Were people... scowling at her? Kat frowns slightly as she rides, noticing how people seeing her lost their smiles. What was wrong with them? Plenty of kids were riding their bikes, why did she feel like she offended them somehow? Was it the bicycle helmet? Did they hate purple or something? "Real friendly place you found for me, Uncle Oscar," Kat mutters, then nods sagely as she tried to catch his way of speaking. "Unfriendly neighbors mean no one bothers you." She chuckled for a moment, then sighs ruefully. "Thanks alot, Uncle Oscar." [hr] "You'd think a town with all these people living here would have a grocery store someplace?" Kat scowls, then sees a barricade up ahead. "Road closed?" [i]Oh, what fresh hell was this?[/i] She wondered, pulling over to the sidewalk and climbing off her bike. She better walk in with it,