[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/hD8KSmh/cooltext437920183166088.png[/img][/center] [color=808080] [hr] Turning off the hose for the dunk tank and walking over to the food stands, he began to set up more with the help of Tim, the volunteer. Chatting here and there to learn more about the individual and he seemed like a nice kid. Tim seemed excited about the dunk tank and talked about how quite a few people were excited to hear that the sheriff was going to be in it for at least a little bit. This caused Thomas’s stomach to turn. He regretted saying yes. Keeping a mental note that he was going to get a front guard for next year. [color=f6989d]"Howdy Sheriff, il pay the permit on monday. Good luck and Rock on"[/color] caused Thomas to glance over to the familiar feminine voice and he smiled with a friendly wave. “[color=66946b]Mornin' Talie![/color]” His voice sounded positive and energetic. It might be that he was excited and nervous about the festival coming up, especially nervous to get into the dunk tank. Could he wear a long sleeve shirt or would people think that is weird? Did he have to wear no shirt? Glancing down at himself, he couldn’t do that, but he might have a spare t-shirt in his truck. “[color=66946b]Aah know ya will git to it! Just do it by the middle of next month, okay?[/color]” Thomas tried to be casual with most things unless they were criminal activities. Most people in Sanctuary were good people and there were a few crazies who always loved to call on everyone that they possibly could. At this point, he might as well just pay the permit and give it to Talie if she shows up Monday or maybe he will do one of his casual visits to her sights or workplace and drop it off. Then he continued to chat with Tim and was getting everything else set up. Everything besides the dunk tank was being set up smoothly and easy to do with only one person but quicker with Tim around. He should thank Jewel again for that. [hr] [b]Location[/b] Festival - Police Department Booth [b]Time[/b] Morning [b]Mood[/b] Content and settled down [b]Interaction(s)[/b] [@PrinceAlexus] [/color]