[color=#E6300B]Dick had been spending most of the day in the tower’s command center, Bruce’s warning about the Riddler still fresh in his mind. That threat was just one of many that Dick had been tracking, as many different crises could happen at any moment in Jump City. For most people this would be very overwhelming, but Dick had been trained for this. Years of studying under the Batman had made Dick sharp, able to deal with all kinds of stress. He was ready for all possibilities. For the umpteenth time, Dick went over all the police and federal agency reports that pertained to Jump City. There had been a brief energy burst in the city, but it didn’t seem malicious. Other than that, H.I.V.E. had been oddly quiet, as had the Church of Blood. And yet Dick felt an unease. Something was telling him that he was in the calm before the storm, hence why he was looking into expanding the Titans roster. It was with that thought of expansion that Dick remembered to look at the time. He had completely forgotten that he had an appointment with a potential Titan, an appointment that he was already several minutes late for. In a rush, Dick quickly booted down the system before heading for the elevator. In less than a minute, Dick had reached the ground floor. As he stepped out the elevator, Dick noticed out of the corner of his eye Alrick and a mystery girl, with familiar hair, taking the other elevator down. As Titans were allowed guests at the tower, Dick didn’t question it. Now on the main floor, Dick could see the familiar sight of Starfire, the recent recruit Pulse, and Grazer, a hero Dick had been looking into. The man here for the meeting was armed like crazy with guns, something that made Dick felt a little off. But as long as Grazer didn’t kill, Dick didn’t mind. Batman had ironed the idea into Dick’s head that heroes should never kill. [color=#1F1D1E]“My apologies,”[/color] said Dick as he entered the kitchen, [color=#1F1D1E]“I was caught up with some threat assessment. I’m Robin. It seems you have already met Starfire and Pulse. If you want we can start the interview now, or I could show you around the tower first, whatever your preference is.”[/color] Dick briefly glanced at Starfire, noticing her shimmering red hair. He noted that it was almost the same as that girl who was with Alrick, which was eerie to him. For a second he wondered if they were dealing with another Tamaranean. Blackfire had caused enough damage when she came to town, so this put Dick on edge. [color=#1F1D1E]“Who was that girl with Alrick?”[/color] Dick asked as he turned to Starfire, [color=#1F1D1E]“Have we met her before?”[/color] Something was up, Dick was sure of it due to his inner detective. However he figured that it wasn’t probably a big deal, as he did trust Alrick and his choice of who to bring to the tower. In fact he trusted all the Titans, which was why he needed to interview Grazer. The Teen Titans were a team, which meant that he had to know they all had his back. So, Dick knew he had to make sure definitely that Grazer was a fit for the team.[/color]