[center][h1]Brown L. Cheeseman[/h1][/center] Brown blinked. The mysterious girl had vanished. And again, he was alone. In the crowd. He looked around, shocked and dazed. What had he just witnessed? Who was that poor scared girl? Even more isolated than he was, a grieved misanthrope among a field of joyous celebrants. Seemingly the only being in this land not dosed with the euphoric drip of the song... Maybe all was not as it seemed in this land. Brown would come to find the truth. For now, he had become separated from his group. The only link he had to his home. He looked around again for some evidence of them, his head peering out above the fair majority of the crowd. Still, he could not spy a single familiar face. Nor his guide. His worry began to grow. He stood, an unmoving rock amongst the flowing river of the crowd. When suddenly, his brow was unfurrowed and his trance of thought was broken. He felt a gentle tap on his shoulder. And he turned. A small fairy-like gentleman was hovering in his eye line with a smile on his face. Brown noticed the glowing symbol on his neck, and after the being's gesture to follow Brown decided to go with him. Find his compratriots. He continued examining the wondrous sights in his surroundings. A humanoid being made of twisting shifting abstract shapes. Something resembling a Queztalcoatal. And what appeared to be a moving cloud of flour. He made tried to remember in as much detail everything he took in as they passed through the city, going up and up towards the palace. Finally, he arrived, the huge doors opening with the sun shining directly through them, casting his silhouette across the opulently decorated floor. He arrived just in time to see an amphibious girl, who if he recalled correctly was Audrey, take the hand of an elegant woman of an otherworldly (even for here) nature. He blinked thrice, staring down at his group, and the various courtiers and spectators.