[hider=Jimmy Handover]Name: Jimmy Handover, but goes by Tony Hamill- a fake name for a life in hiding Birthdate 1/20/1992 Age 31 [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.e1ceec0508b231e3179c90ffd535ff5c?rik=H7DMJqefc2fmvg&pid=ImgRaw&r=0[/img] Occupation: Bartender At Fox Hole Tavern Bio: Jimmy, or Jim, or James as he’s named at one point had a fairly decent life as nothing of outstanding importance occurred in his youngling days, but as he grew older he started to notice things about his parents behavior like a cold stiffness in the air. They were cordial toward one another when they thought their only child wasn’t around, but when he was they hammed up their performance of being a loving couple, which at first since he had no parental alternatives he thought was normal. Then he came of age to start driving so his parents took turns teaching the young man, but it quickly turned into a confessional booth instead of driving lessons. It turns out his father had an entire extra family on the side and he was in deep with some nasty loan sharks to keep up with bills on both sides of the fence, his mother was an alcoholic who drank their money to the bottom of the bottle. It wasn’t long after these revelations that Jimmy requested to meet this other family, which would later be huge error on his part as the loan sharks, who worked for an organized crime outfit in the city of Las Angeles decided it would be a fun coincidence to show up to the party. What followed was a series of broken kneecaps, the deaths of the other family, the severe and unrecognizable beating and Jimmy’s harrowing escape with his mother after taking one of their handguns. In a long and bloodily traumatizing night that ended in a car chase wreck with Jimmy at the wheel and his mother dead. Utilizing his adrenaline, Jimmy managed to fight back and killed the loan sharks, but t’was not the end of his tale as he was now on the run for fear of the mafia’s retaliation and his capture, for the next fifteen years he was always on the move and resorted to thievery, begging, and sleeping under bridges- or what could pass for sleep as he constantly had nightmares about that night. He would use aquatic centers for their showers and tossed out broken mirrors for their shards to cut his hair, he would even resort to stealing money from other homeless people to at least try to pay for things that normal people without killers chasing after them had taken for granted. On a whim around his thirty first birthday he saw a billboard advertising for a town called Sanctuary in Colorado, so with what little he had left he bought a bus ticket in the hope of finding... Sanctuary. PLACE OF RESIDENCE IN SANCTUARY: Room 22 in Fox Hole Tavern Transportation: Currently walking[/hider]