[quote=@Guardian Angel Haruki] [@rush99999][@Crimson Flame][@LuckyLudor][@InnerFlame][@Lucius Cypher] The locations are finally complete! Sorry for the wait, everyone. ^^" It's time for me to start on the beginning IC post! But before that...after much mulling and thinking, I think it might be best to let you guys have a say: Where you would you like your characters to first meet and begin your adventures? [hr] [@Benzaiten] I wanted to check in with you. Are you still interested? ^^" [/quote] I vote we get the Alice in Wonderland treatment and end up in in whack ass dream land. [quote=@Double] [@Lucius Cypher] By the way, can I just say I [i]love[/i] the delicious irony of the Great Stone Dragon you came up with? Especially with the context of Mushu's actions and motivations. [/quote] Happy ya like it! yeah, I def designed the stone dragon in a sorta compare/contrast with Mushu, as both are deceivers, but different in how and why they help the Fa family. Example, the stone dragon would've made Mulan leave as soon as Shang kicked "Ping" out from the military camp. As much as he wants to help Mulan as a person, his priority would be to get her back home asap, [i]not[/i] save China. Hindsight's 20/20 of course, it's not like Shi Long (my Stone Dragon) would've known the full threat of the Huns. So ultimately Shi Long wouldn't pass judgement on Mushu, appreciating his bravery and willingness to take responsibility, the very reason why he started helping the Fa family.