[i]The promise of Sky Gate City is the promise of the nation: that no one goes hungry, that no one goes without treatment, that no one lacks the opportunity to make something of themselves. The Big Peach is the shining jewel of the Republic, built to exacting geomantic design in order to promote good fortune and prosperity for all. But the promise is for sufficiency, not the fulfillment of dreams, and there’s no magic spell that can cure human nature. In [u]Welcome to the Big Peach[/u], you read about Hsien Lang as she uncovered the mystery of her origins as the tail of Lady Foxfire, lost in her last battle with Empress and Kirin; you fell in love with Rain Lanahe, the grad student pursuing the mysteries of magic and science; and you marveled at the heroics of the Vermillion Princess, mystically empowered by the Armillary Sash. You were shocked by the death of the Grandmaster of the Flower Mountain Triad at the hands of a mysterious assassin, which sent the city’s jianghu into uproar. You were on the edge of your seat when Rain got herself sucked into the underworld during the Night of Eight Million Ghosts. You winced as the Jade Mayor announced that the chaos in the streets could only be met by a special task force, given Empress’s heroic effort holding the Doors of Yama shut. And you had to wonder: Is HorizonCon really going to be canceled just because of a few mad scientists and an outbreak of ghosts? Find out in [u]Ghost Gate City[/u]…[/i]