[center][h3][color=aqua]Bardulf[/color][/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/LqjmDBo.png[/img] [/center] [color=aqua] [b]Time:[/b] [color=cornflowerblue]Morning[/color] [b]Location:[/b] [color=cornflowerblue]Southwest of Roshmi City[/color] [b]Interaction:[/b] [color=cornflowerblue]Brigitte [@Tae], Mister Luum [@FunnyGuy], Rue [@Potter], Bowyn [@Helo], and Zeva [@Pink Khione][/color] [/color] [hr] [center] [color=cornflowerblue] Bardulf took the various reactions in, and couldn't help but let out a slight sigh. He had only been here a week and was already causing problems. Even Rue's Pegasus seemed annoyed with him, and he had grown fond of the creature in the coming days. His gaze shifted downward for a few moments in reflection of the past few events. He did indeed let his emotions get the better of him, and frankly had no idea just how dangerous that would prove to be. Here, now more than ever, he would simply need to hide who he was. He had let a bit of his more savage side slip out, as he always had in the past, and yet again he was proven right that he would struggle to fit in no matter where he went. Yet his clouded mind seemed to settle as he felt the tight embrace of Rue. Even here in this imaginary world there seemed to be people willing to tolerate and protect him. This feeling of acceptance brought joy to his heart and his arms wrapped around Rue for a few moments while his head sunk into her shoulders. His head tilted back up, and a slight level of dew rose in them to those who may be perceptive. He blinked away the oncoming tears and shook off his depressive self-depricating thoughts. His mind had a habit of breaking him down cruelly and letting that happen unabated could result in more trouble for his new friends. The realty of what was to come seeped into him and he would need to grin and bear any troubles that came his way. Any wayward emotions would need to be cast to the side, even if he became a husk devoid of anything human by the end of this journey. If it would keep his new "pack" safe, it was a small price to pay. [color=aqua]"I...am sorry. Won't happen again."[/color] His voice shook slightly but he finally returned to his more stoic posture and expressions, stepping back from the embrace and making sure to hide his face beneath his cowl with a few extra adjustments and fidgets. His neck turned to face his gaze to the new elf they had just met, who seemed bewildered with the events that occurred. [color=aqua]"I can talk more of it when we are safe, but I think for now I need to....process some things.[/color] [color=aqua]"I don't think you would accept 'natural causes' to be an explanation of that?"[/color] He innocently suggested. [color=aqua]"Also, maybe we should, uhm, move along before too many people come to look at what happened. All that magic might have made a lot of noise...."[/color] He nervously coughed at the end of his sentence and stepped to the side to let the others lead the way. [/color] [/center] [hider=TL;DR] Some more inner reflection from Bardulf who tells himself to bottle his emotions up and to suppress the urge to further blame himself for his misuse of magic. He shares a tender hug with his friend Rue which brings him back from the doom-addled thoughts he had been thinking, and mellows himself out emotionally. He then suggests that the group moves along, and steps aside for them to lead the way. [/hider]