[color=808080] [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/mHJxt2n/cooltext438602746816243.png[/img][/center] [hr] Archer seemed to have that caring and gentle atmosphere around him at all times. The one that most patients wanted in a doctor. A faint smile could be seen when Alice thanked the Russian man who was leaving and Archer had to glance back, wondering what he did. He was an interesting man and one that seemed to have odd wounds or requests when it came to medical help. The man has even bought syringes from the hospital which caught the medical man’s attention, but they sold them, so he couldn’t say anything about it. It wasn’t illegal to buy syringes but there were plenty of reasons why someone would purchase those but he had none. Then he had to let out a faint laugh when the man called him, [i]the savior of Sanctuary[/i], finding it funny that he earned that title with at least one individual. “[color=ca8621]I believe you give me too much credit,[/color]” He offered the more humble side of himself. The side that came naturally in most interactions. The doctor did not see himself as a savior but as a helper. As the man began to put donuts into the bakery display, Archer seemed to glance in curiosity at what he was doing and what they had. Levi was naming some good ones, but he felt like he wanted the simple cake donut with white frosting and sprinkles. “[color=ca8621]I am a doctor but I am not a dentist. Sugar isn’t bad unless that is the main thing you consume in your diet,[/color]” The one that would tell you about sugars the most was a dentist. Archer warned people about overconsumption of sugars but mainly left long speeches for the diabetics and others who could be negatively affected by sugars. “[color=ca8621]I’ll take a dirty chai, a blueberry muffin if you have one, and a frosted covered donut with sprinkles,[/color]” That seemed like a good order for a day off. “[color=ca8621]How is that for such a healthy doctor?[/color]” Archer jokingly gestured his hand at the donut case that he had ordered. [hr] [b]Location[/b] Cozy Bear Cafe [b]Time[/b] Morning [b]Mood[/b] Content and good [b]Interaction[/b] Levi [@The Muse] [/color]