The older I get the more I come to realize that being able to get the most out of a story with those I'm writing with in solo posts is next to near impossible to do at the same pace as I did 5-10 years ago. It might be too obvious, but I just don't have the time nor energy to do solo post after solo post. Collabs are not only necessary, but for me preferable at my age. I find it allows for the organic flow of a scene rather making shortcuts because solo posts are taking so long. But for younger writers, I suppose it's all about personal preference. Some might prefer to do it old school and some like collabs. No right or wrong answer. Yeah time skips are a thing. How else would you advance the story from a scene? Also depends on the kind of story. Is your way of storytelling to get the most out of a scene before advancing? Or are you more plot-centric where a handful of characters get screentime and then skip to others? Do you prefer the linear way of GMing and giving each person a role to fill out and plan the overarching plot of the story accordingly? It really can go either way, but yes timeskips are not just a thing but a requirement for me. Timestamps and whatnot are nice for those who get lost in the reading and aren't made clear as to where or when things are happening in posts. Novels do it too -- well some of them do. I do agree that if you actually read the post, you'll know where and when a post is happening, but I also believe having that reminder at the top of the post is a good thing to have for the sake of clarity and courtesy for your fellow writer. You mean as in using colors for character dialogue? Doesn't hurt or help if it's not present. It can add a nice additional level of depth to posts. Personally I couldn't go without it in posts, but I know others don't care for it and the rest simply don't care one way or the other. It's purely cosmetic and, like collabs, a preference thing.