It was good food. She had expected much worse, really, considering how badly the prep had gone, how few tools they had at hand for breaking down the Elwets, but in the end, Esfir could say that she approved of it. It was good food. With spices, it'd be improved. With a pot, it looked to be a good stewing meat. There was a satisfying denseness to it, the way it settled in her stomach, and perhaps, she recognized, this was the first time that she had eaten solid food in this body of hers. Esfir closed her eyes, enjoying this moment of fullness for a bit longer. Pleasures were rare. She would ensure that they were not. Food to feast on every day, a home to call her own, wealth beyond measure and business that recorded record growth after record growth. An army, literal or figurative, at her beck and call. A world, turned to an oyster, for her to peel and poke at at her leisure. She ate cleanly. Not a dribble of juice trickled down her lips, not a scrap of meat remained on those bones. And as her 'skill', this gift of her birth, offered up further recompense for the mere act of eating. And who was she to turn down a gift such as this? A gift, such as [b][Murderous Intent][/b]. Now, it was just a matter of thinking. Nookis in forest dens, Camazots in mountain caves. There was the threat of nighttime predators, certainly, but the larger issue was one of accessibility. Regardless of what she thought about the barbarism of Orcish society, it went without saying that it would be more dangerous still to be caught outside at nightfall. Nests that they know not the appearance of, or caves, which would require an ascent up a mountain. Esfir tensed the muscles in her legs. Still as spry as when she had set off. Of the organs that the Elwet had, it was the stomach that was the most useful. Just spill out the bile, tie up one end, widen the other end, and there. A bag. Small and smelly, but for the purposes of what she wanted to use it for? It was enough. While the others continued to talk, making their preparations to head off, Esfir took in a deep breath before striding towards the foul bush, stripping its leaves and seed pods, before tossing both into the stomach-bag. It would be more effective if ground to powder, but for now, she could settle for smoke. The beak, while possibly usable for a spearhead, would serve to carry some of the smouldering embers of the fire instead, then used to cap off her bag. The stick itself, used as a roasting spit, wasn't likely to be of any used to her anymore, so she let that go, replacing it with the antlers of the Elwet instead. With some finagling, the orc runt finally set things off by bundling the feathers and sparkstone into her raggedy clothes and nodded to herself. She definitely needed a bigger bag after this. One with straps so her hands could be free. No matter though. [b]"Caves next. Camazots, yes?"[/b] She could only imagine them as bears or wolves. Good prey, if one could get over how they were predators. [b]"Any of you recall anything of them?"[/b] [sub][@Kazemitsu][@King Cosmos][@Crusader Lord][/sub]