Character Draft Completed - [hider=Anastasia Arslan] [center][img][/img] [h3][url=]♫[/url][/h3] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red]A p p e a r a n c e[/colour] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=A9A8AF][i]Possessing striking, long red hair that cascades down her back in vibrant waves, Anastasia captures attention wherever she goes. Her expressive eyes are a mesmerizing shade of golden amber, reflecting both her diligence and compassion. She has a slender and graceful figure, which is further accentuated by her posture that exudes confidence and poise. Her fair complexion, complemented by a natural rosy blush, adds to her overall radiance. Anastasia carries herself with an air of elegance, and her choice of delicate jewellery enhances her natural beauty. You can often find her wearing a healer's emblem proudly displayed on her upper arm, a symbol of her devotion to her craft. Her appearance radiates a sense of warmth, kindness, and inner strength, making her approachable and inviting to others.[/i][/colour] [/center] [center][colour=pink] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red][i]"Healing is not just about mending the body; it's about nourishing the spirit and restoring hope."[/i][/colour] [colour=gold]◈[/colour][/colour][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [colour=A9A8AF] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red]N a m e[/colour] [i][b]Anastasia Arslan[/b]. “Ah, the surname Arslan! I know it's quite a common name here at the academy, but believe it or not, I'm not actually related to Harold Arslan. It's merely a coincidence.”[/i] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red]S p e l l c a s t e r N a m e[/colour] [i][b]Emberheart[/b]. The name perfectly captures the essence of Anastasia's healing abilities, symbolizing the gentle warmth and flickering light of a healing fire. It is a fitting representation of her deep empathy and unwavering care for others.[/i] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red]A g e, H e i g h t, a n d W e i g h t[/colour] [i][b]18[/b] | [b]5ft6[/b] (167 cm) | [b]121lb[/b] (55kg).[/i] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red]R a c e[/colour] [i][b]Mystic[/b].[/i] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red]G e n d e r[/colour] [i][b]Female[/b].[/i] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red]S e x u a l O r i e n t a t i o n[/colour] [i][b]Not Disclosed[/b].[/i] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red]Y e a r[/colour] [i][b]5th year[/b].[/i] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red]P e t[/colour] [img][/img] [i][b]Tree Monkey[/b] called [b]Jambii[/b]. A Mischievous, Playful Trickster. Curious. Quick-Witted, Loyal, and Protective.[/i] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red]H o u s e[/colour] [i][b]House of Harold[/b] Anastasia's fiery personality traits, such as being passionate, determined, and having a strong sense of justice, align with the values often associated with the House of Harold.[/i] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red]I l l u m i n a i r e[/colour] [i][b]Yes[/b]. She would be a strong candidate for the prestigious position. Her role as an Illuminaire would involve representing her house and supporting the well-being of her fellow students.[/i] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red]C l a s s e s[/colour] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red]Gifts[/colour] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red]Herbology[/colour] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red]Teamwork[/colour] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red]Seraphim Piloting[/colour] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red]Student Council[/colour] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red]Portal Exploration (Extracurricular)[/colour] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red]A r e Y o u O n Y o u r H o u s e ' s W a a g a T e a m?[/colour] [i][b]No[/b].[/i] [/colour] [center][img][/img] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][colour=pink] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red][i]"With every flicker of my flames, I kindle the flame of hope in the hearts of those I touch."[/i][/colour] [colour=gold]◈[/colour][/colour][/center] [/center] [colour=A9A8AF][center] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red]P e r s o n a l i t y[/colour] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=A9A8AF]Passionate[colour=gold]◈[/colour] Warmth[colour=gold]◈[/colour] Resilience[colour=gold]◈[/colour] Creativity[colour=gold]◈[/colour] Leadership[/colour] [i]Just like the comforting warmth of a fire, Anastasia exudes a genuine and welcoming aura. Her presence has a calming effect on others, as she effortlessly extends compassion and understanding to those around her. The fiery essence within her personality manifests as a passionate and enthusiastic individual. She approaches life with zeal, throwing herself wholeheartedly into her endeavours. Anastasia's natural leadership qualities shine through. She possesses charisma, assertiveness, and the ability to inspire others to follow her guidance. Her fiery personality acts as a catalyst, igniting a spark of belief in others and encouraging them to recognize their own potential. When faced with challenges, Anastasia reveals an inner strength that empowers her to persevere and find solutions. Her vivid imagination and innovative thinking allow her to explore unconventional approaches and adapt her techniques to meet the specific needs of each situation.[/i] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red]F l a w s[/colour] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=A9A8AF]Self-Doubt[colour=gold]◈[/colour] Fear of Disappointing Others[colour=gold]◈[/colour] Emotional Sensitivity[colour=gold]◈[/colour] Strong Sense of Justice[/colour] [i]Anastasia places immense pressure upon herself due to the constant real and perceived comparisons between herself and Harold Arslan. These ongoing comparisons can cast doubt on her own abilities and accomplishments, as she fears she may never live up to the legacy associated with her name. The weight of expectations and the fear of falling short fuel her self-doubt and anxiety. She grapples with the challenge of finding her own path and distinguishing herself from her namesake, leading to internal conflict and a lingering sense of being overshadowed. Anastasia's deep empathy and genuine concern for others often lead her to prioritize their needs above her own. While this sensitivity is a testament to her compassionate nature, it can sometimes take a toll on her emotional well-being, leaving her susceptible to emotional exhaustion and becoming overwhelmed. Her profound empathy drives a sincere desire to alleviate the suffering of others, which can occasionally result in clashes when others don't share the same level of commitment or when her actions are met with resistance or misunderstanding.[/i] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red]H i s t o r y[/colour] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [i]Anastasia was a bright and excitable girl, growing up in a carefree and loving environment. Her parents nurtured her curious nature and encouraged her to embrace life with passion and joy. However, everything changed one fateful day when the Ni-Seraphim attacked, wreaking havoc on their peaceful home island of [colour=gold]Herbeumont[/colour], the floating orchard. Like others on the island, they were forced to flee, Anastasia and her parents became nomads, relying on the generosity of strangers and the work her parents could find to sustain them. Her family eventually settled in the bustling trade city of [colour=gold]Varrahasta[/colour], renown for its exploitation of the Endless Sea. After witnessing the devastating impact of the Ni-Seraphim attack, Anastasia developed a deep sense of empathy and a burning desire to protect others. She saw first-hand the suffering and pain caused by such conflicts and vowed to use her abilities to bring comfort to those in need. It was during a moment of despair and uncertainty that her gift awakened, revealing a connection to life energy, Vitesse. As her gift manifested, Anastasia experienced a profound encounter with the flames that healed. The fire embraced her with warmth and tenderness, flickering with a soothing light that spoke of restoration and renewal. This transformative experience deepened her understanding of her abilities and fuelled her determination to master the art of healing through the [colour=gold]Flame of Life[/colour]. Inspired by the legendary tales of Harold Arslan, who shared her surname, Anastasia set her sights high. She was driven by the desire to live up to the legacy associated with her family name, even though it brought immense pressure and expectations. Joining the Academy, she faced the challenge of proving herself and overcoming doubts about her own abilities. Throughout her years at the academy, Anastasia earned a reputation as a compassionate and dedicated student. Her unwavering commitment to her studies and her genuine desire to help others made her a respected figure among her peers. She became a role model to younger students, offering guidance, support, and reassurance to those struggling with their own gifts and self-confidence. While focusing on her academic pursuits, Anastasia also found solace and inspiration in the natural world. She would often retreat to nearby forests, seeking moments of tranquillity and connection with the elements. Immersed in the beauty of nature, she found clarity and balance, allowing her to recharge her own energies and face the challenges of her journey with renewed strength.[/i] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red]R e p u t a t i o n[/colour] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [i]Although she is not directly related to Harold Arslan, Anastasia's shared surname often sparks curiosity and initial interest among those she encounters. However, it is her passionate and warm nature that truly captures people's attention and draws them towards her. She has effortlessly established herself as a supportive and caring presence among her peers, becoming a trusted confidante and an empathetic listener. Students seek her out for advice, guidance, and comfort, knowing that she will wholeheartedly lend an ear and offer genuine support. Anastasia's mastery of her gift, the [colour=gold]Flame of Life[/colour], has earned her recognition and respect within both the student body and the faculty. Her ability to channel healing energy and facilitate the recovery of others has solidified her position as a highly valued member of the school community. Her skill and dedication to her craft make her an invaluable asset in times of crisis or when healing support is needed. Overall, Anastasia enjoys a well-deserved and respected reputation at the school. She is admired for her unwavering passion, her innate warmth, and her exceptional healing abilities. Her natural leadership qualities and compassionate nature have earned her the admiration and respect of her peers, and she has become a role model and a source of inspiration for those around her. Through her presence and actions, Anastasia creates a positive and uplifting atmosphere that resonates with those around her.[/i] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red]G o a l s[/colour] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [i]Guided by her compassionate nature, Anastasia harbors a deep desire to dedicate herself to humanitarian work, utilizing her exceptional healing abilities to assist those in need. Recognizing the ongoing threat posed by the Wrinkles, she envisions herself venturing into underserved communities, war-torn regions, and areas devastated by natural disasters. Her goal is to offer healing, relief, and unwavering support to individuals who have been affected by these challenging circumstances. By immersing herself in humanitarian work, she hopes to contribute to a world where she can bring about positive change and help individuals rebuild their lives amidst adversity.[/i] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red]R e l a t i o n s[/colour] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [i][colour=gold]Magnus & Maelle[/colour] - Anastasia maintains a strong bond with her parents, who have been a constant source of love and support throughout her journey. They instilled in her the values of compassion and resilience, and their unwavering belief in her abilities, serves as a driving force in her pursuit of her goals. Within the academy, Anastasia has found mentors who have played a significant role in her development as a healer and a person. [colour=gold]Students[/colour] - Anastasia has forged deep friendships with fellow students at the academy, built on mutual respect, camaraderie, emotional support, and laughter in both challenging and joyful moments. While she generally seeks to bring healing and harmony, she may encounter adversaries who oppose her ideals or see her as a threat. [colour=gold]Leah Eusebia Clearwater[/colour] - It was only natural that heads turned when both an Arslan and an Eusebia joined the academy simultaneously. Due to the attention, they found themselves together more often than not, as they navigated a shared experience of scrutiny and high expectations. This led to the formation of a strong bond of friendship between them. [colour=gold]Kaspaan Mustaven[/colour] - One of the newer students, known for collecting bruises, cuts, and grazes as if they were badges of honour. Anastasia's attempts to heal him have an unusual dynamic, as he responds with timid furtive glares, distancing himself further away from her. [/i] [/center] [center][img][/img][/center][center][img][/img] [colour=pink] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red][i]"There's a part of me that worries. It's not just about mending wounds; it's about preventing them in the first place. When I see others recklessly throwing themselves into danger, I want to protect and guide those around me, urging them to embrace caution and respect for their own well-being. Healing is a gift, but it shouldn't be an excuse for carelessness."[/i][/colour] [colour=gold]◈[/colour][/colour][/center] [center] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red]M y s t i c C l a s s i f i c a t i o n[/colour] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [i]Astra[/i] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red]G i f t[/colour] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [i]The Flame of Life[/i] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red]M y s t i c C o d e[/colour] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [i]Anastasia is adept at harnessing and manipulating the life energy, Vitesse, within living beings. Through her gift, she channels this energy into vibrant flames that serve as a conduit for healing, purification, and restoration. The flames carry the essence of life itself, representing the energetic life force present within individuals. When she directs her gift towards healing others, the flames envelop and caress the wounds, accelerating the natural healing process. The flames possess transformative properties, purifying and cleansing afflicted areas, removing toxins, and dissolving negative energy. This process not only facilitates physical healing, but also aids in restoring balance and vitality on a deeper level.[/i] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [colour=red]L i m i t a t i o n s a n d W e a k n e s s e s[/colour] [colour=gold]◈[/colour] [i]It requires a lot of her focus and concentration. Performing complex or extensive healing may drain her own energy, making it necessary for her to rest and recharge after intense healing sessions. If someone's vitesse is severely depleted or disrupted, it may be more challenging for Anastasia to facilitate healing. Overexertion can lead to fatigue and temporary loss of her healing abilities until she replenishes her own vitality. The Flames of Life are primarily oriented towards healing and purification, limiting her ability to directly engage in combat situations. She relies on her allies and defensive measures to ensure her safety in more hostile environments.[/i] [/center][/colour] [/hider]