[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210425/60d4cad31d79f05670a6f5376d410cd8.png[/img][/center] [Right][color=6ecff6]Interactions: Nolan [@hatakekuro], Damian [@Zarkun][/color][/right] It didn't seem like the corporal was about to believe her, but then he did. Or at least he was willing to accept the answer for granted. They needed help badly, and any help was better than no help. Which just made her feel all the worse with the nagging feeling she was going to let everyone down. The water mage was so caught up in her own thoughts and worries, that she didn't hear the whistling approaching them. Hearing her name, however, elicited a soft gasp as Ria startled. She turned toward the sound, having missed the words. The bit of shock was chased away by a beaming grin. Any worries vanished. "[color=6ecff6]Damian![/color]" No sooner had his name escaped her, then she was on her tiptoes to wrap her arms around his neck in a huge hug. "[color=6ecff6]I thought you had already set off, and I'd been so upset I neglected to say goodbye![/color]" Then Nolan opened his mouth and her beaming grin diminished slightly. "[color=6ecff6]Oh![/color]" It hadn't even occurred to her that Nolan might not know the swordsman. She pulled away and took a step over to stand off to the side but still somewhat between the two. "[color=6ecff6]Nolan, this is Damian; he has been a regular facet at the guild since it started. I have not seen anyone come close to a match for Damian's skill with a sword but I am certain Kiba will be one to give him a proper challenge soon. Damian, this is Nolan; I'm sure Jenna has told you a lot about him, but he's one of the guild's A-class and yes, he agreed to assist with this escort mission. "But like Nolan said, I didn't realize you were part of the - well, to crudely phrase it - cargo for the mission. Given how the guards were talking, I suppose they haven't heard of your skill and assumed you were just some tag along they'd have to protect as well.[/color]" She tabbed her chin softly as she looked to the sky. "[color=6ecff6]Though, that really doesn't seem to change our roles with the caravan as you were not intending to defend unless necessary.[/color]" She laughed softly, regaining the smile from her thoughtful look. "[color=6ecff6]I'm glad we get to see you off. It looks like the caravan is just about to get going so we should all go join the guards.[/color]" She didn't wait for the two men to agree or not. The water mage spun on her heels and, with a skip to her step, headed off to join the guards and see if there was any help she could provide them in their final checks. [hr] [hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210104/a99cdc088aa9c386fb10b51db1d049ee.png[/img][/center] [Right][color=9400D3]Interactions: Adelyn [@Lunarlord34], Kiba [@Cello], Seargent Monreu [@Zarkun] [/color][/right] Adelyn had argued that zap she'd given him was not a true display of her power, but Mark had seen little to support that claim. He supposed that a bulk of the reason for that was only seeing her zap in response to physical contact instead of seeing her on a job. Come to think of it, he couldn't recall any time she had taken a job. Usually se sat in the guildhall with her nose in a book or ranting in her over articulate way at some unsuspecting soul. The dark mage spared a glance at the otherwise silent swordsman beside him when Kiba let out the softest noise. What was funny enough to make their quiet companion laugh? Whatever it was likely wasn't important. Not worth pressing someone that didn't speak by choice to share the joke. Either they would discover in time or not. What was important was that they finally reached the command center, and moreover the briefing room where they were to meet the man in charge of giving them information on the job. Though unchanging in his expression, the air around the stoic mage grew a little colder when the sergeant doing the briefing used - at least the kinder - nicknames he'd heard muttered in reference to guildmembers. It would be better to just leave the posting and leave with Adelyn and Kiba, not completely the job, but then what would Jenna say? No, they needed to complete the job. They just didn't need the guard to do it. It didn't change much of what he expected to happen. Kiba could help guarantee Adelyn didn't get hurt, and Mark himself would carry the bulk of the weight. It equated to slightly more complicated than the last time he was hired to deal with a dangerous beast, but only because there were two mages he hadn't worked with instead of just doing the job by himself. "[color=9400D3]If that was the first thing, you should have lead with that instead of starting with an insult, [i]Sergeant[/i].[/color]" His tone was even and tempered, face placid of disappointment, but even the guardsman would likely have little difficulty sensing the shift in the air. "[color=9400D3]You will use formality with addressing us, and will address her as Ma'am with a prompt apology. "Then provide the details for this job so my team and I can complete this task. You will stay here. That should eliminate a variable that is clearly a threat to my team.[/color]" Mark kept his gaze leveled on the man's face, but he took in the room with his peripheral. "[color=9400D3]Is any part of that unclear?[/color]"