[CENTER][b][u][h1]Chapter 1[/h1] [h2]A New Party, A New Groove[/h2][/u][/b] [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-jtvn89s20k/hqdefault.jpg[/img][/CENTER] [I][u]Long ago, somewhere deep in the jungle...[/u] In the jungle, sits a llama with their head lowered, and thunder resounding above them. One crack of thunder and lightning shocks the llama and the poor creature lets out a scream. As the rain begins to fall, so does the llama's tears, along with the sounds of whimpering and sobbing. '[color=fdc68a]Would you take a look at that? Pret-ty pathetic, huh? Well, you'll never believe this, but that llama you're looking at was once a human being--[/color]' '[b]Woah! Hold your horses there, Kuzco. Or should I say 'Hold your llamas'? This isn't just your story anymore,[/b]' '[color=fdc68a]Wait-! Who're you?![/color]' '[b]I'm the Dungeon Master! Well, it would sound weird if people call me that, so just call me Dee! Anyways, I'm afraid you're not the focus of this story here, Kuzco. Not anymore, at the very least,[/b]' The cameras jerks a bit as the llama curls up on the rock, and narrator Kuzco lets out sounds of protest. '[color=fdc68a]Wha-?! Hey!!![/color]' '[b]Let's bring our attention to the band of misfits. The true focus of the story. The uniting factor for all stories to come![/b]' Everything is a blur of colors, as though somebody just spun the camera rapidly, before it settles on a tavern and diner, in the capitol of the Empire of the Sun...[/I] [hr] It seems to be another sunny day. The grand capitol city seems to be bustling with the citizens going about their normal business. It is not hard to notice the palace upon first glance in this city. After all, it is built as a giant face wearing a crown, sitting atop stone stairs. It easily dwarfs all of the other buildings in the capitol. A handful of wandering destinies have gathered at an establishment that functions as a tavern, inn, and diner known as '[i]Mudka's Mead & Meat Hut[/i]'. The interior is full of customers, and like any other tavern and inn, they have a job board for all adventurers from all walks of life. Most of the heroes have come here by ship. But one in particular came to this place by a unique set of circumstances... [hider=Ariel Only]When Ursula fulfilled her end of the deal, Ariel easily noticed that she was still able to breathe underwater! She looked human, but it was clear she still has some connection to the sea. Before Ariel could reach the surface, something went wrong with her ascent. The currents suddenly grew stronger and sent Ariel tumbling and tumbling until she finally breached the surface. Upon doing so, she found herself on the beaches of the Empire of the Sun, instead of where she serenaded Prince Eric for the first time. After gathering makeshift clothes for herself, she was able to venture further on to the land. During her time on land so far, she has heard of an Emperor Kuzco ruling this land, and nothing but praises about him. Although...the flat tones and deadpan looks that come with the praises don't exactly scream enthusiasm. She's also learned that on land, if she performed in a tavern or on the streets, then people are likely to toss money to her. The amount she received varies depending on how well she performs. Thanks to one, or both of these solutions, she was able to get herself proper clothes and everything else she could need for adventuring.[/hider] Upon first entering the tavern/inn/diner, each individual is greeted by the waiterss, who heaves a heavy sigh, [CENTER][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/71/34/14/7134144357ba2d01f14a52bb1e7a92f5.jpg[/img] "[b][color=598527]Welcome to Mudka's Mead & Meat Hut, Home of the Mead and Meat. What'll it be?[/color][/b]"[/CENTER]