[hider=Mitsuko] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/japanese/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230513/7dfad457fb92631abadbbd6e1fe95ca4.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FrmKsEsaEAE4lO3?format=jpg&name=large[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Mitsuko Imada [b]Age:[/b] 23 (Born in the 1st of June, 1995) [b]Gender:[/b] Woman [b]Race:[/b] Human. Generally considered the Tabula Rasa of the various species inhabiting this Earth, Humans are incredibly hardy creatures that can withstand a variety of climates and biomes, climates and biomes other races could not handle. Humans also have an average potential for magical abilities. [b]Appearance:[/b] Wearing a blazer and short skirt, with stylish boots that go up the calves, twin tail hairs dyed blonde, and painted nails on top of that. Mitsuko is the definition of what a Gyaru would look like, stylish, girly, and generally seen as 'deviant' within normal Japanese society. She's also of average height, at around 169cm's tall, and possessing a slim build for a woman of her age. [b]Home World:[/b] Earth. The blue planet, the homeworld of Humans, Elves, Orcs, and many, many other species. It is a planet with a highly turbulent history. From the first human societies rising from the Savannah's of Africa, this world has been transformed drastically over the thousands of years Humans and other intelligent species have been around. In the year of 2018 though, the world is a place of modern marvels and highly advanced technologies, the Internet has made communications and the sharing of ideas worldwide a breeze, the advent of the modern aeroplane has made worldwide travel nearly trivial, and the various nations of the world, long separated by mountains and oceans, have never had better contact with each other. Currently, the various nations of Earth have been occupied trying to decarbonize and tackle the issue of climate change, a pressing issue that is changing both the magical and natural world everyone lives in. It has also been many, many years since everyone banded together to defeat the Eldritch abomination that threatened the world in 1989. An event that would be forever known as the Shattering. Mitsuko was born quite some years after the Shattering, not knowing much about what happened outside the fact that the Moon is no longer whole again, and has been torn apart for some time now. [b]Patron Deity:[/b] [url=https://img3.gelbooru.com//samples/74/47/sample_74476765748c1bd4a6c58aae25980804.jpg]Amaterasu[/url]. The chief deity of Japan, and Mitsuko's mentor for 4 years. The woman is well known among the various deities of Earth as one of the most powerful, imprisoned from 1945 to 1979 due to her involvement in the Imperial Japanese war effort. Amaterasu has made a complete 180 in terms of her morals ever since the dark days of the last war her country ever fought. Focusing her efforts into defeating the Eldritch abomination, and, once that was over, improving Japan's economic and social conditions to make it a nation worth living under. [b]Champion’s Blessing:[/b] If pressed. Mitsuko is capable of sending the full heat and power of the sun in the direction of her enemy. A beam powerful enough to turn even the ground below it straight into Ash, and surely destroy the enemy in it's wake. It will leave Mitsuko extremely exhausted and incapable of fighting anymore though, since all her mana reserves would run out after performing such a spell. [b]Inventory:[/b] - An Iphone with a [url=https://wallpaperaccess.com/full/29115.jpg]cute cover[/url] and some trinkets of [url=https://sc01.alicdn.com/kf/H4f9686d0df5345c78bf62afffa68bcf07/247125460/H4f9686d0df5345c78bf62afffa68bcf07.jpg]small animals[/url] chained into it. - A leather bag containing makeup and a notebook for taking notes. - A [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kukri]kukri[/url] in her bag in case she has to resort to hand to hand combat. [b]Magic:[/b] - Sun spells. Mitsuko can channel in heat magic like no other, being the Champion of Amaterasu, Mitsuko is capable of doing sun blasts that can fry an enemy, instant combustion spells, and even blinding an enemy via a blinding spell. The problem with Mitsuko is that all these spells take a ton of mana to cast, and she can do no more than 10 spells at maximum until her mana reserves run out. Mitsuko's recharge rate would ensure she could be back in action after 30 minutes, but in the intervening period. She can only rely on her hand to hand combat skills or weapons if necessary. - Regular defensive spells. Mitsuko can also channel in personal shield spells and localized shield spells (casting a shield only on her arm for example). This takes far less magical power to do, so she relies on these spells far more, the problem with these spells is that, outside of bashing, there is not much use for these spells when you're on the offensive. [b]Skills:[/b] - Sense of Fashion. Mitsuko is a fashionista through and through, she knows what makes someone pop off and what sort of makeup you need to apply in order to make someone look as presentable as possible. - Knowledge of magic. As a champion of Amaterasu, Mitsuko was taught extensively about magic and the various things you can do with it. She has a nearly encyclopedic knowledge about magic and it shows when you're battling her, she may not use a ton of spells, but the spells she uses would be very deadly if they found their mark. - Hand-to-hand combatant. In another life, Mitsuko is a massive delinquent, she grew up in a poor household and fell with the wrong crowd during and after high school. As a result, Mitsuko knows extensively about Karate, knife fighting, and the little tricks and tips you need to know to ensure a fight ends in your favour. [b]Personality:[/b] An incredibly assertive woman. Mitsuko knows what she wants, and how she would get it. The woman has a history of butting heads with authority figures throughout her life, and as a result, Mitsuko has a more standoffish personality if she feels threatened, usually intimidating someone who she knows is a threat. If you are an ally of hers though, then she is someone that fits more into the 'gyaru' stereotype, someone that talks a lot about fashion, the latest trends, and girly things such as taking selfies, good food, and speaking in short form sentences that typifies the gyarus in Tokyo. As an apprentice to Amaterasu, however. Mitsuko also can be incredibly formal if need be. But she sees this more as a necessary burden she needs to carry to get what she wants. [b]History:[/b] Mitsuko Imada was a nobody. Born in 1995 to [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burakumin]Burakumin[/url] parents, she spent most of her life under constant hardship. This, coupled with the fact that the city she lived in, Osaka, is famous for its crime, does not help with matters either. Living in an impoverished household in a city famous throughout Japan for its crime rate. Mitsuko grew up very hardened and committed petty crimes as young as 14. This life of hardship did teach her many things though, the gang she was in was famous for its Karate techniques, and Mitsuko was practically a black belt in Karate by the time she graduated high school. It was unfortunately just a couple of months after graduation that the worst occurred. An armed robbery had gone wrong and all of her gang was caught by the police. She spent some time in prison until an opportunity unlike any other presented itself for her. It was just as Mitsuko and her gang were escaping from the robbery site that Amaterasu happened to stumble upon her little group of crime doers, the deity herself was busy walking the streets of Osaka to enjoy the sights and take her mind off of things for a little while, but the moment she read on the police documentation of her. Her mind was piqued, and she presented Mitsuko, and only Mitsuko, an opportunity to be Amaterasu's champion. She would take Mitsuko under her, teach her magic, and ensure she and her family would have a place to stay and be safe. The woman is initially very skeptical of her offer, thinking of her as just some scammer and not the ACTUAL Amaterasu, but, seeing no alternative, she quickly accepts her offer and became the Japanese Sun Goddess' apprentice. It has been 5 years ever since she took the offer, and her life has changed significantly for the better. She's become a lot less aggressive as a human being, has actively brought economic development to her neighborhood in Osaka, and became an all-around better human being. She learned magic, and the ways intelligent beings can manipulate the magical energy present throughout the world to their advantage, she has defeated many magical criminals and ne'er do wells throughout the world, and her position as a Champion of Amaterasu was tested and proven when she fought Susanoo during her 2nd year as her Champion and won. Humans are not supposed to fight deities and win, and yet here she is. Only 2 years, and defeating the god of thunder and storms. Amaterasu realized the potential Mitsuko has, and decided to maintain her status as Amaterasu's champion. It is also during these years that Mitsuko changed her style drastically. Dyeing her hair blonde, and changing her wardrobe to become more stylish, the Mitsuko in her twenties would be unrecognizable to the Mitsuko just out of high school, and she thinks that this is for the better. It is also during her time as Amaterasu's champion that this world realized the potential threat of Nirvana, and the deities of the world has decided to dispatch Amaterasu, and her champion. Mitsuko, to deal with the threat. [b]Extra/Notes:[/b] - She fits the Osaka stereotype to a T. Outgoing (by Japanese standards), talks a lot about money, and even has a very thick Osaka accent to boot. - She is a senior agent under the OMR. But really, she acts more as Amaterasu's champion more than anything, only taking cases when Amaterasu doesn't have any errands for her to do. - Amaterasu's errands for her generally revolve around catching magical criminals or doing straight-up fights in the Japanese countryside against rogue spirits and magical beasts. - The world she's from is pulled from my [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/185714-the-hunt-a-modern-fantasy-smorgasbord-rp/ooc]original setting RP[/url] [/hider]