[table][row][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/RjlIy0Z.png[/img][/cell][cell][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230628/b67e0199481a3a6de1d28a410d0b74cb.png[/img][/cell][/row][/table] [color=EA7A55]"Well, if it's on mister Wilshire, don't mind if I load up the whole store on his card."[/color] He joked, smirking as he grabbed a donut box from below the register counter and began to fill the box with a dozen donuts comprised of a variety of his favorite flavors, plus one extra donut for the generosity the woman provided to the other paying customer. [color=EA7A55]"You the new assistant of his?"[/color] He recalled his mother telling him that the mayor was looking for someone to fill the position some time ago. [color=EA7A55]"Lucky guy."[/color] He playfully winked at her as he handed her the donuts from over top of the display. [color=EA7A55]"Alice will get you all squared away. Thanks for your business, miss. Hope to see you around again."[/color] As the other woman introduced herself as Talie, Levi made a mental note of who she was and who she worked for. Listening to their conversation, he grabbed a classic chocolate-filled donut and brought it to her. [color=EA7A55]"This'll hit the spot."[/color] He smiled, stepping back in order to let Alice through to give Talie her Americano. [color=EA7A55]"Oh, Martha's funnel cake!"[/color] He looked out the window and down the street to see if the festival booths were beginning to go up yet, trying his best to pretend he did not see Phoenix and Chris and looked straight past them instead. [color=EA7A55]"They'll have a booth set up, they always do. You've [i]got[/i] to have it, it's a Sanctuary staple. The only pastry item in town that I admit defeat over."[/color] He chuckled a bit and looked back to Talie, [color=EA7A55]"I'll be right back with your pancakes. Holler at Alice if ya need anythin'."[/color] Leaving the front of the cafe, Levi returned to his natural habit - "back of the house" as it was called during his restaurant career in California. Turning on the stove and preparing the pancake batter, Levi's mind wandered back to his time on the west coast. This environment was certainly different and a lot less demanding, which was nice for a change, but he did feel a tad less motivated when the fire wasn't right beneath him. Strangely, he thought he might even miss the loud hustle of the high end restaurants he had worked at, but it certainly was nice being the head of his own kitchen this time. He could treat his employees with a lot more respect than the other head chefs had given him and other chefs who worked for them. It'd be different with him. Once the pancakes were finished, Levi plated them and drizzled chocolate syrup across the top in an artistic fashion. [color=EA7A55]"Nate, please run this out for table 2."[/color] He handed off the plate to the young man and went over to the sink to wash his hands, his eyes noticing the clock on the wall hitting 9am. [color=EA7A55][i]"I should head out soon."[/i][/color] He thought, knowing he needed to take care of some things at his house, take a shower and change his clothes before heading out to the festival events. Luckily for him, his father had volunteered to run the cafe while he went out to enjoy himself. [hr] [right][sub][@PrinceAlexus][@QueenBea][/sub][/right]