[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/hD8KSmh/cooltext437920183166088.png[/img][/center] [color=808080] [hr] Thomas noticed the individual on their bike right away and she seemed to have a friendly atmosphere while approaching. He returned to that similar atmosphere with a friendly smile, “[color=66946b]Yes?[/color]” Putting all of his attention on the woman that seemed to be ready to inquire about something. Keeping an approachable look as he put his hands on his hips. “[color=66946b]Welcome to Sanctuary, we are happy to always see new faces 'n aah'm chief 'n sheriff Fischer,[/color]” Right when the woman asked about the grocery store, he began to run on his heel and he pointed in a direction to another side of the downtown area which was not blocked off. Pointing towards the gas station down the road as he put his attention on the woman. “[color=66946b]If ya ride down that way 'n git by the gas station, ya will see the grocery store across the road from it. It's small but nice,[/color]” Thomas was always happy to help someone out when they needed it. They did not have any large superstores or anything in the town. Nothing too big. All casual and small establishments in the city and most civilian-owned businesses. Family-owned. Small town. Deciding to add a few more things, he politely added, “[color=66946b]If ya need anythin' else, ya can always ask, don't be a stranger now,[/color]'' Wanting the people of Sanctuary to feel comfortable around him. He was trying his best to be on most people’s good side. [hr] [b]Location[/b] Festival - Police Department Booth [b]Time[/b] Morning [b]Mood[/b] Content [b]Interaction(s)[/b] [@Expendable] [/color]