[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ZpkHH63.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/eFLpzor.png[/img] [color=A9A8AF]Hello All, Today is the day to go over the character sheets that need some relatively minor changes before we can approve them. Aside from [@Alfhedil], whom we've already discussed with in private, please look at the required adjustments for your character and make the necessary changes to your character sheet. Please resend your revised character sheet to [@Aeolian] in PM or repost it in the OOC thread by EOD Sunday Jul 2, EST. [@Alfhedil] Go ahead and move your character sheet over to the character tab. Once your character art is done, you can add it retroactively; that's when we'll make the character blurb for Corrina too. Aesthetically, it doesn't work without the character art. lol Thanks! [/color] [/center] [center] [color=ed1c24]House of Harold[/color] [@Crimson Flame] [h2][color=7ea7d8]Taegan “Tae” Granlock[/color][/h2] [color=A9A8AF]1. The reputation section should be 1 to 2 well-written paragraphs, so please expand on this. 2. Expand the goals section to a few more sentences. Gives us more insight into what Tae wants to accomplish, whether that be during his time at Harold's Academy or after graduation, and why? 3. Expand the "Mystic Code" section to at least a paragraph. Give us more details about what his light manipulation can do. [/color] [@SunStar] [h2][color=7ea7d8]Ezekiel Seganal[/color][/h2] [color=A9A8AF]1. Your character art isn't working. If you need help finding suitable art, let [@Aeolian] or [@Mirandae] know. 2. Please resubmit your character sheet with the proper formatting, as seen in the original character sheet template. In our rules, we're pretty upfront about maintaining aesthetics. It's okay to add creative elements to your sheet like some other players did, but stripping most of the original aesthetic elements from the sheet without adding creative details is not permissible for us. 3. Please expand the Appearance section to a full paragraph. 4. Remove the "At least four...must take Sustain Flight" text from the Classes section. 5. As discussed with [@Aeolian] in PM, please make the necessary changes to your character's gift, as Vitesse Nullification is not permissible. 6. You will need to change part of your history to reflect the changes made to your gift. [/color] [@BlackRoseSiren] [h2][color=7ea7d8]Aurora Celeste[/color][/h2] [color=A9A8AF]1. Your current art for your character doesn't match the aesthetic of this RP. Please choose an art style similar to what the other characters have, which you can find under the Character tab. If you need help with suitable art, reach out to [@Aeolian] or [@Mirandae] 2. Please include a paragraph about your character under their image. This "Appearance" section is stated in the character sheet template. 3. Please resubmit your character sheet with the proper formatting, as seen in the original character sheet template. In our rules, we're pretty upfront about maintaining aesthetics. It's okay to add creative elements to your sheet like some other players did, but stripping all the original aesthetic elements from the sheet and leaving it bare is not permissible for us. 4. Please change the classification of her gift to Astra. Molecular acceleration is not an elemental gift. [/color] [/center] [center] [color=7ea7d8]House of Seraphine[/color] [@Ignorancebliss] [h2][color=7ea7d8]Lucius Kree[/color][/h2] [color=A9A8AF]1. Lucius is approved if you remove the precognition gift. We feel as though the precognition is tacked onto a powerset, especially since he already has two gift, telepathy and mediumship. Precognition is a powerful gift by itself, and on it's own, that might have been acceptable, but in addition to two other gifts, it feels displaced and can cause some issues with the creative narrative process. Let's just have him stick with the telepathy and medium. [/color] [@McKennaJ71] [h2][color=7ea7d8]Beatrix Gyre[/color][/h2] [color=A9A8AF]1. Please resubmit your character sheet with the proper formatting, as seen in the original character sheet template. In our rules, we're pretty upfront about maintaining aesthetics. It's okay to add creative elements to your sheet like some other players did, but stripping all the original aesthetic elements from the sheet and leaving it bare is not permissible for us. 2. Your appearance section under the character photo is only one sentence. We would like you to put in a little more effort here and expand it to at least one paragraph (4-5 sentences). 3. Please expand your goals section to several sentences. Again, lets put a little more effort here and let us know what motivates your character. Why does she want to be known far and wide?[/color] [@Ebil Bunny] [h2][color=7ea7d8]Manny Ryi[/color][/h2] [color=A9A8AF]1. After some delegation, we ask that you remove the teleportation aspect of her gift. Not dying (reincarnation) is pretty powerful by itself, plus you can shapeshift into different animals; that seems pretty sufficient for a Mystic gift. The teleportation element seemed more like a tacked-on gimmick that doesn't really have anything to do with reincarnation. Plus, teleportation would be an Astra gift, not Somatic. 2. Please clarify what you mean by "if her aeonheart is triggered with". We didn't quite understand with this meant. What are some examples of this that you thought of? 3. Is this character unrecognizable to other people every time she reincarnates? Please clarify that. 4. So we assume that the image in her character profile pic is her "base form". Please clarify whether she does, or rather, can she ever go back to her base form. This kind of plays into the 3rd bullet above, but informs us on whether the other players can ever recognize her whenever she reincarnates into a new form, whether human or animal. [/color] [/center]