through spiritual energy. Officially used to send yokai to the other world ❀ [b]Ofuda, "Blessed Paper Talismans"[/b] - Slips of paper and wood blessed by local priests. They are imbued with much spiritual power and made with various uses in mind, mainly for the purpose of protection against evil. During hunts or exorcisms, they can be utilized to trap even the most elusive of apparitions. ❀ [b]Azusa Yumi, "Evil-Banishing Bow"[/b] - A powerful, traditional bow made of sacred Cherry Birch. In preparation for the mission at hand, the arrows have been both consecrated and engraved with inscriptions to repel negative energy. ❀ [b]Tamagushi, "Sacred Offertory"[/b] - A thick sakaki-tree branch mainly used for divination and is adorned with strips of white cotton cloth. Though it is meant as an offering, it has been specially sharpened thoroughly on its end for this mission to ensure great precision and reliability as a backup weapon. ❀ [b]Walther P38[/b]- A pistol given to her by another member of the Yakuza as a token of his admiration after a particular banishment event. Because of his insistence, she carries it with her but only as a last resort as she is aware these weapons were smuggled into the country. ❀ [b]Gehōbako, "Pouch of Trinkets"[/b] - A sizeable cloth bag that holds her prayer beads, ink for inscriptions, several types of [i]omamori[/i] charms, uncooked rice, dried fruits, nuts, herbs, salt, sugar, and sake. [/indent] [i][b]CAPACITY[/b][/i] [sup]______________[/sup] [indent][b]❀ SPIRITUAL COMMUNICATION[/b] - Hikari is gifted with the natural ability to see and communicate on a deeper level with yokai and yurei of all shapes and sizes. She is able to hear and speak to them, sense their presence, and even feel their emotions on a superficial level. As a result, she is fairly understanding to visitors from beyond the boundary and often uses this ability to make purification and exorcism rituals easier to handle for all parties involved. [b]❀ SWORDWORKS[/b] - As a shrine maiden and spiritual communicator, Hikari prefers to sit down and talk first before pulling out a sword. However, when the situation calls for it (which is usually) she will not hesitate to protect her loved ones or work associates. In the beginning, she was not expected to be extremely adept at physical prowess, especially when compared to her fellow yakuza members. For that reason, she has spent years of her life training regularly in [i]kenjutsu[/i] to make up for this lack and can fend for herself against particularly aggressive yokai when need be. As a bonus, it also gives her the chance to execute yokai herself, often granting them swift and painless deaths. [b]❀ PURIFICATION[/b] - Hikari is able to hold purification and cleansing rituals and throughout the years has learned to turn this process into a seamless addition to her combat style. The shrine maiden has by-hearted the [i]shinto norito[/i], a large collection of prayers, to assist her in this process of honoring kami and releasing spirits. Comprised of sing-song tones and rhythms, it also acts as a sort of meditation while she is out on hunts. [/indent] [i][b]NOTABLE SPIRITUAL CONTRACTS[/b][/i] [sup]______________[/sup] Due to her gifts, Hikari is able to form and establish contracts with yokai should both parties consent. As of this day, only one has been under her employ. [indent][b]❀ Yago[/b] - Yago-kun, a grumpy spirit with excellent sight perception that Hikari picked up after a particular mission. [/indent] [center][hider=Yago Backstory][indent]A gang member once requested assistance due to complaints of terrible migraines, intense eye aches, and a weakened aura which made him extremely vulnerable to falling ill. Though it was clear that he was being haunted by a resentful spirit, Hikari later found out that said spirit was originally an innocent bystander that the gang member had mistakenly shot due to bad aim. So, it stayed in the mortal realm to haunt his killer and 'steal' his vision, and that it did. As a result, the spirit ended up with amazing sight and sensory perception that it had nothing to do with. The shrine maiden believed it to be a good idea to 'adopt' the spirit under her care and allow it to work with her to atone for its evil misdeeds during its haunting. This is so that it can one day redeem itself, and reunite with its ancestors to become a guardian kami. The two have agreed to settle on a contract, allowing Hikari to make use of Yago's sight during missions for the purpose of scouting. In return, Yago siphons her negative emotions and fuels itself in this way.[/indent][/hider][/center][/hider] [/quote] Great stuff! Accepted. For everyone else, I'll write up the OOC tomorrow, probably-- then we can get started. Thanks for staying on, and I hope we can get good progress in!