ta-da. she's got a bit of a temper but other than that she's grounded and excited to be here. iiit's Bea. let me know if there's anything i need to change or add. [hider=Beatriz Barro] [center][h1][b][color=c4df9b]Beatriz Barro[/color][/b][/h1] [img]https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/fs/54b3df33617689.56f9d0c20ca42.jpg[/img][hr][hr] [color=c4df9b][h2]⦋ [b]17[/b] || [b]Brazilian [/b] || [b]She/Her[/b] ⦌[/h2][/color] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLJyOMcFYeA[/youtube][/center] [color=c4df9b][h3][b]OVERVIEW[/b][/h3][hr][/color] [indent] [color=c4df9b][color=c4df9b][u][b]APPEARANCE [/b][/u][/color][/color] [indent]A scrappy girl with short, frazzled black hair and brown skin. She's about 5'4 with an athletic, toned build. She wears baggy hoodies and jeans in casual settings that are cooler. On the streets she's usually wearing a tanktop and the same jeans but rolled up. She sometimes wears a football jersey. And it's always with the sneakers with her though for her 17th birthday she got a green and black set of fighting gear to wear in her matches. [/indent] [color=c4df9b][u][b]BACKSTORY & MOTIVATION [/b][/u][/color] [indent]Born with a big family in a big favela, Bea's life was not one of mean. She had two sisters, one older, one younger, two parents obviously, an uncle, a grandfather, and a grandmother, and that was all just living in their two storey house of colorful brick. Beatriz loves all of them but she is probably closest to her little sister Bianca, and her father. Bianca was often picked on for being weird, this irked Beatriz greatly. She often got into scraps about it. Back when she was a kid she was usually called ugly, but she tried to never let it get to her. But when it came to her sister, she couldn't abide by it. Growing up Beatriz loved football like most kids did, and she got very good at it. Little did she know she had already begun to awaken her fighting spirit, and her determination to get better at sports to prove herself began to build ki. There's sports, there's martial arts, but there also exist martial sports, and it is there that her power began to grow. Interested in self-empowerment (and being able to slobberknock her enemies) she began to look into martial arts and picked up kick boxing. While football was fun, she began to realize that she didn't really care about the teamwork aspect, only her own personal skill. Finally, Bea felt like she had found her passion in the world of martial sports. The excitement, the danger, the devastating losses and euphoric highs, and she was just a rookie. People were forced to treat her like an equal in the ring. It didn't matter who she was or where she came from. Could she fight? That was all that mattered. What else was she going to do, become a lawyer? Beatriz wanted to be rich and famous. She wanted to lift up her community. She wanted to improve herself, and prove herself. She wanted to have fun! She also wanted to do something she was good at, and it quickly become apparent that yes, she was very good at fighting. Beatriz could be called a prodigy, and she might equally blush and become angry, because it's not like she hasn't worked her ass off to get as good as she has. Being a Nomad was just a good fit. She didn't need much, really, to survive, and it was an opportunity for her to travel the world at a young age. And being a talented ki-fighter meant that if someone wanted to mess with her or take advantage of her, they'd regret it. She has a lot of potential reasons to be a Nomad, and she can name any of them easily. But which one is the main one? Are any of them? Maybe there's something more that she is seeking on this journey. Maybe she's trying to find herself. If there is an answer, the only way to find it as at the end...if there even is one. Regardless, big tournaments are great places to find people that have, or are seeking, their own answers. And fighting strong people is the best way to get strong. (Not that she doesn't enjoy clowning on people way beneath her, given the opportunity.) That's why she joins tournaments. Especially the World Fighting Carnival. [/indent] [/indent] [color=c4df9b][h3][b]FIGHTING STYLE & ABILITIES[/b][/h3][hr][/color] [indent][u][b][color=c4df9b]SKILLS & ABILITIES[/color] [/b][/u] [indent]Bea is a kickboxer with an all-around fighting style. She tends to adapt to her opponents and counter their weaknesses by using the areas she is better in. Countering speedy fighters with defense, strong fighters with speed, defensive fighters with strength. She developed this fighting style because she wanted to be able to beat anyone. She'll try to deduce when to play offensively or defensely and fight accordingly. She can lay on the pressure with strong kicks and punches, though she can fight from a distance with her step-kicks that give her deceptive range. Quick strikes to soften up the opponent, or simply catch speedier ones, are also on the tableBeatriz developed a ki-technique she simply calls Fireball. With a bit of focus she can create a ball of fire about the size of a football and use it to attack at range or for utility. [/indent] [color=c4df9b][u][b]SIGNATURE MOVES [/b][/u][/color] [indent][u]■ [Hyped Up][/u] [indent][Taking a few moments to herself in the middle of a fight, she channels the Ki in the environment and uses it to power up her next signature move, or gain access to one. It leaves herself open in the process. When finished, she will emit a faint green and black aura that is expended on the next signature move.][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Toe Bounce][/u] [indent][Focusing and performing a Toe Bounce results in creating a Fireball. She can bounce it from foot to foot, off the environment, or kick it into enemies, and move it at various speeds. A very versatile projectile, if not as speedy as others. Hyped Up: The projectile can both move faster, and slower, richochet more, and has more durability and damage.][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Sidewinder][/u] [indent][A powerful kick with long range. It is good for launching her Fireball or for blowing through enemy projectiles should she predict them. Hyped Up: A green trail slices behind her kick, giving it more range. She can strike through stronger projectiles and interrupt stronger attacks.][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Slide Tackle][/u] [indent][An aggressive move that leaves Bea open if countered. But she can slide low with deceptive distance and sweep enemies off their feet and disrupt their balance and quickly follow up for offense. Good for passing under projectiles or long strikes aimed at her upper body. Hyped Up: Longer range, faster start up, and less recovery to improve the amount of space she can use it without getting punished. It can now also interract with Toe Bounce to change the trajectory of her Fireball, or create a Fireball. ][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Haymaker][/u] [indent][Bea throws her strength into a mighty punch. Slow, but difficult to interrupt with common attacks. Painful if blocked. Good for risky moves or finishing off a series of combo strikes. Typically drives opponents into the ground to create a small amount of distance. She can charge it up mid-swing, making it slower but increasing it's damage and knock back. Hyped Up: The move can break through the attacks of stronger opponents, and becomes harder to interrupt, requiring stronger attacks to stop. If blocked, it will typically throw off the opponents defence to let her attack first, instead of being at a slight disadvantage afterward like usual. Haymaker will also send opponents flying, creating more distance. Unless they hit a wall, in which case they will bounce off of it and come flying back at Bea, ironically creating less distance and allowing follow up attacks. ][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Quick Step][/u] [indent][Leaving behind the faint echo of an after image, Bea moves quickly in a chosen direction. While Quick Stepping she cannot change direction. But it offers her greater mobility and versatility. Hyped Up: She can move a little on her linear path to avoid strikes and projectiles, and she can follow Quick Step up with strikes that come out fast and let her lay on pressure.][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Rolling Strikes][/u] [indent][Like she is weighing less, Bea travels in a chosen direction (but covers the most distance forward) and swings out her fists or legs in a precise spin that leaves her up close. Usually this move, when struck, exchanges damage for pressure. It's also easier to land being faster and safer. Hyped Up: Rolling Strikes gain green afterslices like Sidewinder, extending it's range and letting her deflect weaker projectiles. It can also knock the opponent down.][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Check It][/u] [indent][Bea throws her fist high into the air and her body follows after it. A leaping uppercut that creates a large amount of distance between Bea and her opponent should it land. It also excels at knocking opponents out of the air. Hugely vulnerable if blocked or dodged. Hyped Up: She can throw her shoulder into it, letting her advance to give it more range. It also becomes very fast and nearly impossible to interrupt.][/indent][/indent] [color=c4df9b][u][b]SUPER MOVES [/b][/u][/color] [indent] [u]■ [Bicycle Kick][/u] [indent][Bea supercharges her fireball, turning it's center bright green. She hooks the ball around her foot and spins backwards, launching it at high speed where it will explode on contact, or richochet depending on how she angles it. A versatile super for a multitude of purposes.][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [Big Fuck Off Punch][/u] [indent][What it says on the tin. A mighty Haymaker to finish off combos and put down her opponents, or at least lay on the damage. It is much faster than the usual Haymaker, but it can also be charged up much longer for truly explosive effect. Hugely vulnerable if blocked or dodged, but she will typically only use it when she is confident it will land. Or if she needs to destroy something, badly. ][/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [It's Everything I Have][/u] [indent][Bea's aura flashes and takes a more solid shape of orange and green flames around her person. All of her special moves are Hyped Up for a limited amount of time.][/indent][/indent] [color=c4df9b][u][b]WEAKNESSES & LIMITS [/b][/u][/color] [indent]Jack of all trades, master of none. With every new opponent she will have to figure out a new set of disadvantages and try to cover the holes in her strategy and moveset. While she is versatile, opponents can capitalize on their strength faster than she can hers. Specialists will always specialize into anything far greater than she can. While her inexperience gives her the boon of a fresh perspective and a new way of thinking to take stubborn vets off guard, it's still inexperience. She doesn't know all the ways that people can fight and will have to learn on the fly, and she might not get enough time to learn mid-fight before she loses. And she has less of a feel for fighting in general, with undeveloped instincts, meaning she can occasionally panic or overrely on strategies. Besides some basic throws and throw escape techniques, she has no grappling ability. Has no experience with magic or advanced technology. Anything that isn't just a fancier version of a normal weapon like a gun or a sword or a punch or a kick will be new to her. [/indent] [/indent] [color=c4df9b][h3][b]OTHER[/b][/h3][hr][/color] [indent][indent]Left handed and thus, a southpaw. An underdeveloped lesbian-in-training. The Power Stones aren't really on her radar, she isn't even really sure how a rock can make you more powerful in the first place. art source: https://www.behance.net/gallery/33617689/Character-Design-February-April-2016/modules/222957209[/indent][/indent] [/hider] [hider=NPC List] [hider=Mama][center] [b][46 | Maria Barro | Female][/b] [b]Description:[/b] A plump, friendly woman, and stalwart pillar of the community. She gave Bea her sense of compassion. [/center][/hider] [hider=Papa][center] [b][45 | Paublo Barro | Male][/b] [b]Description:[/b] An energetic and knowledgeable man, if a bit eccentric. Bea's hero. [/center][/hider] [hider=Bianca Barro][center] [b][12 | Bianca Barro | Female][/b] [b]Description:[/b] A bright young girl full of flowers and sunshine and eclectic interest. She sees the world in a different way. Could be easily percieved as childish. [b]Fighting Style:[/B] Kickboxer in training! [/center][/hider] [hider=Extended Family][center] [b]Description:[/b] Including her grandparents and her uncles and aunts and cousins. A lively bunch with perhaps the exception of her stoic older sister Belinda, who puts up with everyone. [/center][/hider] [hider=Coach Rivera][center] [b][34 | Alexa Rivera | Female][/b] [b]Description:[/b] A strongheaded and brash softie who settled down in the Favela to protect and nurture her community. Teaches self-defense, but Bea is the star pupil and at this point has surpassed her old mentor. Not to say Rivera is any slouch. But Bea channels a great amount of ki, which means she is on another level from most people. But if Beatriz had no ki at all, Rivera would win. [b]Fighting Style:[/B] MMA + Kickboxing. [/center][/hider] [/hider]