[hider=Reginald Graham] Name: Reginald Graham "Reggie" Age: 20 Gender: Male Appearance: [hider=Reggie Face][url]https://pin.it/14XxtGe[/url][/hider] [hider=Reggie Body][url]https://pin.it/335axfW[/url][/hider] Personality: Reggie has had it hard in his younger years and changed to appreciate the good things he has. He is the guy that tries to make friends with everybody. Life's too short to be mad, so why sweat the small stuff? He tries to keep the peace, mediating most of the issues between his friends at the DDF and does his best to keep the vibe fun, and chill. He can blend into most social groups and enjoys going to social events. Reggie makes friends wherever he goes and smiles at everyone he meets. That is, as long as you don't piss him off. If he finds out you're the type that targets the elderly, preys on kids, disrespects women, or if needs to protect his friends in the DDF? You will see an entirely different Reggie. A vengeful twisted side of justice that enjoys the act of killing men and monsters both, just a little too much. Sometimes he has a hard time telling the difference between them anyways. Reggie has learned sometimes it takes a monster to kill a monster. And so he accepts that role. He does it with a smile. Without a care in the world. Just as easy as sipping an ice cold drink on a day at the beach. Because again, why sweat the small stuff. Skills: Professional level boxing. Basic level military combat Novice level kickboxing. Professional level gunmanship. Professional level sniper skill. Novice level military trained first aid. Professional level motorcycle operation. Basic level civilian vehicle operation Novice level military vehicle operation. Novice level mechanic and maintenance. Contract Rank: B Contracted Shadow: Dutch "Blackhand" Grimsby- Old Western Lich [hider=Dutch][url]https://pin.it/5AYhq1J[/url][/hider] Contract Type: Summon Contract Abilities: -Dutch's Abilities- Shadow Guns- Dutch uses four six shooters when he fights. He can easily fire all four in different directions at once with perfect accuracy. Able to fire powerful bullets made of shadow steel, these bullets are able to pierce through skin as thick as a minotaurs hide and can even harm other magical creatures such as ghosts, wind spirits or shadow creatures. He can manifest an unlimited amount of bullets for his guns and even though he doesn't have too, he has this odd habit of stopping to reload the guns. [hider=Shadow Guns][url]https://pin.it/mRBUCy8[/url][/hider] Reaper Cannon- Dutch can draw on his magical energy to slowly charge and fire all his guns at once creating a large blast of shadow energy. He can fire two, three, or all four at once making the blast bigger. The more guns he uses the longer he needs to charge. Death Call- If in a cemetery, graveyard, or around an amount of long dead or newly dead corpses, Dutch can draw on that energy to call on his bone minions. These skeletons are stronger and faster than the average undead zombie although they are just as dimwitted if needed to operate a door handle, climb a ladder, use handheld weapons, or swim in water. The dead indeed have no brains right? Bone Explosion- Should Dutch see fit he can shoot his skeletons in the head, causing their skulls to catch on fire for about 3 to 5 seconds before they detonate like a grenade, also blowing up anything they are near or grabbing onto at the time. Depend on how many are near each other in a group blowing up one can cause a chain reaction causing all of them to blow up instantaneously. Oddly enough regular fire, or explosives doesn't cause them to explode. Only Dutches bullets work. -Reggies Abilities- Because of his connection to Dutch Reggie naturally has the following abilities, even while fighting together. Deeper Sight- This allows Reggies vision to adapt to his thoughts allowing him to see through solid objects as if he has xray vision, he can see in the dark as if he has night vision, he can magnify his vision to see farther away like a telescope and he can see invisible objects or creatures such as ghosts. If used too much this ability can cause him headaches. Bullet Time- His favorite ability. This ability speeds up Reggies awareness, slowing the world down around him. This allows him to do things that he could never pull off while going normal speed, like shoot multiple targets around him in multiple directions with perfect accuracy or dodge incoming strikes from multiple enemies while fighting hand to hand. If used too much this ability can cause him intense headaches and nosebleeds.. Undead Strength- Like normal zombies Reggies has crazy increased pain tolerance to the point that he hardly feels anything at all. Because of this his ability to use his muscles are stronger than that of an average human because he can max out giving him peak strength for a man of his size and fitness level, sometimes causing him to tear his muscles but again, he can't feel it. Not quite superhuman, definitely above average. Lich's Mending- Reggie can heal much faster than the average person. Normal bruises, scrapes, and small cuts including his torn muscles which will heal in seconds to minutes. Not quite wolverine style but a normal gunshot wound, broken bone, or knife stab can be healed rather quickly if he's given time to stop and focus his thoughts on healing himself. But depending on the situation, and who's trying to kill him, that's a lot easier said than done. Blackhand Cannon: By combining Reggies boxing training, his undead strength, and Dutch's ability to use shadow energy Reggie can imbue his fists with a destructive shadowsteel armor around his fists while punching. Its like being it with a speeding cannonball overpowered with magical shadow energy. Using this ability too much can cause him intense headaches, nose bleeds, and may cause him to pass out. Brief Backstory: Reggies mother and father were a happy and very wealthy couple intent on being good parents to him and his older sister Roxanne. But when Reggie was nine his mother got very sick, with a tumor growing under one of her lungs and near her heart. During surgery to remove the tumor she suddenly died due to unforeseen complications. After that their father slowly began to drink more and more as a way of dealing with the grief of losing his wife. He eventually stopped working and caring about his parental duties leaving the running of his business Graham Luxury Auto Sales, to his best friend and business partner. Roxie tried everything to help her father recover into the impressive man he used to be but it was no use. All they did was argue and scream at each other. Being six years older Roxie shouldered most of the responsibilities for taking care of Reggie for the next few years and upon turning eighteen attempted to leave and take Reggie with her but their father wouldn't allow it. He said that everyone eventually leaves him but he wouldn't let Reggie go. He promised to get better and clean himself up if Reggie stayed, so Roxie agreed. But he never did. After Roxie left he got worse. Eventually blaming Reggie for making Roxie leave him and then blaming him for making his wife leave too. He got violent and started to take out his frustration on Reggie. Most of the time it was just bumps and bruises, a black eye, or busted lip. But Reggie knew he didn't deserve any of it. So he started going to the gym to workout. And there he met a guy a little bit older than him who told him about a boxing gym where he could learn to fight. It was located right next to the city's oldest and largest cemetery. Reggie started to go to the gym after school whenever he could get his father to let him, which was only after he did his homework, cleaned the house, and cooked dinner. It was at this gym he learned how to fight. To defend himself. But no matter what happened he couldn't bring himself to actually fight his dad. Deep down he knew his dad was suffering from losing his mom. He used to be a good man, and now he was just lost. One day after boxing practice he came home to hear yelling. Roxie was there and this time she was determined to take Reggie with her. No matter what. It was in this instance that everything changed. He heard Roxie scream out as if she was in pain. A loud thud could be heard of something heavy falling to the floor. Reggie burst into the house to see her lying on the floor holding the side of her face and their father standing above her looking down in shock. He looked at his own hand as if he couldn't believe what he had done. He began to stammer his words as if to apologize but Reggie didn't hear any of it. His vision went red and every ounce of anger, resentment, and hatred from being beaten, blamed, and neglected all came out of him in a wave of fury. It took control of him and expressed itself through Reggies arms and fists. He couldn't hear his sister screaming for him to stop until it was too late. Reggie had beaten his father to death. When he regained his composure he looked down at his dad. His fathers face smashed to a mess he couldn't recognize and his fists, bloody, knuckles swollen, arms sore from the exertion. He had become just like him. He had become exactly what he hated. His father was an old, and weak fifty three year old man. Only about one hundred forty pounds and about five foot seven inches. Reggie was barely seventeen years old, one hundred and eighty two pounds of strong lean muscle, at five foot eleven inches. He had never realized until just now how small his dad was. He had always seemed so intimidating and imposing. Like a mountain so high up you couldn't see the peaks up above the clouds. He never thought he would ever be able to climb that mountain and yet here his father was. Brought low by his own hands. Reggie couldn't handle what had happened. What he had done. Roxanne was on the phone getting an ambulance to come. Before Roxanne could get a word out to Reggie, he bolted. Back out of the door. Into the night. Reggie walked around aimlessly for over an hour before he found himself back at the boxing gym. Nobody was there and the doors were locked up. Suddenly he saw the flashing lights and heard the sirens of a police car approaching fast and not knowing if they were coming for him, in a panic he ran into the cemetery to hide. It's here while hiding behind a large statue that he heard a voice. "I reckon you either here tryna not to die or you here because there something that needs to die. Ain't that always the case? If not, why would anybody ever come to place full of death." The voice had an odd old timey twang to its speech. Reggie turned around to see the wispy smoky form of a man. A ghost that looked like something out of an old western movie. He had to be hallucinating. It was the trauma. Reggie was obviously had to be losing his mind. "Could you be a lost little lamb lookin for to repent your awful deeds? Or could you be a terrible savage coyote looking to tear apart prey?" Reggie just stared speechless. A ghost was in front of him. Talking to him. A real actual floating ghost. And it was a cowboy. "Listen young fella. I've been stuck in this old dusty good for nothing prison of a graveyard bored outta my mind for more than 100 years most of which I can't remember. I miss being a bounty hunter. Tracking down ruthless criminals, slaying terrifying monsters, defeating evil sorcerers. I miss the thrill of the chase! Shooting my guns, and putting my life on the line knowing that at any second I could lose my life. Kill or be killed. But its kinda hard to do that if I'm already dead and being incorporeal and for one hour at midnight once a month is the only time I have enough spiritual energy to do this. So I'm trying to make you a deal here. Let me borrow your body. Just for maybe a year or two." The ghost says. Reggie stared mouth agape with an are you serious look on his face. "I know that sounds like a long time because you're still alive but it's really not. I've been here since 1918 so if you think about it, five or six years will fly by like nothing." He said with the flair of a practiced salesman. Reggie just stared at the ghost, puzzled before he began to look around and back away slowly. Suddenly he could feel vibrations under his feet and hear muffled growling from all around him. Suddenly an arm burst up from the ground. Then another, then another as multiple zombies started crawling out of the earth, surrounding Reggie. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way, but either way I'm taking that body off yours for a spin. And your soul will be trapped here instead of me. If you just be smart and agree I'll give it back in maybe ten years. But if not, I'll keep it forever. So what do you think?" Reggie thought about it for a second, then took off running deeper into the darkness of the cemetery. He ducked and dodged the zombies as he ran, punching and shoulder checking them out if his way, but eventually a hand broke through the soil underneath him grabbing his ankle causing him to fall, inches from smashing his skull into a tombstone. The undead slowly up rooted itself crawling on top of Reggie as it did. It was unbelievably strong for such a frail looking corpse. As it grasp one of Reggies arms holding it down, it began to squeeze the other hand around his neck. The old western ghost floated over above him. "I reckon I can help you with this little undead problem here. But you gotta agree to the deal. Otherwise, he's gonna strangle you to death. And I'm still gonna take your body. Be smart to think fast and speak faster." Reggie started to give the zombie right hooks to the head and face. Fast, hard ones. It was knocking the zombies head back. But it's strength didn't budge. Eventually one of the shots broke its neck, knocking its head to the side at an angle. But it's strength still didn't budge. "Help.....me." Reggie said gasping. He was starting to get light headed. "Does that mean we have an agreement?" The ghost asked with a devilish smirk. "Ye-ye-yes." Reggie said, brain hazy and struggling not to pass out from lack of oxygen. "No!" Another voice echoed loudly through the cemetery as the form of a body appeared. Above Reggies head. Similar to the ghost but glowing yellow and harder to make out any distinguishing features. "Well who in tarnation would you be?" The old western ghost asked curiously. "We both know that you are lying. If you kill him he is of no use to you and if you plan to corrupt his body or his soul. You must first go through me." Reggie thought he recognized that voice. A woman's voice. He looked up, barely able to read the name on the tombstone. Regina.... Evelyn.... Stone-Graham. Then he fell unconscious. He awoke some time later, in the hospital. Both wrists cuffed to the bed. The police had gotten a call from the groundskeeper early that morning telling them a boy was there lying unconscious. Roxie thought it made sense, that in his grief her brother had run to their mothers grave and convinced Reggie that everything that he believed had occurred in the cemetery had all been a dream. Reggie was told he was being charged with his fathers murder, although his sister had explained it was only to protect her but the savage way his father was beaten to death hinted at something more. As a plea bargain Reggie agreed to join the military until he reached adulthood rather than spend the next three years in prison for aggravated murder. While there, he showed amazing skills in hand to hand combat, gun marksmanship and even more skill in sniping. Growing his boxing skills and ability to use guns to an almost supernatural level, this made his military supervisors beyond curious as to the origin of his skills. When put up against other pro fighters, special agents, and military officers, many years of experience beyond Reggie, they were out classed at every twist and turn. The military world had never seen anything like him. So they sent him to DDF to get tested. It was there they confirmed that Reggie had a shadow contract. [/hider]