[color=808080] [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/mHJxt2n/cooltext438602746816243.png[/img][/center] [hr] Archer chuckled at the man’s response and he could not help but notice the woman that was behind him. She looked familiar and he couldn't help but ask himself where he had seen her before. Only glancing over his shoulder for a few seconds at the woman before keeping his eyes on Alice and Levi. His brain was multitasking till he hit a lightbulb and realized the woman behind him was Jewel Navarro, the assistant to the mayor. Deciding that it was better to not hold up the line, he tried focusing on the man more than everyone else who was entering the small cafe. It was getting busy. “[color=ca8621]It is a pleasure to meet you, Levi, I am Doctor Archer Graham,[/color]” He knew that the man knew him as the ‘savior’ but he rather gave him the option to call him something else. Naturally, he went to be more formal and knew he was going to have to break out of that habit sooner or later. As Alice was ringing him up on the register, he quickly pulled out his wallet and placed a twenty dollar bill, telling the woman to keep the change, as he removed himself from the line. Not wanting to hold it up any more than he already was. Grabbing all of his items, “[color=ca8621]I will try my best. I hope your slave driver gives you a little bit of leeway to have fun at the festival tonight,[/color]” All this was said in jest with a smile that backed up the atmosphere around the man. He could not help but notice the woman who was asking for a pancake special and gave a smile but said nothing. Removing himself from the line and into the busy area. Archer found himself back on the street, scanning the surrounding area, before heading towards where the festival was going to be. Downtown there was a nice little area with a pond and a small restroom. It was like a little park or sitting area. It was pleasant and some of the picnic tables had umbrellas, so he went over to one of those and set down his items. Putting the umbrella up and sitting down under the shade as he began to enjoy his small breakfast. [hr] [b]Location[/b] Little downtown sitting park [b]Time[/b] Morning [b]Mood[/b] Content and good [b]Interaction[/b] Levi [@The Muse] [b]Metions[/b] [@PrinceAlexus][@QueenBea] [/color]