[quote=@Raineh Daze] Ah, but the issue is when people with alternate themes start doing stuff with coloured text or images lacking transparency. Everyone starts working from opposite baselines etc. [/quote] Fair, though there is still no reason that the guild at the bare minimum can't have a dark and light theme. There was someone earlier on the site who mentioned they couldn't see gray/dark themes all that well and was asking for a light theme to use. I would rather them and anyone else with the same issue be comfortable over aesthetic usage, especially when you can literally just hit the RAW button and read text that way if it proves difficult to read. [quote=@Dark Cloud] Someone I was talking to made the odd suggestion that the old guild chat be brought back, dunno why really. Maybe cause most of us don't even use the guild discord, or rather in public. 🤷‍♂️ [i]Thinking about it...That would be horribly archaic.[/i] [/quote] Absolutely not, IMO. The guild discord is already a mess just from a user perspective and it ultimately distracts from the site. Our off-topic/discussion sections are practically dead at this point because hardly anyone even bothers to use them. We don't need them to be completely dead.