[center][h1]Chronicles of Elysium[/h1] [/center] You stroll leisurely through the vibrant streets of Elysium, the excitement of the annual faire permeating the air. The lively chatter of merchants, the sweet melodies of minstrels, and the tantalizing aromas of delicious treats create an atmosphere of joy and revelry. As you meander through the bustling crowd, your eyes are drawn to a mystical booth adorned with vibrant tarot cards and an enigmatic fortune teller beckoning passersby. Curiosity piques your interest, and you approach the booth, eager to catch a glimpse of what the future may hold. But just as you step closer, a sudden shift in the fabric of reality takes hold. Time seems to warp and twist around you, and before you can fully comprehend what is happening, a blinding portal materializes, engulfing you in its swirling energy. In an instant, you are transported beyond the confines of time and space, cut off from the familiar sights and sounds of the faire. The chaos of the portal disorients your senses, leaving you momentarily breathless. The world around you blurs, and a sense of weightlessness overcomes you as you are transported to a realm unknown, adrift in a sea of temporal turbulence. When the disorienting whirlwind finally subsides, you find yourself in an entirely different place. The vibrant streets of Elysium are replaced by a scene from a bygone era. The buildings have a weathered, ancient quality, and the once joyous ambiance is replaced with an eerie silence. You stand alone, disoriented and bewildered, realizing that you have been thrust into a time behind your own. Prepare yourself, for the past calls out to you, beckoning you to explore its depths and uncover the truth that lies hidden within. Your journey through time has just begun, and the fate of Elysium hangs in the balance. The faire may be a distant memory, but your purpose remains clear: to mend the shattered threads of time and forge a future where past, present, and future coalesce in harmony once more. [center][img]https://uploaddeimagens.com.br/images/004/521/618/original/cristal.png?1687824778[/img][/center] Step right into the world of the Chronicles of Elysium, an exciting adventure inspired by the fantastical realm of Dungeons and Dragons. Forget about rolling dice and tracking points; we're keeping it simple and light-hearted. You'll still get to choose your class, race, and all that good stuff. This game is perfect for a cozy group of 3 to 5 players. Now, here's the deal: I'm looking for active players who can hop in and post at least once or twice a week. If that sounds like your cup of tea, then keep scrolling and join the fun! A few of my 1x1 roleplays have kind of lost their spark lately, and I figured it's time to shake things up. I'm totally obsessed with Dungeons and Dragons, and lately, I've been gobbling up all the fantastic art from Chrono Trigger. And then, like a brilliant lightbulb moment, it hit me: why not combine them both? It's gonna be a wild fusion of epic adventures and time-traveling shenanigans! Interested players are encouraged to create characters inspired by the awesome classes and races from DnD, but let's keep things loosey-goosey. Powers and abilities can be more fluid, while still staying true to the archetypes. We're aiming for a balanced mix of magical and non-magical classes, so it's gonna be a half-and-half extravaganza. Oh, and no worries about the first-come first-serve chaos. Everyone's encouraged to share their character ideas and bring their unique flavor to the table. By the way, just a heads up, I'll be channeling my inner Druid Drow. Our adventure kicks off in the bustling city of Elysium, right smack in the middle of their epic annual fair. But hold onto your hats because your character can hail from anywhere in the Forgotten Realms. Heck, they can even be from another dimension! Just make sure they've got a solid reason to find themselves in the heart of Elysium. Once we've gathered two or three eager players, I'll whip up an OOC (out-of-character) thread to kickstart our adventure. So, who's up for some thrilling escapades and unforgettable tales? [hr] [center][h2]The setting[/h2][/center] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1087391796616777799/1123046622683746376/ignoranceandbliss_2d_sprite_cartoon_render_A_big_city_medieval__b78af8e1-a64a-4e98-8ef6-5eaff424e7d7.png[/img][/center] [hider=The City of Elysium] Elysium is situated in the region of Faerûn, specifically within the Western Heartlands, a central area of the continent. It lies at the confluence of two major rivers, the Silverflow and the Starwater, which flow from the nearby Sword Mountains. The city's strategic location near these waterways has played a significant role in its development and prosperity. To the north of Elysium is the bustling city of Waterdeep, one of the most prominent cities in the Forgotten Realms. Waterdeep serves as a major trade hub and political center, with a complex web of alliances and factions. Elysium has strong trade ties with Waterdeep, benefiting from the flow of goods and knowledge between the two cities. It often acts as a gateway for caravans and river traffic traveling to and from Waterdeep. To the south lies the town of Daggerford, a smaller but still notable settlement known for its defensive position on the Trade Way. Elysium maintains a friendly relationship with Daggerford, with occasional trade exchanges and cultural connections. The town acts as a buffer between Elysium and the more dangerous lands to the south, providing a sense of security for the city. In the east, the city-state of Baldur's Gate serves as a significant political and economic rival to Elysium. The two cities have a complex history of competition and occasional conflicts, vying for control over key trade routes and resources. Although diplomatic relations are maintained, tensions often arise between Elysium and Baldur's Gate, as both cities seek to establish dominance in the region. To the west lies the enchanting forest of Cormanthor, a vast woodland with ancient elven ruins and mysterious magical energies. The forest serves as a source of both wonder and danger, as the denizens of Elysium occasionally venture into its depths in search of rare herbs, magical artifacts, or to commune with the fey creatures residing within. The surrounding lands near Elysium are characterized by rolling hills, fertile farmlands, and pockets of dense forests. The city itself features a blend of architectural styles, reflecting its long history and the influence of different cultures that have settled within its walls. Elysium is known for its grand libraries, prestigious academies, and opulent marketplaces, making it a center of learning, trade, and culture in the Western Heartlands. [/hider] [hider=The Time Prism and the Cataclysm] The Time Prism is an ancient and incredibly powerful magical artifact of unknown origin. Legends speak of it being forged by an enigmatic group of time mages known as the Chronarchitects, who possessed the ability to manipulate the very fabric of time itself. The Prism is said to contain a fragment of the temporal essence of the multiverse, granting those who wield it unparalleled control over time. Long ago, the Time Prism was sought after by ambitious mages in Elysium who believed that harnessing its power could bring unparalleled advancements and prosperity to the city. However, their misguided attempts to control time led to the Cataclysm—a devastating event that nearly tore Elysium apart and left behind the unstable Time Gate. The Cataclysm occurred when the mages attempted to unlock the true potential of the Time Prism, delving into forbidden and dangerous temporal magics. Their reckless experimentation caused a catastrophic rupture in the time continuum, resulting in a cataclysmic explosion that threatened to unravel the very fabric of reality. In a desperate bid to prevent further destruction, the mages managed to contain the explosion and stabilize the Time Gate. However, they paid a heavy price. The mages sacrificed themselves to become eternal guardians, forever bound to the Time Gate and tasked with ensuring the stability of the city's timeline. The Time Prism itself remains hidden, its whereabouts unknown even to the guardians of the Time Gate. Many believe that it was shattered during the Cataclysm, its fragments scattered across time and space. Some say that the shards of the Time Prism hold immense power and can potentially alter reality if brought together again. The Time Gate in Elysium acts as a conduit for the residual energy of the Time Prism. It periodically opens, allowing individuals to traverse through different eras and locations, but with each opening, the stability of the city's timeline is at risk. [/hider]