[hider=Lucius Kree] [center] [img] https://i.pinimg.com/736x/16/f7/6e/16f76eafbe45adfdc0224f5e64f0a39b.jpg[/img] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]A p p e a r a n c e[/color] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=A9A8AF][i]He stands tall, his body exuding a taut strength, coiled like a spring ready to unleash its energy. His dark blue hair possesses an otherworldly intensity, resembling a stormy sea under a moonless night, yet its depths seem to swallow any light that dares to touch its surface. Heterochromic eyes pierce through the veil of obscurity—one a warm, earthy brown, the other shimmering like the vast expanse of a cloudless sky—casting an enigmatic allure upon those who dare to meet his gaze. A scar, a cruel testament to battles waged both within and without, mars his countenance, stretching across his face like a vicious stroke of fate. It begins at the crown of his head, tracing a jagged path down to just below his azure eye, a constant reminder of the pain etched upon his very soul.[/i][/color] [/center] [center][color=pink] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2][i]"The stories of those who have passed remind us of the enduring power of love and memory."[/i][/color] [color=734e66]◈[/color][/color][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Yei38yJ.png[/img][/center] [color=A9A8AF] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]N a m e[/color] [i]Lucius Kree[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]S p e l l c a s t e r N a m e[/color] [i]Northstar[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]A g e, H e i g h t, a n d W e i g h t[/color] [i]19, 1.83 m, 82 kg[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]R a c e[/color] [i]Mystic (Seraph's Kiss)[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]G e n d e r[/color] [i]Male[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]S e x u a l O r i e n t a t i o n[/color] [i]Gay[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]Y e a r[/color] [i]2nd[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]P e t[/color] [i]A Black Male Cait, named Midnight[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]H o u s e[/color] [i]House of Seraphine[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]I l l u m i n a i r e[/color] [i]Yes.[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]C l a s s e s[/color] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]Gifts[/color] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]Theater[/color] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]The Time of Tears[/color] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]Ni-Seraphi History[/color] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]Student Council[/color] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]A r e Y o u O n Y o u r H o u s e ' s W a a g a T e a m?[/color] [i]No.[/i] [/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Yei38yJ.png[/img] [center][color=pink] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2][i]"The stories of those who have passed remind us of the enduring power of love and memory."[/i][/color] [color=734e66]◈[/color][/color][/center] [/center] [color=A9A8AF][center] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]P e r s o n a l i t y[/color] [color=A9A8AF]introspective [color=734e66]◈[/color] sociable [color=734e66]◈[/color] ambitious [color=734e66]◈[/color] resolute [color=734e66]◈[/color] observant[/color] [i]Lucius, a boy of contradictions, exists as a mosaic of intricate complexities. Behind his introspective gaze lies a yearning for connection, an inherent sociability that lingers beneath the surface. Yet, his interactions with others bear a faint shadow of melancholy, an undercurrent of unspoken sorrows. He navigates social circles with a calculated grace, cognizant of the delicate dance of power and influence. Ambition courses through his veins, propelling him forward, his every step fueled by a desire to ascend the ladder of social status. And in his pursuit, he remains resolute, unwavering in his dedication to achieve greatness. Seriousness and focus cloak him like a veil, lending an air of gravity to his presence. Every word he utters carries weight, every action a carefully orchestrated movement. Keenly observant, he absorbs the intricacies of human nature, dissecting the motives and desires that lie hidden within. Lucius, the enigma, walks the tightrope between solitude and society, his complex persona unfolding in the shadows, as the world tries to decipher the riddles within his soul. Burdened by the weight of his own mind, carries the scars of a tumultuous past. In his youth, the cacophony of thoughts bombarded him relentlessly, a torrent of voices echoing within his skull, drowning out his own sense of self. The very gift that could unveil the hidden intentions of others had become a curse, a perpetual torment that threatened to unravel his fragile sanity. Yet, as he grew older, he forged a fragile alliance with his unruly abilities, mastering the art of control. Now, teetering on the precipice between solitude and society, he finds solace in the ebb and flow of human connection. Introspection becomes his shield, a refuge from the overwhelming chorus of minds, allowing him to reclaim a semblance of inner peace. And yet, a curious dichotomy unfolds within him. For though the clamor of voices has dimmed, he craves the intentional words of others, seeking solace in the purposeful thoughts they choose to share. It is within this delicate balance that Lucius treads, caught between the allure of human interaction and the haunting specter of past afflictions.[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]H i s t o r y[/color] [i]Born into the murky shadows of a secondary branch of the royal family, Lucius carries the weight of ancestral irrelevance upon his weary shoulders. From his earliest days, the echoes of his father's torment reverberated through their humble abode, a ceaseless reminder of their place in the fringes of a grand dynasty. The old man, consumed by an unrelenting bitterness, could never reconcile the ignominy of their station, forever haunted by the chasm that separated them from the illustrious core of the royals. Their bloodline, tainted by insignificance, cast them as mere pawns in a grand game of power and privilege, trapped in a perpetual dance of striving for recognition while forever eluding its elusive embrace. And so, young Lucius grew up steeped in the somber hues of disenchantment, his spirit a testament to the unyielding grip of societal constraints and the desolate longing for a validation that may forever remain out of reach. Within the confines of his tumultuous childhood, he bore the heavy weight of anguish and despair. The gift, or perhaps curse, of mind-reading had stirred to life within him, an unwelcome intrusion that shattered the fragile tranquility of his world. At an age too tender to comprehend the complexities of his newfound ability, he became ensnared in a web of unfiltered thoughts and emotions. The minds of the townsfolk bled into his consciousness, an incessant cacophony that threatened to drown his very existence. The bewildered eyes of his family beheld a troubled soul, a child deemed unhinged, dismissed as feeble-minded. But it was his father, his visage twisted by the burden of guilt and shame, who succumbed to the dark depths of despair. Driven to the edge of reason by the relentless torment his son unwittingly wrought, he succumbed to the intoxicating embrace of alcohol, a cruel seductress that birthed violence. And so, on that fateful night, a scar etched across Lucius' face became a tangible reminder of the pain inflicted by both his uncontrolled powers and the shattered remnants of familial love. Secluded within the confines of his solitude, Lucius grew up as a solitary figure, distanced from the boisterous gatherings of children his age. The dissonance between his appearance and the expectations imposed upon him etched a deep wound within his psyche, the scar serving as a constant reminder of his perceived flaws. Yet, as he approached the cusp of puberty, subtle hints of his transformative journey began to emerge. There was a grace in the way his features unfolded, a promise of the handsome man he was destined to become. Amidst the self-doubt, a glimmer of hope flickered, whis As the precipice of his fifteenth year loomed near, Lucius underwent a transformation of extraordinary proportions, his second aeonheart awakening with a surge of unearthly power. No longer confined to merely hearing the living, his senses expanded to encompass the realm of the departed, communing with the ethereal beings that lingered beyond the veil of mortality. At first, the revelation overwhelmed him, exacerbating the troubled depths of his being. However, a chance encounter awaited him in the realm of spirits—a reunion with his grandmother, a figure more cherished in death than she had been in life. Unlike the world that had ostracized him, she harbored a fondness, a love that transcended the boundaries of existence. Her spectral presence became a guide, imparting upon him the knowledge to shield his mind from the tumultuous chorus of thoughts, as she too possessed the gift of telepathy in her living days. Through her patient tutelage, Lucius ascended from the depths of isolation, finding solace and a newfound sense of belonging amidst the tapestry of humanity. The fragile threads of social acceptance began to weave around him, as he embraced the wisdom of his spectral mentor and discovered the delicate balance between the living and the departed. [/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]R e p u t a t i o n[/color] [i]Within the vast expanse of academia, Lucius thrived, earning the favor and respect of his professors and becoming a popular figure among his fellow students. His skill in organizing events and gatherings only added to his allure, drawing in kindred spirits who gravitated toward his intellectual magnetism. With his sharp mind and innate social grace, he effortlessly commanded admiration, leaving an indelible imprint on the fabric of scholarly pursuits. In the corridors and classrooms, his name echoed with a sense of reverence and fondness, a testament to his intellectual prowess and his ability to forge meaningful connections. Like a guiding star in the academic sky, Lucius's presence shone brightly, illuminating the path for others to follow, his legacy etched deep within the annals of academic acclaim. His brilliance ignited inspiration, sparking curiosity and igniting the flames of intellectual inquiry in those fortunate enough to cross his path. With a profound impact on both individuals and the academic community at large, Lucius's name became synonymous with excellence, symbolizing the embodiment of scholarly achievement and the power of intellectual pursuits.[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]G o a l s[/color] [i]As he explores the halls of knowledge, his dreams grow like whispers, hinting at a future where he can uncover the secrets protected by the mysterious Seraphim statues. With a strong desire to understand, he longs to solve the ancient mysteries and tap into their hidden power for his own enlightenment. Though the path ahead is uncertain, his determination ignites his unwavering pursuit of scholarly mastery. Every moment, he is driven by the ambition to surpass his current state and become a renowned scholar whose wisdom echoes through time and whose name is celebrated among intellectual giants.[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]R e l a t i o n s[/color] [i]In Lucius' complex life, his grandmother's ghost guides his path, casting a shadow of wisdom. She brings comfort and mentorship amidst the turmoil he faces. However, beneath this ethereal connection, Lucius harbors deep-seated animosity towards his father. The scar on his face serves as a constant reminder of their turbulent relationship, symbolizing the pain and resentment that lie beneath the surface. Despite his physical appeal and magnetic presence, romance eludes him. Insecurities and facial scars imprison him in self-doubt, yearning for affection but trapped in solitude. Within the Academy's revered halls, he nurtures secret desires, stolen glances filled with unspoken longing, longing for connection yet concealed by isolation. While his affections are directed towards boys at the Academy, he keeps this truth hidden, aware of society's harsh and unyielding gaze.[/i] [/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Yei38yJ.png[/img][/center][center][color=pink] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2][i]"The unknown future is both exhilarating and terrifying, but I'm ready to embrace the adventure."[/i][/color] [color=734e66]◈[/color][/color][/center] [center] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]M y s t i c C l a s s i f i c a t i o n[/color] [i]Psychiccer and Astra[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]G i f t[/color] [i]Shadow Whispers[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]M y s t i c C o d e[/color] [i]Lucius possesses extraordinary and exceedingly rare abilities that set him apart from others. His mind holds the power of telepathy, enabling him to delve into the thoughts and innermost secrets of those around him. With this gift, he can effortlessly read minds, unraveling the intricate layers of people's emotions, intentions, and fears. Moreover, he has the remarkable capacity to communicate with the departed souls. The veil between the living and the dead becomes thin in his presence, allowing him to bridge the gap and engage in conversations with those who have passed beyond the mortal realm. Through this connection, he gains access to ancient wisdom, forgotten stories, and the guidance of those who once inhabited the physical world. In addition to his telepathic and mediumistic abilities, Lucius occasionally experiences glimpses of the near future. These visions, though unpredictable and fleeting, grant him a foresight into events that are yet to unfold. It is as if he possesses a window into the unfolding tapestry of time, where fragments of what lies ahead manifest before his eyes.[/i] [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=73c8f2]L i m i t a t i o n s a n d W e a k n e s s e s[/color] [b]Mental Strain:[/b] Delving into the thoughts and emotions of others through telepathy takes a toll on Lucius' mental and emotional well-being. Extended or frequent use of his telepathic abilities can cause exhaustion, headaches, and difficulty in maintaining his own sense of self. [b]Incomplete Knowledge:[/b] While Lucius can read minds, his understanding is limited to what individuals are consciously aware of or actively thinking about. Deeply buried memories, subconscious desires, or information unknown to the person are hard to be accessed through his telepathic powers. [b]Unpredictable Communication:[/b] Communicating with the dead is an unpredictable endeavor. The spirits may not always be willing or able to respond to Lucius' attempts to connect with them. Their messages may be fragmented, cryptic, or influenced by their own biases or limited perspectives from their time of existence. [b]Future Visions' Uncertainty:[/b] Lucius' glimpses into the future are sporadic and often unclear. The visions may be fragmented, symbolic, or subject to interpretation, making it challenging to discern their precise meaning or the exact outcome of events. The future is ever-changing, influenced by numerous factors, and his visions are subject to alteration or being entirely averted. [b]Emotional Interference:[/b] Lucius' own emotions can interfere with the clarity and accuracy of his powers. Strong emotional states, such as fear, anger, or sadness, can cloud his telepathic abilities, making it difficult for him to read minds or interpret future visions accurately. [/center][/color] [/hider]